53 research outputs found


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    Abstract-Petri dish choice tests conducted on the coffee beny borer (CBB), Hypothenernus hainpei, showed that females were able to discriminate between coffee bemes at different ripening stages. A Y-shaped glass olfactometer was used to demonstrate that coffee bemes emitted volatile chemicals that elicited upwind movement by female CBB. Olfactometer tests with three different solvent extracts of bemes showed that at least some of the attractive chemical@) released by the coffee bemes could be extracted with acetone

    Опыт лечения врожденных кист яичников у девочек на первом году жизни

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    В статті представлено три випадки оперативного лікування методом лапароскопії вроджених кист яєчника. Найчастіше перекрут вродженої кисти яєчника відбувається внутрішньоутробно, що може привести до самоампутації додатків матки з боку ураження. Показанням до оперативного лікування можуть слугувати відсутність регресу утворення, характерні ехоскопічні та доплерометричні ознаки.Three cases of laparoscopic treatment of congenital ovarian cysts are presented in the article. More often twisting of congenital ovarian cyst could happen intrauterously, what could cause autoamputation of adnexa. Indications to surgery could be an absence of regression of cyst and/or certain ultrasound and Doppler signs

    Biologie et écologie chimique de deux nouveaux ravageurs en cédraies libanaises (Cephalcia tannourinensis Chevin (Hym., Pamphiliidae) et Ernobius libanensis n. sp. (Col., Anobiidae))

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    La biologie d une espèce de tenthrède, nouvelle pour la science, et se développant sur le cèdre du Liban Cephalcia tannourinensis Chevin, a été étudiée, au laboratoire et sur le terrain pour déterminer les traits de vie. L étude du système de reconnaissance du partenaire sexuel a abouti la mise en évidence d une phéromone sexuelle produite par la femelle qui a été identifiée comme un mélange des composés suivants : germacrène D, un allofarnésène et un alpha cadinol. La zone de production de la phéromone est située au niveau de l abdomen de la femelle. Un entomopathogène, Beauveria cf bassiana a été découvert sur les larves et est efficace sur les œufs et les larves de la tenthrède. Les défoliations causées par C. tannourinensis induisent la production de bourgeons estivaux de secours qui sont ensuite les sites de pontes d un coléoptère : Ernobius libanensis n.sp.. Nous avons étudié sa biologie et précisé le cycle de développement dans les bourgeons de secours. Les études sur l écologie chimique de cet insecte démontrent que la rencontre des sexes n est pas liée à une phéromone sexuelle. Les mâles et les femelles vierges discriminent les bourgeons de secours (âgés d un an et de l année) sur la base d une chimiotaxie et les deux sexes se rencontrent sur ces organes. La vision n intervient pas seule. L étude des processus comportementaux qui conduisent au choix du site de ponte, montre que les femelles fécondées choisissent les bourgeons de secours de l été sur la base de stimuli olfactifs. Les extraits des différents bourgeons ont des compositions terpéniques différentes; certains des terpènes clés ont été testés sur le comportement des insectes.The biology of a new species of sawfly, Cephalcia tannourinensis Chevin, developing on the cedar of Lebanon was studied under laboratory conditions and in the field to determine its biological characteristics. The study of the mate recognition system evidenced a sexual pheromone produced by female. The sexual pheromone was identified as a mixture of germacrene D, an allofarnesene and alpha cadinol. The site of pheromone production is located at the level of the abdomen of the female. An entomopathogen, Beauveria cf bassiana was discovered naturally infecting the larvae. Bioassays showed a high control efficacy on the eggs and larvae of the cedar sawfly under laboratory conditions. The defoliations caused by C. tannourinensis induce the production of summer buds which are colonized by a coleopterous insect: Ernobius libanensis n.sp. The biology and life cycle of the insect were studied. The development of all the stages occurred inside the summer buds. Chemical ecology studies showed that mate recognition is not dependant on a pheromonal signal. Males and virgin females choose the summer buds (one year old and current) on a chemotaxis basis and the vision does not play a key role. Egg laying behavioural studies showed that the mated females choose the current year summer buds based on olfactory stimuli. The extracts of the different buds have different terpenic composition. Some key terpenes were tested on the behavior of the insects.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Sex pheromone-mediated flight and landing behaviors of the european corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner)

