30 research outputs found

    The Green Economy: Functional Domains and Theoretical Directions of Enquiry

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    The green economy is a highly complex construct in terms of its attempts to integrate economic, environmental, and social concerns, the wide range of actors involved, its material outcomes, and the forms of governance needed to regulate processes of economic greening. As such, it poses new empirical and theoretical challenges for social science research on socioenvironmental futures. This paper has two main aims. The first is to survey the emergent features and functional domains of the green economy. The second is to consider theoretical tools that might be used to analyse the drivers and processes shaping the green economy. Focusing on literature on sociotechnical transitions, ecological modernisation, the ‘green’ cultural economy, and postpolitical governance, we argue that understanding the functional and spatial heterogeneity of the green economy necessitates a multitheoretical approach. We then explore how combining branches of research on socioenvironmental governance can lead to theoretically and ontologically richer insights into the drivers, practices, and power relations within the green economy. In so doing, we respond to calls for socioeconomic research on environmental change which is neither just empirical nor bound to one theoretical outlook to the detriment of understanding the complexity of socioenvironmental governance and human–nature relations.</jats:p

    Mudanças em regimes industriais e acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas: evidências de empresas de celulose e papel no Brasil Changes in industrial regimes and accumulation of technological capabilities: evidence from pulp and paper firms in Brazil

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    A despeito da profusão de estudos sobre capacidade tecnológica em nível de empresas ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, há escassez de estudos sobre similaridades e diferenças entre empresas do mesmo setor industrial, em termos de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e suas implicações para o aprimoramento de indicadores de performance técnico-econômica ao longo de diferentes regimes industriais, especialmente no contexto de países de industrialização recente, como é o caso do Brasil. Baseando-se em evidências de primeira mão colhidas à base de extensivos trabalhos de campo, este artigo examina essas questões em três grandes empresas de celulose e papel no Brasil (1970-2004). O estudo encontrou: (1) Diferenças inter e intraempresariais em termos da maneira e velocidade de acumulação de capacidades para funções tecnológicas específicas ao longo dos diferentes períodos; (2) Tais diferenças refletiram-se, com diferentes graus de intensidade, no aprimoramento dos indicadores de performance técnico-econômica; (3) As empresas responderam positivamente às mudanças para uma economia aberta partir dos anos 1990; (4) Porém, os aprimoramentos em seus indicadores de performance técnico-econômica não derivaram das mudanças do regime industrial per se, mas, principalmente, dos seus esforços internos para acumulação tecnológica.<br>Despite the profusion of studies of firm-level technological capabilities studies, over the past 30 years, there is a scarcity of analyses on similarities and differences across firms, of the same industrial sector, in terms of types and levels, direction and rate of accumulation of technological capabilities and their implications for the improvement of techno-economic performance across different industrial regimes, especially in the context of late-industrializing countries, as it is the case of Brazil. Based on first-hand qualitative and quantitative empirical evidence, collected on the basis of extensive fieldwork, this article examines these issues in three large pulp and paper companies in Brazil (1970-2004). The results show that: (1) Inter and intra-firm differences across the companies in terms of the manner and speed of accumulation of capabilities for specific technical functions over different time periods; (2) Such differences were reflected on these firms' techno-economic performance improvement during the examined periods; (3) These companies responded positively to the changes into an open and outward-looking industrial regime, implemented from 1990s in Brazil; (4) However, the improvements to these firms' techno-economic performance were not derived from trade-openness per se, but, mainly, from their efforts on technological accumulation

    Nova estratégia de desenvolvimento para o Brasil: um enfoque de longo prazo New development strategy for Brazil: a long-term vision

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    <abstract language="eng">The foremost aim of the article is to propose a new development strategy for Brazil, replacing the neoliberal model presently used. In short, the point is to recover a long term vision of the economic policies. And for that it is indispensable to take into consideration the recent evolution of the Development Economics which considers the existence of market, instead of the availability of savings, as the main condition in economic development policies. The acceptance of the market as the basic condition for successful development policies has as one of its consequences the unacceptability of the process of globalization with its present characteristics