90 research outputs found

    Putative regulatory functions of SNPs associated with bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension and their comorbid phenotype.

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    Linkage disequilibrium (LD) of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of TLR4/AL160272.2 (rs1927914, rs1928298, rs7038716, rs7026297, rs7025144) was estimated in the Slavs of West Siberia. We further investigated an association of SNPs in TLR4/AL160272.2 (rs1927914, rs7038716, rs7025144), SERPINA1 (rs1980616), ATXN2/BRAP (rs11065987), IL2RB (rs2284033), NT5C2 (rs11191582), CARD8 (rs11669386), ANG/RNASE4 (rs1010461), and ABTB2/ САТ (rs2022318) genes with bronchial asthma (BA), arterial hypertension (AH) and their comorbidity. Then, the disease-associated SNPs were annotated in silico in relation to their potential regulatory functions. Strong LD was detected between rs1928298 and rs1927914, as well as rs7026297 and rs7038716 in the Slavs of West Siberia. It was found that the rs1927914 G allele of the TLR4 gene and the rs1980616 C allele of the SERPINA1 gene are associated with the predisposition to BA. These SNPs can affect binding affinity of transcription factors of the Pou and Klf4 families, as well as the expression levels of the TLR4 and SERPINA1 genes. The rs11065987 allele A of the ATXN2/BRAP genes, the rs11669386 A allele of the CARD8 gene, the rs2284033 allele G of the IL2RB gene, and the rs11191582 allele G of the NT5C2 gene were associated with the risk of AH. These variants can alter binding affinity of the Hoxa9, Irf, RORalpha1 and HMG-IY transcription factors, as well as the expression levels of the ALDH2, CARD8, NT5C2, ARL3, and SFXN2 genes in blood cells/vessels/heart, respectively. The risk of developing a comorbid phenotype of AD and AH is associated with the A allele of rs7038716 and the T allele of rs7025144 of the TLR4/AL160272.2 genes, the A allele of rs1010461 of the ANG gene and the C allele of rs2022318 of the ABTB2/CAT genes. Variants rs7038716 and rs7025144 can change the expression levels of the TLR4 gene in blood cells, while rs1010461 and rs2022318 influence the expression levels of the ANG and RNASE4 genes as well as the CAT and ABTB2 genes in blood cells, lungs/vessels/heart

    Genome-wide association study suggests that variation at the RCOR1 locus is associated with tinnitus in UK Biobank

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    Tinnitus is a prevalent condition in which perception of sound occurs without an external stimulus. It is often associated with pre-existing hearing loss or noise-induced damage to the auditory system. In some individuals it occurs frequently or even continuously and leads to considerable distress and difficulty sleeping. There is little knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in tinnitus which has hindered the development of treatments. Evidence suggests that tinnitus has a heritable component although previous genetic studies have not established specific risk factors. From a total of 172,608 UK Biobank participants who answered questions on tinnitus we performed a case-control genome-wide association study for self-reported tinnitus. Final sample size used in association analysis was N = 91,424. Three variants in close proximity to the RCOR1 gene reached genome wide significance: rs4906228 (p = 1.7E-08), rs4900545 (p = 1.8E-08) and 14:103042287_CT_C (p = 3.50E-08). RCOR1 encodes REST Corepressor 1, a component of a co-repressor complex involved in repressing neuronal gene expression in non-neuronal cells. Eleven other independent genetic loci reached a suggestive significance threshold of p < 1E-06

    Does Dysbiosis Play a Role in Age-Related Hearing Impairment?