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    International audienceThe pheromone-mediated flight and landing behaviors of male Ostrinia nubilalis were studied in a wind tunnel. The pheromone source was placed in the middle of an 18 × 18-cm horizontal surface, and a smaller surface placed 4, 18, or 36 cm downwind. The smaller surface did not appear to affect significantly the flight tracks or position of landing of males on the upwind surface, and it allowed the positions and altitudes of males as they passed over the downwind surface to be estimated. The flight altitude and position of males as they passed over the downwind surface related to where males landed on the upwind surface. Regardless of the downwind position of the downwind surface, most males flew over its center (i.e., in line with the source) and landed in line with the source on the upwind surface. When a small 2.5 × 10-cm vertical object was placed on the upwind surface, just upwind and to one side of the source, males flew over the downwind surface in positions skewed toward the vertical object and in broader distributions than for the comparable situation without an object: males landed on the upwind surface on positions skewed toward, or on, the object and with a broader distribution (laterally). Flight altitude also corresponded with landing position. Thus, when there was no vertical object, most males flew just above the downwind surface and landed on the downwind edge of the upwind surface. In contrast, with the vertical object, males flew significantly higher and tended to land past the downwind edge of the upwind surface. With a taller object (20 cm), males flew even higher, past the downwind edge and most landed on the vertical object. These data show the close relationship between flight and landing behaviors of male O. nubilalis and suggest that flight maneuvers that determine track and altitude largely govern where a male lands

    Oddity in diel periodicity of Ditula angustiorana (Haw.) (Lepidoptera: Torticidae) female calling behaviour, pheromone titre and reproductive activity

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    The diel periodicity of female calling behaviour in Ditula angustiorana (Haw.) was studied under laboratory conditions. Observations throughout photophases and scotophases showed that D. angustiorana females presented a rare diurnal calling behaviour with two distinct calling periods, one at the first part of the photophase (L+5) and another one at the end (L+14). Mating only occurred during the second calling period (L+14). Five components were identified in extracts of the pheromone glands: Z10-14:Ac, 14:Ac, Z10-14:OH, Z8-14:Ac, Z8-14:OH in the average ratio of 74.1/18.2/4.8/2.2/0.6 respectively. The blend ratio remains similar throughout the photoperiod, whilst the total quantity of pheromone components reached a maximum during the calling period overlapping the mating period (L+14). Wind tunnel experiment confirms that the synthetic blend baited with the identified pheromone components was as attractive as calling females for males. The particular chemical structure of the components within Tortricidae and the particular occurrence of the two calling periods, one not matching any reproductive behaviour are discussed in terms of phylogeny and sexual selection

    Maize field odorscape during the oviposition flight of the European corn borer

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    International audienceMost crop pests find a suitable host through chemical cues released from plants, but little is known about the odorscape encountered by host-seeking gravid females under natural, outdoor conditions. In this field study, the volatile organic compound (VOC) composition of maize (Zea mays, L.), a host for the European corn borer (ECB) (Ostrinia nubilalis Hub.) was characterized during the oviposition flight and compared with a forest odorscape. VOCs from maize fields and the forest atmosphere were collected by solid phase microextraction and characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The electroantennographic (EAG) response of female ECB antennae to candidate VOCs was tested. Analyses revealed clear differences between the maize field and the forest odorscapes, mainly composed of ubiquitous VOCs but in specific ratios. The maize field odorscape is more complex than the forest odorscape for maize found 18 VOCs but only eight in the forest. Both biotopes shared seven VOCs-green leaf volatiles (GLV), monoterpSnes (MT) and homoterpenes. In addition, we found in the forest a distinctive sesquiterpene (SQT) identified as isoledene. The highest EAG responses were elicited by two GLVs and a MT shared by the two biotopes. SQT elicited weak EAG responses, except beta-farnesene, only found in the maize field odorscape. Our results suggest that the two biotopes produce specific chemical signatures that insects may use as host cues. To the best of our knowledge this paper is the first report on the maize odorscapes under field conditions. The putative role of the VOCs in host plant detection and selection is discussed

    Etude des comportements et des molécules impliqués dans la rencontre des sexes chez les parasitoïdes du genre Trichogramma spp.

