1,438 research outputs found

    Relative biological effectiveness of fast neutrons compared with X-rays: Prenatal mortality in the mouse

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    The effects of fission neutrons and of X-rays on the mouse zygote are discussed. Seven-week-old virgin mice were allowed a 12-hour mating opportunity beginning at 7:00 P.M. Between 1:30 and 4:00 P.M., except where indicated otherwise, the females which had mated (vaginal plug) during the night were either irradiated or sham-irradiated. At the time of irradiation the zygotes were in a pronuclear stage. Sixteen days later the mice were killed and the uteri dissected. The number of dead embryos, live embryos, and gross anomalies were determined. Dead embryos were classified as to stage of development

    In-medium Yang-Mills equations: a derivation and canonical quantization

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    The equations for Yang-Mills field in a medium are derived in a linear approximation with respect to the gauge coupling parameter and the external field. The obtained equations closely resemble the macroscopic Maxwell equations. A canonical quantization is performed for a family of Fermi-like gauges in the case of constant and diagonal (in the group indices) tensors of electric permittivity and magnetic permeability. The physical subspace is defined and the gauge field propagator is evaluated for a particular choice of the gauge. The propagator is applied for evaluation of the cross-section of ellastic quark scattering in the Born approximation. Possible applications to Cherenkov-type gluon radiation are commented briefly.Comment: 27 pages, references added, version extended with emphasis on non-Abelian gauge group impact on medium characteristics. To appear in J. Phys.

    Modification of radiation pressure due to cooperative scattering of light

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    Cooperative spontaneous emission of a single photon from a cloud of N atoms modifies substantially the radiation pressure exerted by a far-detuned laser beam exciting the atoms. On one hand, the force induced by photon absorption depends on the collective decay rate of the excited atomic state. On the other hand, directional spontaneous emission counteracts the recoil induced by the absorption. We derive an analytical expression for the radiation pressure in steady-state. For a smooth extended atomic distribution we show that the radiation pressure depends on the atom number via cooperative scattering and that, for certain atom numbers, it can be suppressed or enhanced.Comment: 8 pages, 2 Figure

    Microwave emission from a crystal of molecular magnets -- The role of a resonant cavity

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    We discuss the effects caused by a resonant cavity around a sample of a magnetic molecular crystal (such as Mn12{}_{12}-Ac), when a time dependent external magnetic field is applied parallel to the easy axis of the crystal. We show that the back action of the cavity field on the sample significantly increases the possibility of microwave emission. This radiation process can be supperradiance or a maser-like effect, depending on the strength of the dephasing. Our model provides further insight to the theoretical understanding of the bursts of electromagnetic radiation observed in recent experiments accompanying the resonant quantum tunneling of magnetization. The experimental findings up to now can all be explained as being a maser effect rather than superradiance. The results of our theory scale similarly to the experimental findings, i.e., with increasing sweep rate of the external magnetic field, the emission peaks are shifted towards higher field values.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Mean field and corrections for the Euclidean Minimum Matching problem

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    Consider the length LMMEL_{MM}^E of the minimum matching of N points in d-dimensional Euclidean space. Using numerical simulations and the finite size scaling law =βMME(d)N11/d(1+A/N+...) = \beta_{MM}^E(d) N^{1-1/d}(1+A/N+... ), we obtain precise estimates of βMME(d)\beta_{MM}^E(d) for 2d102 \le d \le 10. We then consider the approximation where distance correlations are neglected. This model is solvable and gives at d2d \ge 2 an excellent ``random link'' approximation to βMME(d)\beta_{MM}^E(d). Incorporation of three-link correlations further improves the accuracy, leading to a relative error of 0.4% at d=2 and 3. Finally, the large d behavior of this expansion in link correlations is discussed.Comment: source and one figure. Submitted to PR

    Dynamical evolution of boson stars in Brans-Dicke theory

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    We study the dynamics of a self-gravitating scalar field solitonic object (boson star) in the Jordan-Brans-Dicke (BD) theory of gravity. We show dynamical processes of this system such as (i) black hole formation of perturbed equilibrium configuration on an unstable branch; (ii) migration of perturbed equilibrium configuration from the unstable branch to stable branch; (iii) transition from excited state to a ground state. We find that the dynamical behavior of boson stars in BD theory is quite similar to that in general relativity (GR), with comparable scalar wave emission. We also demonstrate the formation of a stable boson star from a Gaussian scalar field packet with flat gravitational scalar field initial data. This suggests that boson stars can be formed in the BD theory in much the same way as in GR.Comment: 13 pages by RevTeX, epsf.sty, 16 figures, comments added, refs updated, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Non-perturbative Landau gauge and infrared critical exponents in QCD

