5 research outputs found

    Transparency of social-economic determinants in developing the efficient public healthcare system

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    In the modern society, public healthcare and safe life are key tasks of any country worldwide. Social health and security are the highest and the most desired values. They are integral conditions to reach sustainable development goals. Healthcare is an important policy component of separate states and supernational communities worldwide. The issue of global approaches to healthcare and environment protection is one of the most outstanding scientific achievements of the 20th century. The current article reviews arguments in researching the public healthcare system. The main study purpose is a detailed analysis of the social-economic public healthcare determinants and their transparency in the 2013-2023 Scopus sources. The research object is public healthcare. The research topic is bibliometric analysis of the 2013-2023 Scopus sources about public healthcare. The bibliometric analysis of big data provides us with those necessary research results that cannot be obtained without special tools. To conduct the public healthcare bibliometric analysis, we applied the VOSviewer computer software. It engages wide functional possibilities of smart text processing, which generates and visualises joint networks of the most significant terms and notions in a certain branch. A thorough bibliometric analysis of the social-economic public healthcare determinants and their transparency in the 2013-2023 Scopus sources is conducted stepwise. Firstly, we select a list of keywords for the studied issue. Secondly, the Scopus search engine is activated. Thirdly, a range of sources is defined. Fourthly, we analyse a sample of Scopus publications. Fifthly, we conduct the VOSviewer cluster analysis of the Scopus sources (arranged by citation number, co-authorship frequency, countries with the given problem). Sixthly, we examine bibliometric maps with visualised clusters. The obtained research results may definitely contribute to further healthcare studies and bibliometric analysis of indexed scientific sources

    Challenges and opportunities in the ‘businesseducation-science’ system in the context of innovation development: cluster analysis

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    The purpose of this article is to characterise challenges and opportunities in the ‘business-education-science’ system in the context of innovation development based on cross-country cluster analysis. The article examines the relationship between science, education and business and their mutual influence on modern society. The main challenges facing science, education and business are considered, and opportunities for cooperation between these fields to overcome them are identified. Key factors that influence the effectiveness of scientific research, the quality of education, and the success of business are also determined, with an emphasis on the important role of cooperation in the ‘business-education-science’ system in ensuring their impact. To reach article’s purpose, a complex methodology was applied, which includes the following stages: collection of information about the current state of science, education, and business; a review of expert opinions and analytical reports on the problems of the interaction of science, education and business; methods of cross-country cluster analysis using STATISTICA 10 software (the k-Means method, the square of the Euclidean metric, etc. for a comparative analysis between 19 countries from a sample to find out which of them have better indicators in the respective fields). The statistical base is formed from the European Union and the WIPO data, which cover 10 key indicators in the context of the development of science, education and business and their affect the country’s competitiveness in the global world. As a result, there are two formed clusters: the first includes the USA and China that have the highest level of education-science-business development and the second cluster includes other countries from the sample with a less developed education-science-business sector. For these countries the recommendations have been developed to strengthen their education-science-business sector, in particular: creating favourable conditions for investing in science and business, attracting talented scientists, and supporting their activities, increasing allocations for education, and improving the quality of education, strengthening partnerships between universities and enterprises to create innovative projects and other activities. The obtained results can be useful for further research and for making managerial decisions at different levels of government in the context of innovation development, including through the strengthening of coopetition between business, education, and science

    Організаційна схема масштабування інноваційних енергетичних проектів на прикладі розумних енергомереж