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    Les interactions mâle-femelle de Trichogramma brassicae sont étudiées pour obtenir une meilleure connaissance de la communication chimique chez ce parasitoïde et en conséquence optimiser son utilisation dans la lutte biologique contre des ravageurs des cultures. Des tests de comportement ont montré que le mâle de T. brassicae fixe ses recherches dans le compartiment du dispositif expérimental marqué par les traces ou l extrait de femelles congénères. Deux méthodes sont utilisées pour piéger les principes actifs. Une méthode consiste à faire macérer des femelles vivantes dans un solvant organique. Une autre méthode consiste à fixer les molécules émises par les mâles et les femelles sur une fibre de solide phase micro-extraction (SPME). L analyse par chromatographie en phase gazeuse (CPG) seule ou couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (CPG-SM) de l extrait et des SPME montre la présence de deux composés I et II uniquement chez les femelles vierges et dont les formules chimiques brutes seraient respectivement C16H28O et C17H30O. Leur émission pourrait provenir du corps entier. Le mélange de ces composés possède une activité phéromonale. Le regroupement par paires des mâles et des femelles naïfs montre que la durée d accouplement des individus est corrélée avec l âge des paires de Trichogrammes puisque les individus âgés de 5 jours s accouplent pluslong temps que ceux âgés de 1 jour. Les Trichogrammes s accouplent plusieurs fois quel que soit l âge. Par contre, aucun accouplement ni tentative d accouplement n ont été observés lorsque des mâles naïfs sont mis en présence d autres mâles. Des médiateurs chimiques issus d œufs sains ou parasités de la Pyrale du maïs Ostrinia nubi.Trichogramma brassicae male and female interactions were studied to improve our knowledge on chemical communication in this parasitoid and to optimize the use in the biological control against of pest crops. Behavioural studies showed that males of T. brassicae visited longer time substrate previously visited by virgin females or where virgin females extracts were deposited. Two methods were used to trap the compounds involved in chemical interaction. One method consists in living females maceration organic solvent. The second method consists of trapping volatile compounds released by males or female by the static headspace method SPME (solid phase micro-extraction). Analysis by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed two compounds I and II, only found in virgin female sample. These components were produced by the whole female body. The most probable chemical structures were respectively C16H28O and C17H30O. A mixture of these components presented a sex pheromone activity. The duration of mating depend of ageing of pairs of virgin males and females, whereas the average of mating in five-day-old pairs is longer than of one-day-old pairs. Few same pairs mated about twice times on average. Bioassay male-male results showed that the male did not show any mating attempt or copulation with the other one. Semiochemical extracted from healthy or parazited eggs belonging to the pheromone strain E Ostrinia nubilalis induced the same male behaviour. Neither trail nor extract virgin females of T. cacoeciae induced any effect as female extract T. brassicae male behaviour.The parasitoïde of Ostrinia nubilalis can be victim of not.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Isolement reproducteur et spécialisation à la plante-hôte chez les phérotypes de Pyrale du maïs (Ostrinia nubilalis)

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    La présent étude examine aspect de l'écologie chimique de la Pyrale du maïs (Ostrinia nubilalis, Hübner, Lepidoptera: Crambidae). L isolement reproducteur des phérotypes et leur spécialisation à la plante hôte ont reçu une attention particulière. Toutes les expériences ont été conçues pour avoir des informations pertinents sur le plan écologique des signaux chimiques libérés ou perçu par la Pyrale du maïs pendant la période de reproduction. La plupart des travaux en cadre de cette thèse dans des conditions naturelles et en tenant compte de tous les traits comportementaux de la Pyrale. Premièrement, le paysage chimique du champ de maïs a été étudié pour connaître les signaux chimiques rencontrés par une femelle de Pyrale du maïs qui est à la recherche d une plante hôte. Les mélanges des volatiles qui composent l'environnement olfactif du champ de maïs a été identifié et leurs rôles discutés selon la biologie et le comportement d oviposition de la Pyrale du maïs.Deuxièmement, en tenant compte de la périodicité du comportement de la Pyrale du maïs nous avons étudié les modifications circadiennes des profils des volatiles libérés par les plantes individuelles du maïs et par le champ du maïs.Troisièmement, le fidélité d hôte plantes de la Pyrale du maïs a été étudié. Les volatiles libérés par différentes plantes hôtes au moment de vol d oviposition ont été identifiés et le comportement de ponte a été étudié dans le tunnel du vol.Quatrièmement, les signaux chimiques impliqués dans l'isolement reproducteur des phérotypes de la Pyrale du maïs a été étudié. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur la phéromone mâle produite par les pinceaux androconiaux et sur leur rôle dans le comportement de cour.The present PhD study investigates the aspect of chemical ecology in the European corn borer (ECB, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner, Lepidoptera: Crambidae): pherotypes reproductive isolation and host plant specialisation.All the experiences were designed to have ecologically relevant information about the chemical signals released or perceived by ECB moth during the reproduction period. Most of the work was conducted close to natural conditions and taking into account all the behavioural traits of ECB.First we investigated what can be the chemical landscape of maize field for host-seeking ECB moth. The whole volatile blends that make up the olfactory environment of maize field biotope was identified according to the ECB oviposition behaviour (Paper I). Secondly taking into account the diel periodicity of ECB behaviour we studied the diel changes of volatile profiles released from maize plant and from maize field (Paper II). Thirdly, we studied the process of host fidelity within the ECB host plants. The volatiles released from different host plants at the time of ECB oviposition flight were identified and the oviposition behaviour was studied in wind tunnel to evidence the host plant preferences of ovipositing females (Paper III). Fourthly, we address the question on assortative mating in ECB pherotypes and we investigated the chemical signals involved in the reproductive isolation in ECB pherotypes. We focused on the male pheromone produced by hairpencils and on courtship behaviour (Paper IV).PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF