3 research outputs found

    Explaining the Unusual Photoluminescence of Semiconductor Nanocrystals Doped Via Cation Exchange

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    Aliovalent doping of CdSe nanocrystals (NCs) via cation exchange processes has resulted in interesting and novel observations for the optical and electronic properties of the NCs. However, despite over a decade of study, these observations have largely gone unexplained, partially due to an inability to precisely characterize the physical properties of the doped NCs. Here, electrostatic force microscopy was used to determine the static charge on individual, cation-doped CdSe NCs in order to investigate their net charge as a function of added cations. While the NC charge was relatively insensitive to the relative amount of doped cation per NC, there was a remarkable and unexpected correlation between the average NC charge and PL intensity, for all dopant cations introduced. We conclude that the changes in PL intensity, as tracked also by changes in NC charge, are likely a consequence of changes in the NC radiative rate caused by symmetry breaking of the electronic states of the nominally spherical NC due to the Coulombic potential introduced by ionized cations

    Heterogeneity in Cation Exchange Ag+ Doping of CdSe Nanocrystals

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    Cation exchange is becoming extensively used for nanocrystal (NC) doping in order to produce NCs with unique optical and electronic properties. However, despite its ever-increasing use, the relationships between the cation exchange process, its doped NC products, and the resulting NC photophysics are not well characterized. For example, similar doping procedures on NCs with the same chemical compositions have resulted in quite different photophysics. Through a detailed single molecule investigation of a post-synthesis Ag+ doping of CdSe NCs, a number of species were identified within a single doped NC sample, suggesting the differences in the optical properties of the various synthesis methods are due to the varied contributions of each species. Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) mapping, and single molecule photoluminescence (PL) studies were used to identify four possible species resulting from the Ag+-CdSe cation exchange doping process. The heterogeneity of these samples shows the difficulty in controlling a post-synthesis cation exchange method to produce homogenous samples needed for use in any potential application. Additionally, the heterogeneity in the doped samples demonstrates that significant care must be taken in describing the ensemble or average characteristics of the sample

    Analyser av indekser på Skoleporten 2012. Analyse av Elevundersøkelsen 2012 på fylkes- og nasjonalt nivå og for obligatorisk trinn

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    -Rapporten er en analyse av indeksene som presenteres i Skoleporten ut fra data fra Elevundersøkelsen 2012, samt elevundersøkelsene i perioden 2007-2012. Analysene er gjennomført på nasjonalt nivå og på fylkesnivå og for hvert obligatorisk årstrinn. Det vil si 7. og 10. trinn, samt VG1. Resultatene fra årets undersøkelse sammenlignes med tidligere års undersøkelser