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    Age-related hearing impairment (ARHI) is prevalent in older adults, affecting at least 60% of people by the time they reach 71 to 80 years of age.1 The number of people with ARHI will necessarily increase as humans live longer and a greater proportion of the population is older.2 Hearing loss does not just impact communication; it is associated with loneliness and depression, cognitive decline and dementia, as well as reduced physical well-being.3-6 A decade ago, an international report calculated that hearing loss cost Europe £213 billion annually.7 There is currently no effective drug treatment for hearing loss. Hearing aids (average cost £2,300/pair) are the most commonly prescribed ameliorative therapy, but uptake is low; and among those who obtain hearing aids, a high proportion do not use them or are dissatisfied with them. Hearing loss prevention is therefore of compelling necessity, and genetic studies will help us understand how and why people lose their hearing ability and will inform prevention strategies

    Inertia based microfluidic capture and characterisation of circulating tumour cells for the diagnosis of lung cancer

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    Background: Routine clinical application of circulating tumour cells (CTCs) for blood based diagnostics is yet to be established. Despite growing evidence of their clinical utility for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment monitoring, the efficacy of a robust platform and universally accepted diagnostic criteria remain uncertain. We evaluate the diagnostic performance of a microfluidic CTC isolation platform using cytomorphologic criteria in patients undergoing lung cancer surgery. Methods: Blood was processed from 51 patients undergoing surgery for known or suspected lung cancer using the ClearBridge ClearCell FX systemTM (ClearBridge Biomedics, Singapore). Captured cells were stained on slides with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and independently assessed by two pathologist teams. Diagnostic performance was evaluated against the pathologists reported diagnosis of cancer from surgically obtained specimens. Results: Cancer was diagnosed in 43.1% and 54.9% of all cases. In early stage primary lung cancer, between the two reporting teams, a positive diagnosis of CTCs was made for 50% and 66.7% of patients. The agreement between the reporting teams was 80.4%, corresponding to a kappa-statistic of 0.61±0.11 (P<0.001), indicating substantial agreement. Sensitivity levels for the two teams were calculated as 59% (95% CI, 41–76%) and 41% (95% CI, 24–59%), with a specificity of 53% for both. Conclusions: The performance of the tested microfluidic antibody independent device to capture CTCs using standard cytomorphological criteria provides the potential of a diagnostic blood test for lung cancer

    Self-reported hearing loss questions provide a good measure for genetic studies: a polygenic risk score analysis from UK Biobank

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    Age-related hearing impairment (ARHI) is very common in older adults and has major impact on quality of life. The heritability of ARHI has been estimated to be around 50%. The present study aimed to estimate heritability and environmental contributions to liability of ARHI and the extent to which a polygenic risk score (PRS) derived from a recent genome-wide association study of questionnaire items regarding hearing loss using the UK Biobank is predictive of hearing loss in other samples. We examined (1) a sample from TwinsUK who have had hearing ability measured by pure-tone audiogram and the speech-to-noise ratio test as well as questionnaire measures that are comparable with the UK Biobank questionnaire items and (2) European and non-European samples from the UK Biobank which were not part of the original GWAS. Results indicated that the questionnaire items were over 50% heritable in TwinsUK and comparable with the objective hearing measures. In addition, we found very high genetic correlation (0.30–0.84) between the questionnaire responses and objective hearing measures in the TwinsUK sample. Finally, PRS computed from weighted UK Biobank GWAS results were predictive of both questionnaire and objective measures of hearing loss in the TwinsUK sample, as well as questionnaire-measured hearing loss in Europeans but not non-European subpopulations. These results demonstrate the utility of questionnaire-based methods in genetic association studies of hearing loss in adults and highlight the differences in genetic predisposition to ARHI by ethnic background

    Treatment response in rheumatoid arthritis is predicted by the microbiome: a large observational study in UK DMARD-naïve patients.

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    OBJECTIVES: Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are first line treatment in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Treatment response to DMARDs is patient-specific, dose efficacy is difficult to predict and long-term results variable. The gut microbiota are known to play a pivotal role in prodromal and early-disease RA, manifested by Prevotella spp. enrichment. The clinical response to therapy may be mediated by microbiota, and large-scale studies assessing the microbiome are few. This study assessed whether microbiome signals were associated with, and predictive of, patient response to DMARD-treatment. Accurate early identification of those who will respond poorly to DMARD therapy would allow selection of alternative treatment (e.g. biologic therapy), and potentially improve patient outcome. METHODS: A multicentre, longitudinal, observational study of stool- and saliva microbiome was performed in DMARD-naïve, newly diagnosed RA patients during introduction of DMARD treatment. Clinical data and samples were collected at baseline (n = 144) in DMARD-naïve patients and at six weeks (n = 117) and 12 weeks (n = 95) into DMARD-therapy. Samples collected (n = 365 stool, n = 365 saliva) underwent shotgun sequencing. Disease activity measures were collected at each timepoint and minimal clinically important improvement determined. RESULTS: In total, 26 stool microbes were found to decrease in those manifesting a minimal clinically important improvement. Prevotella spp. and Streptococcus spp. were the predominant taxa to decline following six weeks and 12 weeks of DMARDs, respectively. Furthermore, baseline microbiota of DMARD-naïve patients were indicative of future response. CONCLUSION: DMARDs appear to restore a perturbed microbiome to a eubiotic state. Moreover, microbiome status can be used to predict likelihood of patient response to DMARD

    No evidence of association between either Modic change or disc degeneration and five circulating inflammatory proteins.

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    INTRODUCTION: Intervertebral disc degeneration and Modic change are the main spinal structural changes associated with chronic low back pain (LBP). Both conditions are thought to manifest local inflammation and if inflammatory proteins translocate to the blood circulation could be detected systemically. The work here assesses whether the presence of disc degeneration is associated with detectable blood level changes of five inflammatory markers and whether chronic LBP is associated with these changes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two hundred and forty TwinsUK cohort participants with both MRI disc degeneration grade and Modic change extent, and IL-6, IL-8, IL-8 TNF, and CX3CL1 protein blood concentration measurements were included in this work. Linear mixed effects models were used to test the association of blood cytokine concentration with disc degeneration score and Modic change volumetric score. Association of chronic LBP status from questionnaires with disc degeneration, Modic change, and cytokine blood concentration was also tested. RESULTS: No statistically significant association between disc degeneration or Modic change with cytokine blood concentration was found. Instead, regression analysis pointed strong association between cytokine blood concentration with body mass index for IL-6 and with age for IL-6 and TNF. Mild association was found between IL-8 blood concentration and body mass index. Additionally, LBP status was associated with Modic change volumetric score but not associated with any cytokine concentration. CONCLUSIONS: We found no evidence that Modic change and disc degeneration are able to produce changes in tested blood cytokine concentration. However, age and body mass index have strong influence on cytokine concentration and both are associated with the conditions studied which may confound associations found in the literature. It is then unlikely that cytokines produced in the disc or vertebral bone marrow induce chronic LBP

    GWAS Identifies 44 Independent Associated Genomic Loci for Self-Reported Adult Hearing Difficulty in UK Biobank

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    Age-related hearing impairment (ARHI) is the most common sensory impairment in the aging population; a third of individuals are affected by disabling hearing loss by the age of 65. It causes social isolation and depression and has recently been identified as a risk factor for dementia. The genetic risk factors and underlying pathology of ARHI are largely unknown, meaning that targets for new therapies remain elusive, yet heritability estimates range between 35% and 55%. We performed genome-wide association studies (GWASs) for two self-reported hearing phenotypes, using more than 250,000 UK Biobank (UKBB) volunteers aged between 40 and 69 years. Forty-four independent genome-wide significant loci (p < 5E−08) were identified, considerably increasing the number of established trait loci. Thirty-four loci are novel associations with hearing loss of any form, and only one of the ten known hearing loci has a previously reported association with an ARHI-related trait. Gene sets from these loci are enriched in auditory processes such as synaptic activities, nervous system processes, inner ear morphology, and cognition, while genetic correlation analysis revealed strong positive correlations with multiple personality and psychological traits for the first time. Immunohistochemistry for protein localization in adult mouse cochlea implicate metabolic, sensory, and neuronal functions for NID2, CLRN2, and ARHGEF28. These results provide insight into the genetic landscape underlying ARHI, opening up novel therapeutic targets for further investigation. In a wider context, our study also highlights the viability of using self-report phenotypes for genetic discovery in very large samples when deep phenotyping is unavailable