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    Перехід до вуглецево-нейтральної економіки, який здійснюється зараз багатьма країнами, потребує використання глибоких перетворень в енергетиці, у тому числі застосування інноваційних технологій. Розумні енергомережі є втіленням інноваційного розвитку енергетики. Вони передбачають широке застосування сучасних передових технологій у багатьох напрямках, від виробництва енергії до створення захищеної інформаційної системи. Успішні локальні проекти потребують допомоги для їх поширення на глобальний рівень. Проте така допомога не має бути обмежена державним втручанням та адміністративними методами. Необхідний саморегульований ринковий механізм для масштабування таких проектів. Деякі країни мають проторений шлях для поширення інновацій. Проте швидкість поширення інновацій різна у кожній країні. Це залежить від низки унікальних умов, які є у тій чи іншій країні. Навряд чи існує універсальний спосіб швидкого поширення інновацій, який буде ефективним для застосування у кожній країні. Проте має існувати механізм, де усі стейкхолдери організовано працюють над поширенням інновацій, що прискорює цей процес. Метою даної статті є розроблення підходу до формування механізму взаємодії стейкхолдерів у енергетичній галузі економіки на основі створення організаційної схеми їх взаємодії. Для досягнення мети було використано результати компаративного аналізу комплексних систем оцінювання розумних енергомереж, що дозволило алгоритмізувати процеси їх створення, розвитку та супроводу як основи для подальшого масштабування успішних проектів. Визначений алгоритм є модифікацією моделі зрілості розумної енергомережі, розробленої компанією IBM. Окрім того, було здійснено ґрунтовний аналіз наукових публікацій у сфері реалізації інноваційних проектів у енергетичному секторі, присвячених впровадженню розумних енергомереж. Візуалізацію запропонованого підходу до впорядкування діяльності стейкхолдерів здійснено на основі результатів дослідження, спрямованого на пошук шляхів подолання організаційно-комунікаційних бар’єрів між стейкхолдерами, де здійснено кодування процесів реалізації проектів розумних енергомереж. Наукові результати, висвітлені у даній статті, є проміжним етапом у дослідженні механізмів підвищення ефективності реалізації та масштабування інноваційних енергоефективних проектів, зокрема з розбудови розумних енергомереж, на основі активізації латентних драйверів. Такими драйверами розглядаються організаційно-комунікаційні інструменти.The transition to a carbon-neutral economy, which is now taking place in many countries, requires the use of profound transformations in energy, including the use of innovative technologies. Smart grids are the embodiment of innovative energy development. They involve the widespread use of modern advanced technologies in many areas, from energy production to designing a secure information system. Successful local projects need help to spread them globally. However, such assistance should not be limited to government intervention and administrative methods. A self-regulatory market mechanism is required to scale such projects. Some countries have a well-trodden path for innovation. However, the speed of innovation differs in each country. It depends on many unique conditions that exist in a country. There is hardly a one-size-fits-all way to spread innovation quickly that will be good for every country. However, there must be a mechanism where all stakeholders work organized to spread innovation, which accelerates this process. This article proposes an approach to developing a stakeholder interaction scheme to implement innovative projects in the energy sector based on the smart grid maturity model. To achieve this goal, the results of a comparative analysis of smart grids' comprehensive assessment systems were used, which allowed algorithmizing the processes of their creation, development, and maintenance as a basis for further scaling successful projects. The defined algorithm is a modification of the smart grid maturity model developed by IBM. In addition, a thorough analysis of scientific publications in the field of innovative projects in the energy sector is dedicated to introducing smart grids. The visualization of the proposed approach to streamlining the activities of stakeholders is based on the results of a study aimed at finding ways to overcome organizational and communication barriers between stakeholders, where the coding of the processes of smart grid projects.The scientific results presented in this article are an intermediate stage in the study of mechanisms to improve the efficiency of implementation and scaling of innovative energy-efficient projects, particularly the development of smart grids, based on the activation of latent drivers. Such drivers are organizational and communication tools

    What a modern scientist should be: key attributes and moral principles of a scientist

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    From the moment we enter school, we are taught to aspire to become scientists, doctors, engineers, and other professionals. This is because science and technology have a significant impact on our daily lives, and they are essential for the growth and development of our society. Thus, it’s no surprise that today’s student is often seen as tomorrow’s scientist. However, the journey from being a student to becoming a scientist is not an easy one. It requires dedication, hard work, and a passion for the subject. It takes years of education, training, and experience to develop the skills necessary to become a scientist. But with the right mindset and guidance, anyone can become a successful scientist. The purpose of our work is to explore what a modern scientist should be like, what qualities he should have, what values to adhere to, what moral principles to observe. The role of scientists in modern society has evolved significantly over the years. In today’s world, a modern scientist should not only have a deep understanding of their field of study but also possess a wide range of skills that allow them to navigate the complex, interdisciplinary nature of modern scientific research

    Ensuring Public Health: Monitoring of Hormone Residues in Poultry Meat

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    The study’s main purpose of addressing the problem of hormone content in poultry meat is to analyze the literature and such an official approach as state monitoring for 2017-2020. Research has shown that hormones have not been used in poultry farming for more than 50 years in the EU, the USA, Canada and other countries