20 research outputs found

    Effect of Interfacial Structural Phase Transitions on the Coupled Motion of Grain Boundaries: A Molecular Dynamics Study

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    In this work the coupled motion of two different phases of {\Sigma}5(210)[001] grain boundaries were investigated by molecular dynamics simulations of fcc Cu. The effect of interfacial structural phase transitions is shown to have a profound effect on both the shear strength and the nature of the coupled motion. Specifically, the motion of the two different phases is described by ideal coupling factors {\beta} and {\beta} that have different magnitudes and even signs. Additionally, the shear strength for the two inter- facial phases is observed to differ by up to 40 % at the lowest temperatures simulated. The study demonstrates that grain boundary phases transitions may have strong effects on the kinetics of microstructural evolution.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Structural phase transformations in metallic grain boundaries

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    Structural transformations at interfaces are of profound fundamental interest as complex examples of phase transitions in low-dimensional systems. Despite decades of extensive research, no compelling evidence exists for structural transformations in high-angle grain boundaries in elemental systems. Here we show that the critical impediment to observations of such phase transformations in atomistic modeling has been rooted in inadequate simulation methodology. The proposed new methodology allows variations in atomic density inside the grain boundary and reveals multiple grain boundary phases with different atomic structures. Reversible first-order transformations between such phases are observed by varying temperature or injecting point defects into the boundary region. Due to the presence of multiple metastable phases, grain boundaries can absorb significant amounts of point defects created inside the material by processes such as irradiation. We propose a novel mechanism of radiation damage healing in metals which may guide further improvements in radiation resistance of metallic materials through grain boundary engineering.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Structures and transitions in bcc tungsten grain boundaries and their role in the absorption of point defects

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    We use atomistic simulations to investigate grain boundary (GB) phase transitions in el- emental body-centered cubic (bcc) metal tungsten. Motivated by recent modeling study of grain boundary phase transitions in [100] symmetric tilt boundaries in face-centered cu- bic (fcc) copper, we perform a systematic investigation of [100] and [110] symmetric tilt high-angle and low-angle boundaries in bcc tungsten. The structures of these boundaries have been investigated previously by atomistic simulations in several different bcc metals including tungsten using the the {\gamma}-surface method, which has limitations. In this work we use a recently developed computational tool based on the USPEX structure prediction code to perform an evolutionary grand canonical search of GB structure at 0 K. For high-angle [100] tilt boundaries the ground states generated by the evolutionary algorithm agree with the predictions of the {\gamma}-surface method. For the [110] tilt boundaries, the search predicts novel high-density low-energy grain boundary structures and multiple grain boundary phases within the entire misorientation range. Molecular dynamics simulation demonstrate that the new structures are more stable at high temperature. We observe first-order grain boundary phase transitions and investigate how the structural multiplicity affects the mechanisms of the point defect absorption. Specifically, we demonstrate a two-step nucleation process, when initially the point defects are absorbed through a formation of a metastable GB structure with higher density, followed by a transformation of this structure into a GB interstitial loop or a different GB phase.Comment: 40 pages, 19 figure