1,323 research outputs found

    Phase and Scaling Properties of Determinants Arising in Topological Field Theories

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    In topological field theories determinants of maps with negative as well as positive eigenvalues arise. We give a generalisation of the zeta-regularisation technique to derive expressions for the phase and scaling-dependence of these determinants. For theories on odd-dimensional manifolds a simple formula for the scaling dependence is obtained in terms of the dimensions of certain cohomology spaces. This enables a non-perturbative feature of Chern-Simons gauge theory to be reproduced by path-integral methods.Comment: 12 pages, Latex. To appear in Physics Letters

    Neural Transplantation: A Report on the IVth International Symposium

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    A Large k Asymptotics of Witten's Invariant of Seifert Manifolds

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    We calculate a large kk asymptotic expansion of the exact surgery formula for Witten's SU(2)SU(2) invariant of Seifert manifolds. The contributions of all flat connections are identified. An agreement with the 1-loop formula is checked. A contribution of the irreducible connections appears to contain only a finite number of terms in the asymptotic series. A 2-loop correction to the contribution of the trivial connection is found to be proportional to Casson's invariant.Comment: 51 pages (Some changes are made to the Discussion section. A surgery formula for perturbative corrections to the contribution of the trivial connection is suggested.

    Ray-Singer Torsion for a Hyperbolic 3-Manifold and Asymptotics of Chern-Simons-Witten Invariant

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    The Ray-Singer torsion for a compact smooth hyperbolic 3-dimensional manifold H3{\cal H}^3 is expressed in terms of Selberg zeta-functions, making use of the associated Selberg trace formulae. Applications to the evaluation of the semiclassical asymptotics of the Witten's invariant for the Chern-Simons theory with gauge group SU(2) as well as to the sum over topologies in 3-dimensional quantum gravity are presented.Comment: Latex file, 15 pages. Some improvements, grammatical mistakes and typos correcte

    Derivation of the Verlinde Formula from Chern-Simons Theory and the G/G model

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    We give a derivation of the Verlinde formula for the GkG_{k} WZW model from Chern-Simons theory, without taking recourse to CFT, by calculating explicitly the partition function ZÎŁĂ—S1Z_{\Sigma\times S^{1}} of ÎŁĂ—S1\Sigma\times S^{1} with an arbitrary number of labelled punctures. By a suitable gauge choice, ZÎŁĂ—S1Z_{\Sigma\times S^{1}} is reduced to the partition function of an Abelian topological field theory on ÎŁ\Sigma (a deformation of non-Abelian BF and Yang-Mills theory) whose evaluation is straightforward. This relates the Verlinde formula to the Ray-Singer torsion of ÎŁĂ—S1\Sigma\times S^{1}. We derive the Gk/GkG_{k}/G_{k} model from Chern-Simons theory, proving their equivalence, and give an alternative derivation of the Verlinde formula by calculating the Gk/GkG_{k}/G_{k} path integral via a functional version of the Weyl integral formula. From this point of view the Verlinde formula arises from the corresponding Jacobian, the Weyl determinant. Also, a novel derivation of the shift k\ra k+h is given, based on the index of the twisted Dolbeault complex.Comment: 47 pages (in A4 format), LaTex file, (original was truncated by the mailer - apologies, m.b.), IC/93/8

    Residue Formulas for the Large k Asymptotics of Witten's Invariants of Seifert Manifolds. The Case of SU(2)

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    We derive the large k asymptotics of the surgery formula for SU(2) Witten's invariants of general Seifert manifolds. The contributions of connected components of the moduli space of flat connections are identified. The contributions of irreducible connections are presented in a residue form. This form is similar to the one used by A. Szenes, L. Jeffrey and F. Kirwan. This similarity allows us to express the contributions of irreducible connections in terms of intersection numbers on their moduli spaces.Comment: 39 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Witten's Invariants of Rational Homology Spheres at Prime Values of KK and Trivial Connection Contribution

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    We establish a relation between the coefficients of asymptotic expansion of trivial connection contribution to Witten's invariant of rational homology spheres and the invariants that T.~Ohtsuki extracted from Witten's invariant at prime values of KK. We also rederive the properties of prime KK invariants discovered by H.~Murakami and T.~Ohtsuki. We do this by using the bounds on Taylor series expansion of the Jones polynomial of algebraically split links, studied in our previous paper. These bounds are enough to prove that Ohtsuki's invariants are of finite type. The relation between Ohtsuki's invariants and trivial connection contribution is verified explicitly for lens spaces and Seifert manifolds.Comment: 32 pages, no figures, LaTe

    The volume of the moduli space of flat connections on a nonorientable 2-manifold

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    We compute the Riemannian volume on the moduli space of flat connections on a nonorientable 2-manifold, for a natural class of metrics. We also show that Witten's volume formula for these moduli spaces may be derived using Haar measure, and we give a new proof of Witten's volume formula for the moduli space of flat connections on an orientable surface using Haar measure.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, manuscript substantially revised. To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    The Self-Dual String and Anomalies in the M5-brane

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    We study the anomalies of a charge Q2Q_2 self-dual string solution in the Coulomb branch of Q5Q_5 M5-branes. Cancellation of these anomalies allows us to determine the anomaly of the zero-modes on the self-dual string and their scaling with Q2Q_2 and Q5Q_5. The dimensional reduction of the five-brane anomalous couplings then lead to certain anomalous couplings for D-branes.Comment: 13 pages, Harvmac, refs adde

    Connectivity properties of moment maps on based loop groups

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    For a compact, connected, simply-connected Lie group G, the loop group LG is the infinite-dimensional Hilbert Lie group consisting of H^1-Sobolev maps S^1-->G. The geometry of LG and its homogeneous spaces is related to representation theory and has been extensively studied. The space of based loops Omega(G) is an example of a homogeneous space of LGLG and has a natural Hamiltonian T x S^1 action, where T is the maximal torus of G. We study the moment map mu for this action, and in particular prove that its regular level sets are connected. This result is as an infinite-dimensional analogue of a theorem of Atiyah that states that the preimage of a moment map for a Hamiltonian torus action on a compact symplectic manifold is connected. In the finite-dimensional case, this connectivity result is used to prove that the image of the moment map for a compact Hamiltonian T-space is convex. Thus our theorem can also be viewed as a companion result to a theorem of Atiyah and Pressley, which states that the image mu(Omega(G)) is convex. We also show that for the energy functional E, which is the moment map for the S^1 rotation action, each non-empty preimage is connected.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology on 28 October 200
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