960 research outputs found

    Gaussian 09 IOps Reference Second Edition Edited by

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    trademark of Gaussian, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective holders. Te information contained in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Gaussian, Inc. makes no representation of warranties with respect to this document or the sofware described herein. Tat sofware is distributed only in accord with a written license. Gaussian, Inc. disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or ftness of this document for any purpose. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Gaussian, Inc. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, for any purpose without the express written consent of Gaussian, Inc

    Brueckner doubles coupled cluster method with the polarizable continuum model of solvation

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    We present the theory and implementation for computing the (free) energy and its analytical gradients with the Brueckner doubles (BD) coupled cluster method in solution, in combination with the polarizable continuum model of solvation (PCM). The complete model, called PTED, and an efficient approximation, called PTE, are introduced and tested with numerical examples. Implementation details are also discussed. A comparison with the coupled-cluster singles and doubles CCSD-PCM-PTED and CCSD-PCM-PTE schemes, which use Hartree-Fock (HF) orbitals, is presented. The results show that the two PTED approaches are mostly equivalent, while BD-PCM-PTE is shown to be superior to the corresponding CCSD scheme when the HF reference wave function is unstable. The BD-PCM-PTE scheme, whose computational cost is equivalent to gas phase BD, is therefore a promising approach to study molecular systems with complicated electronic structure in solution

    Automatically generated Coulomb fitting basis sets: design and accuracy for systems containing H to Kr

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    For intermediate sized chemical systems the use of an auxiliary basis set (ABS) to fit the charge density provides a useful means of accelerating the performance of various quantum chemical methods. As a consequence much effort has been devoted to the design of various ABSs. This paper explores a fundamentally new approach where the ABS is created dynamically based on the specific orbital basis set (OBS) being used. The new approach includes a parameter that is used to coalesce candidate fitting functions together but which can also be used to provide some coarse grain control over the number of functions in the ABS. The accuracy of the new automatically generated ABS (auto-ABS) is systemically studied for a variety of small systems containing the elements H-Kr. Errors in the Coulomb energy computed using auto-ABS and with a variety of OBSs are shown to be small compared to errors in the Hartree-Fock energy due to incompleteness in the OBS. In contrast to fixed size ABSs, the use of auto-ABS is shown to lead to smaller errors as the size (quality) of the OBS is expanded. The performance of auto-ABS is also compared with the use of the recently proposed universal fitting sets [Weigend, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8, 1057 (2006)] for 180 compounds containing atoms from H to Kr.This work is funded by the Australian Research Council Linkage Grant Nos. LP0347178 and LP0774896, and is in association with Gaussian Inc. and Sun Microsystems

    Noncollinear density functional theory having proper invariance and local torque properties

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    Noncollinear spins are among the most interesting features of magnetic materials, and their accurate description is a central goal of density functional theory applied to periodic solids. However, these calculations typically yield a magnetization vector that is everywhere parallel to the exchange-correlation magnetic field. No meaningful description of spin dynamics can emerge from a functional constrained to have vanishing local magnetic torque. In this contribution we present a generalization to periodic systems of the extension of exchange-correlation functionals to the noncollinear regime, proposed by Scalmani and Frisch [J. Chem. Theory Comput. 8, 2193 (2012)]. This extension does afford a nonvanishing local magnetic torque and is free of numerical instabilities. As illustrative examples, we discuss frustrated triangular and kagome lattices evaluated with various density functionals, including screened hybrid functionals

    On the difference between the transition properties calculated with linear response- and equation of motion-CCSD approaches

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    In this work, we quantitatively investigate the difference between the linear response (LR) and the equation of motion (EOM) coupled cluster (CC) approaches in the calculation of transition properties, namely, dipole and oscillator strengths, for the most widely used truncated CC wave function, which includes single and double excitation operators. We compare systems of increasing size, where the size-extensivity may be important. Our results suggest that, for small molecules, the difference is small even with large basis sets. The difference increases with the size of the system, but it is numerically small until hundreds of electron pairs are correlated. Although these calculations may be possible in a few years, at present the EOM approach is more advantageous, albeit more approximate, because it is computationally less demanding