    Probable delirium is a presenting symptom of COVID-19 in frail, older adults: a cohort study of 322 hospitalised and 535 community-based older adults

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    BACKGROUND: Frailty, increased vulnerability to physiological stressors, is associated with adverse outcomes. COVID-19 exhibits a more severe disease course in older, comorbid adults. Awareness of atypical presentations is critical to facilitate early identification. OBJECTIVE: To assess how frailty affects presenting COVID-19 symptoms in older adults. DESIGN: Observational cohort study of hospitalised older patients and self-report data for community-based older adults. SETTINGS: Admissions to St Thomas’ Hospital, London with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Community-based data for older adults using the COVID Symptom Study mobile application. SUBJECTS: Hospital cohort: patients aged 65 and over (n = 322); unscheduled hospital admission between 1 March 2020 and 5 May 2020; COVID-19 confirmed by RT-PCR of nasopharyngeal swab. Community-based cohort: participants aged 65 and over enrolled in the COVID Symptom Study (n = 535); reported test-positive for COVID-19 from 24 March (application launch) to 8 May 2020. METHODS: Multivariable logistic regression analysis performed on age-matched samples from hospital and community-based cohorts to ascertain association of frailty with symptoms of confirmed COVID-19. RESULTS: Hospital cohort: significantly higher prevalence of probable delirium in the frail sample, with no difference in fever or cough. Community-based cohort: significantly higher prevalence of possible delirium in frailer, older adults and fatigue and shortness of breath. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study demonstrating higher prevalence of probable delirium as a COVID-19 symptom in older adults with frailty compared to other older adults. This emphasises need for systematic frailty assessment and screening for delirium in acutely ill older patients in hospital and community settings. Clinicians should suspect COVID-19 in frail adults with delirium

    Association between 8 P-glycoprotein (MDR1/ABCB1) gene polymorphisms and antipsychotic drug-induced hyperprolactinaemia

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    INTRODUCTION: Hyperprolactinaemia, a common adverse effect of antipsychotic drugs, is primarily linked to blockade of dopamine D2 receptors in the pituitary gland. Certain antipsychotic drugs, such as, for example risperidone and paliperidone, are more likely to induce hyperprolactinaemia compared to others. This effect is probably caused by a relatively high blood/brain concentration ratio, a consequence of being a substrate of P-glycoprotein. Genetic variants of P-glycoprotein with changed functional activity might influence the potential of risperidone and paliperidone to cause hyperprolactinaemia as the altered blood/brain concentration ratio would lead to a reduced therapeutic drug level within essential brain areas making dose adaptations necessary. This increases exposure of dopamine D2 receptors within the pituitary gland. AIMS: To investigate possible associations between MDR1/ABCB1 gene polymorphisms and antipsychotic drug-induced hyperprolactinaemia in Russian patients with schizophrenia and to determine possible differences between risperidone/paliperidone and other antipsychotics. METHODS: In total, 446 patients with schizophrenia were included from 3 psychiatric hospitals in Siberia. Blood samples were obtained in a cross-sectional study design for DNA extraction and prolactin measurement. Associations between hyperprolactinaemia and 8 MDR1/ABCB1 gene-polymorphisms were assessed using logistic regression analysis accounting for covariates. The analysis was repeated in a patient subgroup using risperidone or paliperidone. RESULTS: We did not observe an association between any of the 8 single nucleotide polymorphisms and the prevalence of antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinaemia in the total patient population. However, in the risperidone/paliperidone subgroup, the single nucleotide polymorphism rs2032582 (G2677T) was found to be negatively associated with risperidone/paliperidone-induced hyperprolactinaemia. CONCLUSION: This study revealed a significant association between the ABCB1 gene polymorphism rs2032582 (G2677T) and risperidone/paliperidone-induced hyperprolactinaemia