1 research outputs found

    WISCO oil field special waste landfill : final design report ; for Williams County, North Dakota Section 26 T. 154 N.R. 104 W

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    The increasing amount of special waste generated from drilling activity in western North Dakota has created the need for a local special waste landfill for the region. A quarter section of land has been selected for landfill use 20 miles west of Williston on ND 2, (sec.26, T. 154 N, R. 104 W.), Williams County. WISCO Oil Co. recognized this site as an appropriate destination to deposit the special waste. ND 2 dividing the site into Northern and Southern divisions leaves the smaller Northern division to be used for processing waste and maintenance buildings, while the larger 7 4-acre Southern division will contain the special waste landfill. The following report includes site analysis of geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, topography, soil characteristics, geomorphology, tectonic framework, and geotechnical hazards. The site investigation concludes that the site is suitable for the proposed landfill. The WISCO Oil special waste landfill\u27s design will cover a footprint of 109,000 square yards. By increasing the height the landfill potential volumes range from 2. 7 million to 4.5 million cubic yards based upon demand. Assuming an average daily deposit of 500 to 800 cubic yards of waste per day the landfill is expected to be in operation for 15 to 20 years. The site analysis and final design specifications are in compliance with North Dakota Century Code 33-22-07.1, as well as standards set by the North Dakota Department of Health Division of Waste Management