    Assessment of low-scaling approximations to the equation of motion coupled-cluster singles and doubles equations

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    Methods for fast and reliable computation of electronic excitation energies are in short supply, and little is known about their systematic performance. This work reports a comparison of several low-scaling approximations to the equation of motion coupled cluster singles and doubles (EOM–CCSD) and linear-response coupled cluster singles and doubles (LR–CCSD) equations with other single reference methods for computing the vertical electronic transition energies of 11 small organic molecules. The methods, including second order equation-of-motion many-body perturbation theory (EOM–MBPT2) and its partitioned variant, are compared to several valence and Rydberg singlet states. We find that the EOM–MBPT2 method was rarely more than a tenth of an eV from EOM–CCSD calculated energies, yet demonstrates a performance gain of nearly 30%. The partitioned equation-of-motion approach, P–EOM–MBPT2, which is an order of magnitude faster than EOM–CCSD, outperforms the CIS(D) and CC2 in the description of Rydberg states. CC2, on the other hand, excels at describing valence states where P–EOM–MBPT2 does not. The difference between the CC2 and P–EOM–MBPT2 can ultimately be traced back to how each method approximates EOM–CCSD and LR–CCSD. The results suggest that CC2 and P–EOM–MBPT2 are complementary: CC2 is best suited for the description of valence states while P–EOM–MBPT2 proves to be a superior O(N5) method for the description of Rydberg states

    Space group symmetry applied to SCF calculations with periodic boundary conditions and Gaussian orbitals

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    Space group symmetry is exploited and implemented in density functional calculations of extended systems with periodic boundary conditions. Our scheme for reducing the number of two-electron integrals employs the entire set of operations of the space group, including glide plains and screw axes. Speedups observed for the Fock matrix formation in simple 3D systems range from 2X to 9X for the near field Coulomb part and from 3X to 8X for the Hartree–Fock-type exchange, the slowest steps of the procedure, thus leading to a substantial reduction of the computational time. The relatively small speedup factors in special cases are attributed to the highly symmetric positions atoms occupy in crystals, including the ones tested here, as well as to the choice of the smallest possible unit cells. For quasi-1D systems with most atoms staying invariant only under identity, the speedup factors often exceed one order of magnitude reaching almost 70X (near-field Coulomb) and 57X (HFx) for the largest tested (16,7) single-walled nanotube with 278 symmetry operations

    Colliding Particles in Highly Turbulent Flows

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    We discuss relative velocities and the collision rate of small particles suspended in a highly turbulent fluid. In the limit where the viscous damping is very weak, we estimate the relative velocities using the Kolmogorov cascade principle.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, v2 contains additional result

    Clustering in mixing flows

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    We calculate the Lyapunov exponents for particles suspended in a random three-dimensional flow, concentrating on the limit where the viscous damping rate is small compared to the inverse correlation time. In this limit Lyapunov exponents are obtained as a power series in epsilon, a dimensionless measure of the particle inertia. Although the perturbation generates an asymptotic series, we obtain accurate results from a Pade-Borel summation. Our results prove that particles suspended in an incompressible random mixing flow can show pronounced clustering when the Stokes number is large and we characterise two distinct clustering effects which occur in that limit.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Electronic excitation energies in solution at equation of motion CCSD level within a state specific polarizable continuum model approach

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    We present a study of excitation energies in solution at the equation of motioncoupled cluster singles and doubles (EOM-CCSD) level of theory. The solvent effect is introduced with a state specific polarizable continuum model (PCM), where the solute-solvent interaction is specific for the state of interest. Three definitions of the excited state one-particle density matrix (1PDM) are tested in order to gain information for the development of an integrated EOM-CCSD/PCM method. The calculations show the accuracy of this approach for the computation of such property in solution. Solvent shifts between nonpolar and polar solvents are in good agreement with experiment for the test cases. The completely unrelaxed 1PDM is shown to be a balanced choice between computational effort and accuracy for vertical excitation energies, whereas the response of the ground state CCSD amplitudes and of the molecular orbitals is important for other properties, as for instance the dipole moment