22 research outputs found

    Религия как основной канал проецирования интересов власти на гражданское общество в США в период выборной кампании

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    Article considers the interrelation of political and religious interests in the USA during the current presidential campaign. In particular, the author considers such aspects as mentality and culture of the American society. In material, the religious preferences of the US population based on the last social researches. The author comes to conclusion that commitment of the American society to mass demand of goods consumption and services - an integral part of mentality and culture including religious. This characteristic of society formed the basis of “market nature” of spirituality to which candidates for president often appeal.В статье рассматривается взаимосвязь политических и религиозных интересов США в период текущей президентской кампании. В частности, автор рассматривает такие аспекты, как ментальность и культура американского общества. В материале представлены религиозные предпочтения населения США, основанные на последних социологических исследованиях. В статье автор приходит к выводу, что приверженность американского общества к массовому спросу потребления товаров и услуг - неотъемлемая часть менталитета и культуры, в том числе и религиозной. Данная характеристика общества легла в основу «рыночного характера» духовности, к которой зачастую апеллируют кандидаты в президенты

    Анализ внешнеполитических документов администрации Дж. Буша-младшего и Б. Обамы как основополагающих стратегических доктрин политики США на мировой арене

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    The article concerns comparative analysis of the U.S. National Security Strategies, developed under the administration of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. As the fundamental points of the United States foreign policy agenda there are selected successive and distinctive provisions of the Republican and Democratic doctrines.В статье представлен сравнительный анализ стратегий национальной безопасности США, разработанных при администрациях Джорджа Буша-младшего и Барака Обамы. Выделены преемственные и отличительные положения доктрин республиканской и демократической администраций как основополагающих пунктов внешнеполитической повестки США


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    March 3, 2017 the Department of comparative politics, faculty of Humanities and social sciences held an international “Round-table” conference “The new US administration: perspectives for Russia”, which discussed issues related to the functioning of the new U.S. Administration after the election of Donald Trump.3 марта 2017 г. кафедра сравнительной политологии факультета гуманитарных и социальных наук провела международный «круглый стол» аспирантов и ученых «Новая администрация США: перспективы для России», на котором были обсуждены проблемы, связанные с функционированием новой администрации США

    Gender differences of basketball players aged 12-13 years according to the response to a moving object

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    Purpose: The study aims at the determining gender differences of basketball players aged 12-13 years in response to an object in motion that determines the predominance of excitation and inhibition processes. Material: The participants of the study are 58 basketball players aged 12-13 years, 35 are male basketball players and 23 are female. Male basketball players had 4-5-year training experience, female had 1,5-2-year experience. All athletes had normal visual acuity and were healthy at the time of the study. Young basketball players were informed about the purpose of the study. The computer program containing visual stimuli, moving with acceleration from different points of the monitor was used for testing. Results: The deviations from the target data as well the pole were taken into consideration. It demonstrated the predominance of excitation and inhibition processes of basketball players of different sexes. The response accuracy to visual stimuli without taking into account the pole during perception with the left eye and the right eye is shown. Conclusions: It was found out that the females’ response accuracy during monocular perception is more closely related to the response accuracy during binocular imaging, whereas the role of the males’ leading eye is increased during perception of objects from a convenient side. This may indicate the peculiar reactions under the conditions of double perception of objects in solving complex spatial problems

    Associative connection of infectious and inflammatory diseases in pregnancy and severe preeclampsia

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    Materials and methods. This retrospective case-control study enrolled 50 women with severe preeclampsia and 50 control women with spontaneous singleton pregnancy. Median age of women ranged from 20 to 35 years. All women did not have a history of hypertension, autoimmune, metabolic, renal, or cardiac diseases, and preeclampsia before this pregnancy. We have analyzed χ2, odds ratio (OR) and its 95% confidence intervals (95% Cl). Results. We found significant association between maternal systemic infectious and severe preeclampsia (OR = 49.6; 95% Cl 13.05-188.64). The risk of severe preeclampsia were significantly lower in patients with local infections of the lower genital tract (OR = 4.5; 95% Cl 1.49-6.71). Asymptomatic bacteriuria is associated with the highest risk of severe preeclampsia (OR = 17.0; 95% Cl 4.66-61.81). Acute gravidarum pyelonephritis showed lower association with severe preeclampsia (OR = 5.4; 95% Cl 1.69-10.54). We did not observe increased risk of severe preeclampsia with acute respiratory infections (OR = 2.0; 95% Cl 0.71-4.69). Acute non-specific bacterial vaginitis and acute candidiasis vulvovaginitis were found to be risk factors of severe preeclampsia (OR = 6.7; 95% Cl 1.90-11.02 and OR = 4.3; 95% Cl 1.45-9.99 respectively). Cytomegalovirus infection (2 %), toxoplasmosis (2 %), Chlamydia trachomatis cervicitis (4 %), acute Trichomonas colpitis (2 %) and bacterial vaginosis (4 %) were found only in patients with severe preeclampsia. Conclusion. Our data support that acute maternal infection is associated with an increased risk of severe preeclampsia in healthy women with singleton pregnancy. Systemic inflammatory response might be the main potential mechanisms related to infections and enhanced development of severe preeclampsia. Further research is required to elucidate the underlying mechanism of this association

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Petrophysical features of lava flows from Bezymyannyi volcano, Kamchatka

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    This paper presents results from a study of lava flows that were discharged by Bezymyannyi Volcano at different times, from old (about 3500 years ago) to recent ones (1985–1989). We provide detailed descriptions of the composition, structure, and petrophysical properties for the main types of constituent rocks, which are andesites and basaltic andesites. It was found that porosity is the leading factor that controls rock properties, while the effects of structural and mineralogical features are less prominent. We demonstrate the variation in the properties of rocks that compose the lava flows in relation to their ages: the older a rock is, the higher its density and strength and the lower its porosity is

    The Petrophysical Properties and Strength of Extrusive Rocks Discharged by Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka

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    This is the first petrophysical study of extrusive rocks (dacites to andesites) discharged by Bezymianny Volcano. We provide a comparative description of properties for extrusive rocks in accordance with identified age groups. We show the dynamics in the variation of extrusive rock properties in relation to their ages, with the result that the older a rock the higher are its density, strength, and elastic parameters. Rocks petrophysical features are compared between extrusive domes and lava flows. We argue for petrophysical properties to be applicable for deriving more accurate results for the genesis of rocks having similar petrophysical properties, in particular, rocks of extrusive and effusive origin

    Research on the Teachers' Commitment to Use Digital Technologies in Educational Activity

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    The article explores modern approaches to the digital technologies application in education. Results of research on teachers' commitment to implement them in professional activity are presented. Methodological frameworks of research are the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of education digitalization and digital technologies application, a systematic, activity, competency-based approach to education. The experimental research involved primary school teachers in Omsk and Omsk region with various professional experience. Analysis of obtained data shows the insufficient commitment of teachers to implement digital technologies in their professional activity due to the insufficient provision of educational institutions with computer and multimedia equipment, access to the Internet, as well as the insufficient implementation of the relevant advanced training courses