25,788 research outputs found

    Electronic load for testing power generating devices

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    Instrument tests various electric power generating devices by connecting the devices to the input of the load and comparing their outputs with a reference voltage. The load automatically adjusts until voltage output of the power generating device matches the reference

    Perspectives on Pfaffians of Heterotic World-sheet Instantons

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    To fix the bundle moduli of a heterotic compactification one has to understand the Pfaffian one-loop prefactor of the classical instanton contribution. For compactifications on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau spaces X this can be made explicit for spectral bundles and world-sheet instantons supported on rational base curves b: one can express the Pfaffian in a closed algebraic form as a polynomial, or it may be understood as a theta-function expression. We elucidate the connection between these two points of view via the respective perception of the relevant spectral curve, related to its extrinsic geometry in the ambient space (the elliptic surface in X over b) or to its intrinsic geometry as abstract Riemann surface. We identify, within a conceptual description, general vanishing loci of the Pfaffian, and derive bounds on the vanishing order, relevant to solutions of W=dW=0.Comment: 40 pages; minor changes, discussion section 1.1 adde

    Flame zone of a composite propellant expanded by a laser source

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    Technique scales flame structure linearly with gas kinetic mean free path, which increases two to three orders of magnitude as pressure decreases like amount. Kinetic and transport time scales expand in proportion so that regression rates for laser-induced flames are two to three orders of magnitude slower

    Combinatorial Games with a Pass: A dynamical systems approach

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    By treating combinatorial games as dynamical systems, we are able to address a longstanding open question in combinatorial game theory, namely, how the introduction of a "pass" move into a game affects its behavior. We consider two well known combinatorial games, 3-pile Nim and 3-row Chomp. In the case of Nim, we observe that the introduction of the pass dramatically alters the game's underlying structure, rendering it considerably more complex, while for Chomp, the pass move is found to have relatively minimal impact. We show how these results can be understood by recasting these games as dynamical systems describable by dynamical recursion relations. From these recursion relations we are able to identify underlying structural connections between these "games with passes" and a recently introduced class of "generic (perturbed) games." This connection, together with a (non-rigorous) numerical stability analysis, allows one to understand and predict the effect of a pass on a game.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures, published versio

    Elastic scattering of low energy pions by nuclei and the in-medium isovector pi N amplitude

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    Measurements of elastic scattering of 21.5 MeV pi+ and pi- by Si, Ca, Ni and Zr were made using a single arm magnetic spectrometer. Absolute calibration was made by parallel measurements of Coulomb scattering of muons. Parameters of a pion-nucleus optical potential were obtained from fits to all eight angular distributions put together. The `anomalous' s-wave repulsion known from pionic atoms is clearly observed and could be removed by introducing a chiral-motivated density dependence of the isovector scattering amplitude, which also greatly improved the fits to the data. The empirical energy dependence of the isoscalar amplitude also improves the fits to the data but, contrary to what is found with pionic atoms, on its own is incapable of removing the anomaly.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables. V2 added details on uncertainties,extended discussion. To appear in PR

    Extended Hodge Theory for Fibred Cusp Manifolds

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    For a particular class of pseudo manifolds, we show that the intersection cohomology groups for any perversity may be naturally represented by extended weighted L2L^2 harmonic forms for a complete metric on the regular stratum with respect to some weight determined by the perversity. Extended weighted L2L^2 harmonic forms are harmonic forms that are almost in the given weighted L2L^2 space for the metric in question, but not quite. This result is akin to the representation of absolute and relative cohomology groups for a manifold with boundary by extended harmonic forms on the associated manifold with cylindrical ends. As in that setting, in the unweighted L2L^2 case, the boundary values of the extended harmonic forms define a Lagrangian splitting of the boundary space in the long exact sequence relating upper and lower middle perversity intersection cohomology groups.Comment: 26 page

    Computing Volume Bounds of Inclusions by EIT Measurements

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    The size estimates approach for Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) allows for estimating the size (area or volume) of an unknown inclusion in an electrical conductor by means of one pair of boundary measurements of voltage and current. In this paper we show by numerical simulations how to obtain such bounds for practical application of the method. The computations are carried out both in a 2D and a 3D setting.Comment: 20 pages with figure

    KK^- - nucleus relativistic mean field potentials consistent with kaonic atoms

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    KK^- atomic data are used to test several models of the KK^- nucleus interaction. The t(ρ\rho)ρ\rho optical potential, due to coupled channel models incorporating the Λ\Lambda(1405) dynamics, fails to reproduce these data. A standard relativistic mean field (RMF) potential, disregarding the Λ\Lambda(1405) dynamics at low densities, also fails. The only successful model is a hybrid of a theoretically motivated RMF approach in the nuclear interior and a completely phenomenological density dependent potential, which respects the low density theorem in the nuclear surface region. This best-fit KK^- optical potential is found to be strongly attractive, with a depth of 180 \pm 20 MeV at the nuclear interior, in agreement with previous phenomenological analyses.Comment: revised, Phys. Rev. C in pres

    Thermal surveillance of Cascade Range volcanoes using ERTS-1 multispectral scanner, aircraft imaging systems, and ground-based data communication platforms

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    A combination of infrared images depicting areas of thermal emission and ground calibration points have proved to be particularly useful in plotting time-dependent changes in surface temperatures and radiance and in delimiting areas of predominantly convective heat flow to the earth's surface in the Cascade Range and on Surtsey Volcano, Iceland. In an integrated experiment group using ERTS-1 multispectral scanner (MSS) and aircraft infrared imaging systems in conjunction with multiple thermistor arrays, volcano surface temperatures are relayed daily to Washington via data communication platform (DCP) transmitters and ERTS-1. ERTS-1 MSS imagery has revealed curvilinear structures at Lassen, the full extent of which have not been previously mapped. Interestingly, the major surface thermal manifestations at Lassen are aligned along these structures, particularly in the Warner Valley