9 research outputs found

    Global compendium of human Zika virus occurrence

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    A global compendium of confirmed occurrences of Zika virus in humans; derived only from cases where patients showed illness (excludes seropositivity in healthy individuals). Each occurrence represents one unique location (point or administrative unit polygon), with at least one or more cases of Zika virus occurring in a given year

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Mapping the spatial distribution of the Japanese encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles, 1901 (Diptera: Culicidae) within areas of Japanese encephalitis risk

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    Temporal distribution of Culex tritaeniorhynchus occurrence data. Histogram showing the number of spatially unique Cx. tritaeniorhynchus occurrence records per year in our dataset (1928–2014). 73.43% of occurrence records were obtained during the years for which we have annual land cover class layers (2001–2012), as indicated by orange x-axis breaks. (.docx) (DOCX 85 kb

    MOESM10 of Geographical distributions of African malaria vector sibling species and evidence for insecticide resistance

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    Additional file 10. geotiff that can be opened in GIS software such as QGIS ( http://www.qgis.org/ ) or ArcMap ( http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis ). Model output data for An. melas. Band 1 contains the mean values per pixel, band 2 contains the median values, band 3 contains the 2.5% quantile values, and band 4 contains the 97.5% quantile values

    MOESM14 of Geographical distributions of African malaria vector sibling species and evidence for insecticide resistance

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    Additional file 14. geotiff that can be opened in GIS software such as QGIS ( http://www.qgis.org/ ) or ArcMap ( http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis ). Model output data for the Funestus group. Band 1 contains the mean values per pixel, band 2 contains the median values, band 3 contains the 2.5% quantile values, and band 4 contains the 97.5% quantile values

    MOESM8 of Geographical distributions of African malaria vector sibling species and evidence for insecticide resistance

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    Additional file 8. geotiff that can be opened in GIS software such as QGIS ( http://www.qgis.org/ ) or ArcMap ( http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis ). Model output data for An. funestus. Band 1 contains the mean values per pixel, band 2 contains the median values, band 3 contains the 2.5% quantile values, and band 4 contains the 97.5% quantile values

    Environmental suitability for Zika virus transmission

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    A global 5km x 5km resolution map of environmental suitability for Zika virus transmission to humans. The raster file is in a .TIFF format, which can be imported into many geographic information systems software programs and statistical packages such as R. The values range from 0 (unsuitable) to 1 (suitable), based on boosted regression trees modelling, using a Zika virus human occurrence database and six high-resolution environmental covariates