21,138 research outputs found

    The Sasaki Join, Hamiltonian 2-forms, and Sasaki-Einstein Metrics

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    By combining the join construction from Sasakian geometry with the Hamiltonian 2-form construction from K\"ahler geometry, we recover Sasaki-Einstein metrics discovered by physicists. Our geometrical approach allows us to give an algorithm for computing the topology of these Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. In particular, we explicitly compute the cohomology rings for several cases of interest and give a formula for homotopy equivalence in one particular 7-dimensional case. We also show that our construction gives at least a two dimensional cone of both Sasaki-Ricci solitons and extremal Sasaki metrics.Comment: 38 pages, paragraph added to introduction and Proposition 4.1 added, Proposition 4.15 corrected, Remark 5.5 added, and explanation for irregular Sasaki-Einstein structures expanded. Reference adde

    The Sasaki Join, Hamiltonian 2-forms, and Constant Scalar Curvature

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    We describe a general procedure for constructing new Sasaki metrics of constant scalar curvature from old ones. Explicitly, we begin with a regular Sasaki metric of constant scalar curvature on a 2n+1-dimensional compact manifold M and construct a sequence, depending on four integer parameters, of rays of constant scalar curvature (CSC) Sasaki metrics on a compact Sasaki manifold of dimension 2n+32n+3. We also give examples which show that the CSC rays are often not unique on a fixed strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold or a fixed contact manifold. Moreover, it is shown that when the first Chern class of the contact bundle vanishes, there is a two dimensional subcone of Sasaki Ricci solitons in the Sasaki cone, and a unique Sasaki-Einstein metric in each of the two dimensional sub cones.Comment: 32 pages. A gap in the argument of applying the admissibility conditions to irregular Sasakian structures is filled. Some minor corrections and additions are also made. This is the final version which will appear in the Journal of Geometric Analysis. It also encorporates much from our paper arXiv:1309.706

    An Improved Procedure for Laboratory Rearing of the Corn Earworm, \u3ci\u3eHeliothis Zea\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    An improved method for the laboratory rearing of the corn earworm. Heliothis zea, described. The rearing medium is a modification of the commonly used wheat germ An oviposition chamber, a feeder for adults, and a simple and inexpensive contrnlled humidity chamber are described

    Covariant Uniform Acceleration

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    We show that standard Relativistic Dynamics Equation F=dp/d\tau is only partially covariant. To achieve full Lorentz covariance, we replace the four-force F by a rank 2 antisymmetric tensor acting on the four-velocity. By taking this tensor to be constant, we obtain a covariant definition of uniformly accelerated motion. We compute explicit solutions for uniformly accelerated motion which are divided into four types: null, linear, rotational, and general. For null acceleration, the worldline is cubic in the time. Linear acceleration covariantly extends 1D hyperbolic motion, while rotational acceleration covariantly extends pure rotational motion. We use Generalized Fermi-Walker transport to construct a uniformly accelerated family of inertial frames which are instantaneously comoving to a uniformly accelerated observer. We explain the connection between our approach and that of Mashhoon. We show that our solutions of uniformly accelerated motion have constant acceleration in the comoving frame. Assuming the Weak Hypothesis of Locality, we obtain local spacetime transformations from a uniformly accelerated frame K' to an inertial frame K. The spacetime transformations between two uniformly accelerated frames with the same acceleration are Lorentz. We compute the metric at an arbitrary point of a uniformly accelerated frame. We obtain velocity and acceleration transformations from a uniformly accelerated system K' to an inertial frame K. We derive the general formula for the time dilation between accelerated clocks. We obtain a formula for the angular velocity of a uniformly accelerated object. Every rest point of K' is uniformly accelerated, and its acceleration is a function of the observer's acceleration and its position. We obtain an interpretation of the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac equation as an acceleration transformation from K' to K.Comment: 36 page

    Weak Localization Coexisting with a Magnetic Field in a Normal-Metal--Superconductor Microbridge

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    A random-matrix theory is presented which shows that breaking time-reversal symmetry by itself does {\em not} suppress the weak-localization correction to the conductance of a disordered metal wire attached to a superconductor. Suppression of weak localization requires applying a magnetic field as well as raising the voltage, to break both time-reversal symmetry and electron-hole degeneracy. A magnetic-field dependent contact resistance obscured this anomaly in previous numerical simulations.Comment: 8 pages, REVTeX-3.0, 1 figur

    Structure and Response in the World Trade Network

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    We examine how the structure of the world trade network has been shaped by globalization and recessions over the last 40 years. We show that by treating the world trade network as an evolving system, theory predicts the trade network is more sensitive to evolutionary shocks and recovers more slowly from them now than it did 40 years ago, due to structural changes in the world trade network induced by globalization. We also show that recession-induced change to the world trade network leads to an \emph{increased} hierarchical structure of the global trade network for a few years after the recession.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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