592 research outputs found

    Noisy Monte Carlo: Convergence of Markov chains with approximate transition kernels

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    Monte Carlo algorithms often aim to draw from a distribution π\pi by simulating a Markov chain with transition kernel PP such that π\pi is invariant under PP. However, there are many situations for which it is impractical or impossible to draw from the transition kernel PP. For instance, this is the case with massive datasets, where is it prohibitively expensive to calculate the likelihood and is also the case for intractable likelihood models arising from, for example, Gibbs random fields, such as those found in spatial statistics and network analysis. A natural approach in these cases is to replace PP by an approximation P^\hat{P}. Using theory from the stability of Markov chains we explore a variety of situations where it is possible to quantify how 'close' the chain given by the transition kernel P^\hat{P} is to the chain given by PP. We apply these results to several examples from spatial statistics and network analysis.Comment: This version: results extended to non-uniformly ergodic Markov chain

    Classification using distance nearest neighbours

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    This paper proposes a new probabilistic classification algorithm using a Markov random field approach. The joint distribution of class labels is explicitly modelled using the distances between feature vectors. Intuitively, a class label should depend more on class labels which are closer in the feature space, than those which are further away. Our approach builds on previous work by Holmes and Adams (2002, 2003) and Cucala et al. (2008). Our work shares many of the advantages of these approaches in providing a probabilistic basis for the statistical inference. In comparison to previous work, we present a more efficient computational algorithm to overcome the intractability of the Markov random field model. The results of our algorithm are encouraging in comparison to the k-nearest neighbour algorithm.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Statistics and Computin

    Transport behavior of holes in boron delta-doped diamond structures

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    Boron delta-doped diamond structures have been synthesized using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition and fabricated into FET and gated Hall bar devices for assessment of the electrical characteristics. A detailed study of variable temperature Hall, conductivity, and field-effect mobility measurements was completed. This was supported by Schr€dinger-Poisson and relaxation time o calculations based upon application of Fermi’s golden rule. A two carrier-type model was developed with an activation energy of 0.2eVbetweenthedeltalayerlowestsubbandwithmobility0.2 eV between the delta layer lowest subband with mobility 1 cm2/Vs and the bulk valence band with high mobility. This new understanding of the transport of holes in such boron delta-doped structures has shown that although Hall mobility as high as 900 cm2/Vs was measured at room temperature, this dramatically overstates the actual useful performance of the device

    The Age of the Oldest Stars in the Local Galactic Disk From Hipparcos Parallaxes of G and K Subgiants

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    We review the history of the discovery of field subgiant stars and their importance in the age dating of the Galactic disk. We use the cataloged data from the Hipparcos satellite in this latter capacity. Based on Hipparcos parallaxes accurate to 10% or better, the absolute magnitude of the lower envelope of the nearly horizontal subgiant sequence for field stars in the H-R diagram for B-V colors between 0.85 and 1.05 is measured to be M_V = 4.03 +/- 0.06. The age of the field stars in the solar neighborhood is found to be 7.9 +/- 0.7 Gyr by fitting the theoretical isochrones for [Fe/H] = +0.37 to the lower envelope of the Hipparcos subgiants. The same grid of isochrones yields ages, in turn, of 4.0 +/- 0.2 Gyr, 6.2 +/- 0.5 Gyr, and 7.5 to 10 Gyr for the old Galactic clusters M67, NGC188, and NGC6791. The ages of both the Galactic disk in the solar neighborhood and of NGC6791 are, nevertheless, likely between 3 and 5 Gyr younger than the oldest halo globular clusters, which have ages of 13.5 Gyr. The most significant results are (1) the supermetallicity of the oldest local disk stars, and (2) the large age difference between the most metal-poor component of the halo and the thick and thin disk in the solar neighborhood. These facts are undoubtedly related and pose again the problem of the proper scenario for the timing of events in the formation of the halo and the Galactic disk in the solar neighborhood. [Abstract Abridged]Comment: 44 pages, 12 Figures; accepted for publication in PASP; high resolution versions of Figures 1, 2, 6 and 9 available at http://bubba.ucdavis.edu/~lubin/Sandage

    Hungry for change: the Sydney Food Fairness Alliance

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    The Sydney Food Fairness Alliance is one of a growing number of nascent food movements in Australia to have emerged out of concern for the country’s food future, as well as the deleterious effect the present food system is having on its citizens’ health and the continent’s fragile environment. The Alliance’s structure and activities clearly position it as a new social movement (NSM) engaged in collective action on a specific issue, in this instance, food security/justice, and operating outside the political sphere while aiming to influence and affect societal change. Food security as a human right lies at the heart of the Alliance’s philosophy, and equitable, sustainable food policies for New South Wales are a core focus of its advocacy work. The authors argue that the Alliance is a distinctive food movement in that it positions itself as an \u27umbrella\u27 organization representing a wide range of stakeholders in the food system. This chapter reflects on the values, achievements, issues of concern, strengths and weaknesses, and future of the Sydney Food Fairness Alliance. This resource is Chapter 8 in \u27Food Security in Australia: Challenges and Prospects for the Future\u27 published by Springer in 2013