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    We discuss Faddeev-Popov quantization at the non-perturbative level and show that Gribov's prescription of cutting off the functional integral at the Gribov horizon does not change the Schwinger-Dyson equations, but rather resolves an ambiguity in the solution of these equations. We note that Gribov's prescription is not exact, and we therefore turn to the method of stochastic quantization in its time-independent formulation, and recall the proof that it is correct at the non-perturbative level. The non-perturbative Landau gauge is derived as a limiting case, and it is found that it yields the Faddeev-Popov method in Landau gauge with a cut-off at the Gribov horizon, plus a novel term that corrects for over-counting of Gribov copies inside the Gribov horizon. Non-perturbative but truncated coupled Schwinger-Dyson equations for the gluon and ghost propagators D(k)D(k) and G(k)G(k) in Landau gauge are solved asymptotically in the infrared region. The infrared critical exponents or anomalous dimensions, defined by D(k)1/(k2)1+aDD(k) \sim 1/(k^2)^{1 + a_D} and G(k)1/(k2)1+aGG(k) \sim 1/(k^2)^{1 + a_G} are obtained in space-time dimensions d=2,3,4d = 2, 3, 4. Two possible solutions are obtained with the values, in d=4d = 4 dimensions, aG=1,aD=2a_G = 1, a_D = -2, or aG=[93(1201)1/2]/980.595353,aD=2aG a_G = [93 - (1201)^{1/2}]/98 \approx 0.595353, a_D = - 2a_G.Comment: 26 pages. Modified 2.25.02 to update references and to clarify Introduction and Conclusio

    Origin of Pure Spin Superradiance

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    The question addressed in this paper is: What originates pure spin superradiance in a polarized spin system placed inside a resonator? The term "pure" means that no initial coherence is imposed on spins, and its appearance manifests a purely self-organized collective effect. The consideration is based on a microscopic model with dipole spin interactions. An accurate solution of evolution equations is given. The results show that the resonator Nyquist noise does not play, contrary to the common belief, any role in starting spin superradiance, but the emergence of the latter is initiated by local spin fluctuations. The decisive role of nonsecular dipole interactions is stressed.Comment: 1 file, 13 pages, RevTe

    Immigration Federalism: A Reappraisal

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    This Article identifies how the current spate of state and local regulation is changing the way elected officials, scholars, courts, and the public think about the constitutional dimensions of immigration law and governmental responsibility for immigration enforcement. Reinvigorating the theoretical possibilities left open by the Supreme Court in its 1875 Chy Lung v. Freeman decision, state and local offi- cials characterize their laws as unavoidable responses to the policy problems they face when they are squeezed between the challenges of unauthorized migration and the federal government’s failure to fix a broken system. In the October 2012 term, in Arizona v. United States, the Court addressed, but did not settle, the difficult empirical, theoretical, and constitutional questions necessitated by these enactments and their attendant justifications. Our empirical investigation, however, discovered that most state and local immigration laws are not organic policy responses to pressing demographic challenges. Instead, such laws are the product of a more nuanced and politicized process in which demographic concerns are neither neces- sary nor sufficient factors and in which federal inactivity and subfederal activity are related phenomena, fomented by the same actors. This Article focuses on the con- stitutional and theoretical implications of these processes: It presents an evidence- based theory of state and local policy proliferation; it cautions legal scholars to rethink functionalist accounts for the rise of such laws; and it advises courts to reassess their use of traditional federalism frameworks to evaluate these sub federal enactments

    Pion Breather States in QCD

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    We describe a class of pionic breather solutions (PBS) which appear in the chiral lagrangian description of low-energy QCD. These configurations are long-lived, with lifetimes greater than 10310^3 fm/c, and could arise as remnants of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) formation at RHIC. We show that the chiral lagrangian equations of motion for a uniformly isospin-polarized domain reduce to those of the sine-gordon model. Consequently, our solutions are directly related to the breather solutions of sine-gordon theory in 3+1 dimensions. We investigate the possibility of PBS formation from multiple domains of DCC, and show that the probability of formation is non-negligible.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure