89 research outputs found

    Dynamic defects in photonic Floquet topological insulators

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    Edge modes in topological insulators are known to be robust against defects. We investigate if this also holds true when the defect is not static, but varies in time. We study the influence of defects with time-dependent coupling on the robustness of the transport along the edge in a Floquet system of helically curved waveguides. Waveguide arrays are fabricated via direct laser writing in a negative tone photoresist. We find that single dynamic defects do not destroy the chiral edge current, even when the temporal modulation is strong. Quantitative numerical simulation of the intensity in the bulk and edge waveguides confirms our observation

    Direct laser written polymer waveguides with out of plane couplers for optical chips

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    Optical technologies call for waveguide networks featuring high integration densities, low losses, and simple operation. Here, we present polymer waveguides fabricated from a negative tone photoresist via two-photon-lithography in direct laser writing, and show a detailed parameter study of their performance. Specifically, we produce waveguides featuring bend radii down to 40 {\mu}m, insertion losses of the order of 10 dB, and loss coefficients smaller than 0.81 dB/mm, facilitating high integration densities in writing fields of 300 {\mu}m x 300 {\mu}m. A novel three-dimensional coupler design allows for coupling control as well as direct observation of outputs in a single field of view through a microscope objective. Finally, we present beam-splitting devices to construct larger optical networks, and we show that the waveguide material is compatible with the integration of quantum emitters

    Spectral tuning of a three-dimensional photonic-bandgap waveguide signature by silica atomic-layer deposition

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    Recent progress in three-dimensional sub-micron fabrication has rendered the introduction of waveguide structures into optical three-dimensional photonic bandgap materials possible. However, spectral tuning of the waveguide modes has not been demonstrated so far. Here, we use atomic-layer deposition of amorphous silica to tune the spectral position of an air-core defect waveguide in a three-dimensional silicon woodpile photonic crystal by 225 nm in wavelength. The measured spectral positions of the waveguide signature are in very good agreement with numerical calculations.We acknowledge support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the State of Baden-Wurttemberg through the DFG-Center for Functional Nanostructures (CFN) within sub- ¨ project A 1.4. The research of G.v.F. is further supported through a DFG Emmy-Noether fel-lowship (DFG-FR 1671/4-3). We acknowledge support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Open Access Publishing Fund of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

    Towards efficient structure prediction and pre-compensation in multi-photon lithography

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    Microscale 3D printing technologies have been of increasing interest in industry and research for several years. Unfortunately, the fabricated structures always deviate from the respective expectations, often caused by the physico-chemical properties during and after the printing process. Here, we show first steps towards a simple, fast and easy to implement algorithm to predict the final structure topography for multi-photon lithography - also known as Direct Laser Writing (DLW). The three main steps of DLW, (i) exposure of a photo resin, (ii) cross-linking of the resin, and (iii) subsequent shrinkage are approximated by mathematical operations, showing promising results in coincidence with experimental observations. E.g., the root-mean-square error (rmse) between the unmodified 3D print of a radial-symmetrically chirped topography and our predicted topography is only 0.46 μ\mum, whereas the rmse between this 3D print and its target is 1.49 μ\mum. Thus, our robust predictions can be used prior to the printing process to minimize undesired deviations between the target structure and the final 3D printed structure. Using a Downhill-Simplex algorithm for identifying the optimal prediction parameters, we were able to reduce the rmse from 4.04 μ\mum to 0.33 μ\mum by only two correction loops in our best-case scenario (rmse = 0.72 μ\mum after one loop). Consequently, this approach can eliminate the need for many structural optimization loops to produce highly conformal and high quality micro structures in the future

    Adiabatic Control of Spin-Wave Propagation using Magnetisation Gradients

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    Spin waves are of large interest as data carriers for future logic devices. However, due to the strong anisotropic dispersion relation of dipolar spin-waves in in-plane magnetised films the realisation of two-dimensional information transport remains a challenge. Bending of the energy flow is prohibited since energy and momentum of spin waves cannot be conserved while changing the direction of wave propagation. Thus, non-linear or non-stationary mechanisms are usually employed. Here, we propose to use reconfigurable laser-induced magnetisation gradients to break the system's translational symmetry. The resulting changes in the magnetisation shift the dispersion relations locally and allow for operating with different spin-wave modes at the same frequency. Spin-wave momentum is first transformed via refraction at the edge of the magnetisation gradient region and then adiabatically modified inside it. Along these lines the spin-wave propagation direction can be controlled in a broad frequency range with high efficiency