838 research outputs found

    An Effective Model for Engaging Faculty and Undergraduate Students in Neuroscience Outreach with Middle Schoolers

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    Engaging undergraduate students in science outreach events is critical for improving future communication between scientists and community members. Outreach events are opportunities for faculty and undergraduates to utilize active learning strategies to engage non-scientists in scientific questions and principles. Through careful design of outreach events, undergraduate students can practice science communication skills while reaching populations of the public that remain underserved and underrepresented in scientific fields. Here we describe a classroom outreach event designed to give a broad overview of the field of neuroscience to middle school students of all backgrounds by delivering the content in school, during school hours. Through a variety of active learning strategies, middle school students learned about basic structures of the brain and their corresponding functions. Additionally, these students participated in demonstrations during which they generated and tested their own hypotheses and learned about sensory transmission and responses. We designed the lesson to meet the educational goals for middle school students, fulfilling the criteria for the Next Generation Science Standard MS-LS1-8 (NGSS Lead States, 2013). We evaluated the impact of the event on both undergraduate student instructors and middle school participants. Our results demonstrate that these outreach events effectively deliver new content to middle school students while also reinforcing the importance and value of outreach to undergraduate instructors

    Galaxy morphology in the rich cluster Abell 2390

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    We have analysed images of the field of A2390 obtained with the CFHT and HST. The analysis fits models to bulge and disk components to several hundred galaxies, with about equal samples from the cluster and field. We also have assessed and graded asymmetries in the images. The cluster galaxies are compared in different cluster locations and also compared with field galaxies. We find that the central old population galaxies are bulge-dominated, while disk systems have young populations and are found predominantly in the outer cluster. S0 and bulgy disk galaxies are found throughout, but concentrate in regions of substructure. Disks of cluster blue galaxies are generally brighter and smaller than those in the field. We find that the cluster members have a higher proportion of interacting galaxies than the field sample. Interactions in the cluster and in the field, as well as cluster infall, appear to inhibit star-formation in galaxies.Comment: 20 pages including 10 of tables, plus 7 figures; To appear in the Astronomical Jorurna

    Multiple tutorial-based assessments: a generalizability study

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    BACKGROUND: Tutorial-based assessment commonly used in problem-based learning (PBL) is thought to provide information about students which is different from that gathered with traditional assessment strategies such as multiple-choice questions or short-answer questions. Although multiple-observations within units in an undergraduate medical education curriculum foster more reliable scores, that evaluation design is not always practically feasible. Thus, this study investigated the overall reliability of a tutorial-based program of assessment, namely the Tutotest-Lite. METHODS: More specifically, scores from multiple units were used to profile clinical domains for the first two years of a system-based PBL curriculum. RESULTS: G-Study analysis revealed an acceptable level of generalizability, with g-coefficients of 0.84 and 0.83 for Years 1 and 2, respectively. Interestingly, D-Studies suggested that as few as five observations over one year would yield sufficiently reliable scores. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the results from this study support the use of the Tutotest-Lite to judge clinical domains over different PBL units

    Immunohistochemical detection of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in fetal and adult bovine epididymis: Release by the apocrine secretion mode?

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    Originally defined as a lymphokine inhibiting the random migration of macrophages, the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an important mediator of the host response to infection. Beyond its function as a classical cytokine, MIF is currently portrayed as a multifunctional protein with growth-regulating properties present in organ systems beyond immune cells. In previous studies, we detected substantial amounts of MIF in the rat epididymis and epididymal spermatozoa, where it appears to play a role during post-testicular sperm maturation and the acquisition of fertilization ability. To explore its presence in other species not yet examined in this respect, we extended the range of studies to the bull. Using a polyclonal antibody raised against MIF purified from bovine eye lenses, we detected MIF in the epithelium of the adult bovine epididymis with the basal cells representing a prominently stained cell type. A distinct accumulation of MIF at the apical cell pole of the epithelial cells and in membranous vesicles localized in the lumen of the epididynnal duct was obvious. In the fetal bovine epididymis, we also detected MIF in the epithelium, whereas MIF accumulation was evident at the apical cell surface and in apical protrusions. By immuno-electron microscopy of the adult bovine epididymis, we localized MIF in apical protrusions of the epithelial cells and in luminal membrane-bound vesicles that were found in close proximity to sperm cells. Although the precise origin of the MIF-containing vesicles remains to be delineated, our morphological observations support the hypothesis that they become detached from the apical surface of the epididymal epithelial cells. Additionally, an association of MIF with the outer dense fibers of luminal spermatozoa was demonstrated. Data obtained in this study suggest MIF release by an apocrine secretion mode in the bovine epididymis. Furthermore, MIF localized in the basal cells of the epithelium and in the connective tissue could be responsible for regulating the migration of macrophages in order to avoid contact of immune cells with spermatozoa that carry a wide range of potent antigens. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Imaging of z~2 QSO host galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We report on deep imaging in 2 filters with the PC2 camera of HST, of five QSOs at redshift ~2, with a range of optical and radio luminosity. The observations included a suite of PSF observations which were used to construct new PSF models, described elsewhere by Dumont et al. The new PSF models were used to remove the QSO nucleus from the images. We find that the host galaxies have resolved flux of order 10% of the QSO nuclei, and are generally luminous and blue, indicating active star-formation. While most have clearly irregular morphologies, the bulk of the flux can be modelled approximately by an r**1/4 law. However, all host galaxies also have an additional approximately exponential luminosity profile beyond a radius about 0.8 arcsec, as also seen in ground-based data with larger telescopes. The QSOs all have a number of nearby faint blue companions which may be young galaxies at the QSO redshift. We discuss implications for evolution of the host galaxies, their spheroidal populations, and central black holes.Comment: 18 pages including 2 tables; to appear in A

    Is Blood Donation an Opportunity for Hypertension Awareness?

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    Blood centers serve as a cornerstone of public health by providing potentially lifesaving blood products. Interactions with millions of potential donors provides these centers with a unique means of health education and screening opportunities.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1081/thumbnail.jp

    AsaGEI2b: a new variant of a genomic island identified in the Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida JF3224 strain isolated from a wild fish in Switzerland

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    Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is the causal agent of furunculosis in salmonids. We recently identified a group of genomic islands (AsaGEI) in this bacterium. AsaGEI2a, one of these genomic islands, has almost exclusively been identified in isolates from North America. To date, Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida JF3224, a strain isolated from a wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) caught in Switzerland, was the only European isolate that appeared to bear AsaGEI2a. We analyzed the genome of JF3224 and showed that the genomic island in JF3224 is a new variant of AsaGEI, which we have called AsaGEI2b. While AsaGEI2b shares the same integrase gene and insertion site as AsaGEI2a, it is very different in terms of many other features. Additional genomic investigations combined with PCR genotyping revealed that JF3224 is sensitive to growth at 25°C, leading to insertion sequence-dependent rearrangement of the locus on the pAsa5 plasmid that encodes a type three secretion system, which is essential for the virulence of the bacterium. The analysis of the JF3224 genome confirmed that AsaGEIs are accurate indicators of the geographic origins of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida isolates and is another example of the susceptibility of the pAsa5 plasmid to DNA rearrangement