766 research outputs found

    The influence of red and infrared light on a crystal counter

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    The influence of red light in the reduction of the space charge built up in a crystalcounter, is described, especially for the case of a diamond crystal. The distribution of the pulses and the decreasing of the pulse-magnitude as a function of the irradiation with α-particles, as well as the increasing of this magnitude with red light, is explained qualitatively. It is possible to maintain the counting property of the crystal for an unlimited time, if only the intensity of the light is sufficient

    Photo-electric properties of diamond, measured with a crystal counter

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    In this article measurements are described of the function of Hecht for diamond. The result differs considerably from earlier measurements in which light or electrons are used to irradiate the crystal. Attention is drawn to the important fact that the photo-electric measurements in a crystal, performed with the aid of a crystal counter are more accurate and reliable than older methods

    Some aspects of the counting properties of diamond

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    Experiments carried out on diamond crystal counters are described. The use of a new diamond specimen leads to the same value for the product of the mobility and the mean free time in the crystal as had been found for a previous specimen, the data for which have been already published by the same authors. The energy necessary for the liberation of one electron in a diamond crystal appears to be 8,6 e.V. or less. Evidence is given that the parts of a mixed crystal used for the counting of α-particles are of type II (transparent to ultra violet light)

    Livestock, vulnerability, and poverty dynamics in India

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    The focus of this study is to identify the livelihood activities that produce the major share of household income as well as to identify the livelihood pathways and strategies, and the role of livestock in these activities and strategies over a six year period. The paper is organized as follows. Section one is Introduction; Section 2 describes the methodology and data. Section 3 examines the extent of movements into and out of poverty amongst the sample households. Sections 4 and 5 describe the extent of destitution, vulnerability, viability and sustainability in connection with livelihood pathways. Section 6 examines the factors associated with economic/poverty status. Section 7 summarises the role of livestock in these livelihood connections. Finally, the paper draws some policy conclusions and recommendations and discusses the future direction of research

    Designing livestock interventions for emergency situations in Southern Africa

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    This brief is a review of the research conducted by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and partners in Lesotho, Malawi and Zambia aimed to assess the contribution of livestock to livelihoods and its role in risk management. The objective of the study was to identify the livelihood assets and strategies of households, taking into account differences between men and women and the contexts that translate household capabilities into livelihood opportunities. The study suggests that there are marked differences in ownership of productive assets, in livelihood strategies and in vulnerability between men and women. The results of the study showed that households in southern Africa are exposed to a variety of shocks with cumulative impacts that can trigger an emergency. The main factors contributing to vulnerability to food insecurity include drought, widespread crop failure, animal diseases and declining access to livestock service delivery. These factors affect all households in a community but in different ways

    Livestock, livelihoods and vulnerability in Lesotho, Malawi and Zambia: designing livestock interventions for emergency situations

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    This study assesses the contributions of livestock to risk management and coping strategies and to identify livestock-centred interventions that can be used to save lives and livelihoods in crisis and emergency situations in selected countries of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). The specific objectives are to analyse the roles of livestock in household livelihood strategies; to examine different sources of risks and household risk management and coping strategies, paying particular attention to livestock-based strategies; to identify emergency response interventions including targeted livestock interventions for reducing food insecurity and vulnerability; and to provide a framework for identifying guiding principles for linking livelihood analysis, project and program design, and implementation in emergency situations. The countries covered in this study are Lesotho, Malawi and Zambia. The ratio of vulnerability to food insecurity appears to be growing in all of these countries with vulnerable households facing dwindling food stocks and rising prices of staple food at the time of the study (UN-RIACSO 2005)

    Factors associated with farm households' movement into and out of poverty in Kenya: The rising importance of livestock

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    This study explores the dynamics of poverty in Kenya. The study specifically examines how initial conditions, household decisions, and other factors that may change over time affect poverty. Dynamic relationships are identified between behavioral variables, exogenous shocks at one point in time, and indicators of household welfare in subsequent years. The study uses longitudinal data collected from 1,324 households which participated in three nationwide surveys conducted over seven years, in 1997, 2000, and 2004, to identify salient household-level and community-level correlates of poverty in rural Kenya. Next, dynamic relationships are identified between time-invariant initial conditions, lagged household resource allocation, technology adoption decisions, and current income and wealth outcomes. Last, the paper draws implications for designing policies and programs for alleviating rural poverty and promoting income growth

    Livestock and poverty reduction in India: findings from the ODI Livelihood Options Project

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    This paper is based on data collected under the Livelihood Options Project, a three year DFID funded policy study located in the Indian States of Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Madhya Pradesh (MP). The purpose of this project is to identify factors promoting or impeding diversification out of low productivity livelihoods, and identify the policy changes necessary to support upward trajectories and prevent downward ones. It explores the role of livestock in rural livelihoods and its potential to assist people in escaping poverty using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Main topics of discussion include economic importance of livestock; macro level trends in AP and MP; and variations in income and livestock keeping. Three study findings are presented. These are Broad patters-lists livestock and farmer category, and livestock types by caste categories; Who keeps what and why? This finding discusses overviews of Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh and discusses goats as an increasingly popular accumulative option. The last Study finding - Does livestock provide a useful coping mechanism to vulnerable households and individuals - outlines migration and livestock case studies, and village accounts of livestock keeping patterns. The paper ends with conclusion and policy implications

    Drought and vulnerability of livestock in India

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    This study examines the dynamics of livestock keeping in recent years when occurrence of droughts was severe; the function of livestock in reducing the vulnerability to shocks and stresses to which the poor are exposed; and the relationship between migration and aspects of livestock keeping in the context of drought and vulnerability. The discussion paper is organized as follows: Following the executive summary, Section 2 introduces the paper giving its background. Section 3 describes the methodology. Section 4 presents an overview of livestock keeping and poverty. Section 5 describes the dynamics of livestock keeping in two subsections. Section 6 analyzes livestock sales due to major expenses in three years. The relationship between migration income and livestock keeping is examined in Section 7. The paper concludes with Section 8, where implications are discussed. Questionnaire for 2005 panel re-survey and qualitative assessment of the impact of commercial poultry farms on backyard poultry production and additional tabulation are included in the appendices. The report is primarily based on the 2005 re-survey data supplemented by data collected from 2001-02 survey as well as qualitative method
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