11 research outputs found

    Regular Patterns in Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Simple Spike Trains

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    Background. Cerebellar Purkinje cells (PC) in vivo are commonly reported to generate irregular spike trains, documented by high coefficients of variation of interspike-intervals (ISI). In strong co

    Regular patterns in cerebellar Purkinje cell simple spike trains

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    Regular patterns in cerebellar Purkinje cell simple spike trains.

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    <p>(A) Raster plot of PC SS in an anesthetized rat (AnR). (B) CV<sub>2</sub> distributions of SS trains recorded from anesthetized mice (AnM, left), awake mice (AwM, middle, blue: neurons in cerebral motor cortex), and mean of 92 CV<sub>2</sub> distributions (Pooled, right) which were significantly different from those of inhomogeneous Poisson processes with similarly modulated firing rates (p<0.05, χ<sup>2</sup> test; *: p<0.001, χ<sup>2</sup> goodness of fit residual test; red line: CV<sub>2</sub> = 0.2). Insets and right panel: mean±s.e.m. (black: PC, green: inhomogeneous Poisson process) (C) Extracting regular spiking patterns by setting CV<sub>2</sub> threshold at 0.2 (white dotted lines). White dashes: CV<sub>2</sub> values calculated from the two surrounding ISIs, red: first ISI of regular patterns, pink: successive ISIs in regular patterns, dark blue: ISIs not belonging to a regular pattern).</p

    Characteristics of regular spike patterns.

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    <p>(A) ISI distribution of overall ISIs (black), patterns (red) and singles (blue) from a representative sample PC spike train of AnR (left), AnM (middle) and AwM (right). Insets: magnified plot of indicated area (lower) and 90 P (90 percentile, upper) of each population, *: p<0.01, Student t test. (B) The relation between pattern mean ISI and pattern size in AnR (left, cyan), AnM (middle, magenta) and AwM (right, yellow). Insets: maximum pattern mean ISI (90 percentile) of different pattern sizes. *: p<0.001, Wilcoxon signed rank test. (C) Percentage ISIs belonging to patterns (upper, *: p<0.001, Student t test), Average maximum pattern size (middle, *: p<0.001, Student t test), and Pattern size distribution (lower, p<0.05, χ<sup>2</sup> test). Cyan: AnR, magenta: AnM, yellow: AwM.</p

    Effect of CV<sub>2</sub> threshold on patterns.

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    <p>(A) Mean (± s.e.m.) of normalized number of patterns in spike trains classified with different values of the CV<sub>2</sub> threshold, ranging from 0 to 0.5, in 92 PCs (filled circles) and in simulated spike trains from Poisson processes with similar firing rate profiles as in the PCs (open circles). Arrow: maximum number of patterns, *: range where there was no statistical difference (p>0.05). Inset: same distribution but for all possible thresholds. (B) Raster plots with indication of the spike timings belonging to patterns (red dotted lines: start of patterns, red solid lines: following spikes in each pattern) and singles (blue). Black dots: difference in classified patterns when threshold was 0.2 (upper trace) and 0.24 (lower trace).</p

    Coincident patterns in nearby PC pairs in AnR.

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    <p>(A) Eight cross-correlograms of timings of spikes belonging to regular patterns extracted from recordings of nearby PC pairs, with each pair colored differently. Insets: cross-correlograms of the shuffled spike trains of two pairs (black) superimposed on original cross-correlogram of patterns (blue and gray: pairs showing strongest and weakest synchronization respectively). (B) The relation of pattern mean ISIs in 4 pairs in which pattern starts coincided significantly (inset: cross-correlograms of the first spikes of regular patterns in the 4 pairs). Red dotted line: diagonal.</p

    Simulated synaptic conductance in PC to DCN synapse caused by spontaneous PC spiking.

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    <p>(A) A representative example of the simulated synaptic conductance (G<sub>syn</sub>) induced by PC (black) of AnR (upper panel), AnM (middle panel) and AwM (lower panel), and by corresponding realizations of an inhomogeneous Poisson process (green). Rasters: spikes belonging to patterns (black and green dotted lines: start of patterns, black and green solid lines: following spikes in patterns, blue lines: singles), numbers: number of all spikes in the 500 ms window. (B) Distribution of G<sub>syn</sub> values for PCs (black) compared to Poisson processes (green). Bin = 0.2 nS. Red bar: bins where PCs contained significantly more G<sub>syn</sub> values. p<0.05.</p

    Regular patterns and singles related to the membrane potential (MP).

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    <p>Dendritic patch-clamp recording of PC in anesthetized rat (data from Loewenstein et al. 2005). Voltage trace: large spikes are complex spikes, small ones are simple spikes. Dotted black line: threshold to define up and down-states (MP = −55 mV). Raster plot at top: simple spikes were sorted as either pattern spikes (dotted red lines: start of patterns, solid red lines: following spikes in each pattern) or single spikes (blue lines). All patterns were during up-state, but singles occurred both during up (filled circles) and down (open circles) states.</p

    A representative example of regular patterns in tactile stimulus evoked PC SS responses.

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    <p>(A) Peri-event raster plot of patterns (red) and singles (blue) during tactile stimulation in AnR. (B) Mean rate (± s.e.m.) of overall spikes (black), realization of Poisson process (green), pattern spikes (red) and singles (blue). Bin = 20 ms. (C) Simulated G<sub>syn</sub> for the trial indicated by arrow in (A) (bin = 1 ms). (D) CV (SD/Mean) of simulated G<sub>syn</sub> (*: p<0.001, Student t test, bin 20 ms). Black dotted line: stimulation time. (E) Mean firing rate (upper panel) and percent ISIs belonging to regular patterns (lower panel) in 200 ms before and after stimulation (upper panel) of simulated spike trains from inhomogeneous Poisson process (green) and from recorded PCs (black). *: p<0.005, Wilcoxon signed ranks test. (F) Pattern mean ISI distribution before (dotted line) and after (solid line) tactile stimulation. Inset: Pattern size distribution before (open) and after (filled) stimulation.</p