28 research outputs found

    A Typology to Explore the Mitigation of Shortcut Behavior

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    As machine learning models become increasingly larger, trained weakly supervised on large, possibly uncurated data sets, it becomes increasingly important to establish mechanisms for inspecting, interacting, and revising models to mitigate learning shortcuts and guarantee their learned knowledge is aligned with human knowledge. The recently proposed XIL framework was developed for this purpose, and several such methods have been introduced, each with individual motivations and methodological details. In this work, we provide a unification of various XIL methods into a single typology by establishing a common set of basic modules. In doing so, we pave the way for a principled comparison of existing, but, importantly, also future XIL approaches. In addition, we discuss existing and introduce novel measures and benchmarks for evaluating the overall abilities of a XIL method. Given this extensive toolbox, including our typology, measures, and benchmarks, we finally compare several recent XIL methods methodologically and quantitatively. In our evaluations, all methods prove to revise a model successfully. However, we found remarkable differences in individual benchmark tasks, revealing valuable application-relevant aspects for integrating these benchmarks in developing future methods

    Revision Transformers: Instructing Language Models to Change their Values

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    Current transformer language models (LM) are large-scale models with billions of parameters. They have been shown to provide high performances on a variety of tasks but are also prone to shortcut learning and bias. Addressing such incorrect model behavior via parameter adjustments is very costly. This is particularly problematic for updating dynamic concepts, such as moral values, which vary culturally or interpersonally. In this work, we question the current common practice of storing all information in the model parameters and propose the Revision Transformer (RiT) to facilitate easy model updating. The specific combination of a large-scale pre-trained LM that inherently but also diffusely encodes world knowledge with a clear-structured revision engine makes it possible to update the model's knowledge with little effort and the help of user interaction. We exemplify RiT on a moral dataset and simulate user feedback demonstrating strong performance in model revision even with small data. This way, users can easily design a model regarding their preferences, paving the way for more transparent AI models

    Variability of Pacific subtropical cells in the 50-year

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    The Pacific Subtropical Cell (STC) circulation is being analyzed from transport time series across 9°S and 9°N, obtained from the German ECCO (GECCO) assimilation results for the period 1952–2002. In this estimate, the interior Pacific STC convergence shows significantly less decadal slowdown from the 1960's to the 1990's (∼5Sv), than in previous estimates based on hydrographic sections. In the GECCO results, about half of this STC convergence decrease is compensated by an increase in the equatorward transport of the western boundary currents. Overall, the STC varies primarily on interannual time scale, with relatively short time lags between STC convergence and transport variations of the Equatorial Undercurrent at 140°W

    Equatorial currents and transports in the upper central Indian Ocean: Annual cycle and interannual variability

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    The zonal circulation south of Sri Lanka is an important link for the exchange of water between the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Results from a first array of three moorings along 80 degrees 30'E north of 4 degrees 10'N from January .1991 to March 1992 were used to investigate the Monsoon Current regime [Schott et al., 1994]. Measurements from a second array of six current meter moorings are presented here. This array was deployed along 80 degrees 30'E between 45'S and 5 degrees N from July 1993 to September 1994 to investigate the annual cycle and interannual variability of the equatorial currents at this longitude. Both sets of moorings contribute to the Indian Ocean current meter array ICM8 of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment. The semiannual equatorial jet (EJ) was showing a large seasonal asymmetry, reaching a monthly mean eastward transport of 35 Sv (1 Sv = 1 x 10(6) m(3) s(-1)) in November 1993, but just 5 Sv in May 1994. The Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) had a maximum transport of 17 Sv in March to April 1994. Unexpectedly, compared to previous observations and model studies, the EUC was reappearing again in August 1994 at more than 10 Sv transport and was still flowing when the moorings were recovered. In addition, monthly mean ship drifts near the equator are evaluated to support the interpretation of the moored observations. Interannual variability of the EJ in our measurements and ship drift data appears to be related to the variability of the zonal winds and Southern Oscillation Index. The output of a global numerical model (Parallel Ocean Climate Model) driven by the winds for 1993/1994 is used to connect our observations to the larger scale. The model reproduces the EJ asymmetry and shows the existence of the EUC and its reappearance during summer 1994

    Commitment zu aktivem Daten- und -softwaremanagement in großen Forschungsverbünden

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    Wir erkennen die Wichtigkeit von Forschungsdaten und -software für unsere Forschungsprozesse an und ordnen die Veröffentlichung von Forschungsdaten und -software als wesentlichen Bestandteil der wissenschaftlichen Publikationstätigkeit ein. Dafür unterstützen wir als Verbund unsere Forschenden im Umgang mit Daten und Software nach den FAIR-Prinzipien in Einvernehmen mit dem DFG-Kodex “Leitlinien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis”. In Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Institutionen und Fachcommunities stellen wir adäquate Forschungsdatenmanagement-Werkzeuge und -Dienste bereit und befähigen unsere Forschenden zum Umgang damit. Dabei bauen wir vorzugsweise auf existierenden Angeboten auf und bemühen uns im Gegenzug um deren Anpassung an unsere Bedürfnisse. Wir streben Maßnahmen für die Definition und Sicherstellung der Qualität unserer Forschungsdaten und -software an. Wir verwenden vorzugsweise existierende Daten-/Metadatenstandards und vernetzen uns nach Möglichkeit für die Erstellung und Implementierung neuer Standards mit entsprechenden nationalen und internationalen Initiativen. Wir verfolgen die Entwicklungen im Bereich des Forschungsdaten- und -softwaremanagements und prüfen neu entstehende Empfehlungen und Richtlinien zeitnah auf ihre Umsetzbarkeit

    Schul-Ordnung im Marggrafthum Ober-Lausitz Anno 1770 publiciret

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    [von Hieronymus Friedrich von Stammer]Autopsie nach Ex. der ULB Sachsen-AnhaltVorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Görlitz, gedruckt mit Fickelschererischen Schriften


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    Atlantic Climate Variability Experiment

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