72 research outputs found

    Procedure to make a regional analysis.

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    <p>Top and bottom rows show the conversion from a hippocampus segmentation and the six regional mask to a triangulated mesh respectively. The right part of the figure illustrates the registration procedure to map the six regional hippocampus mask to the left and right hippocampus mesh.</p

    Left and right hippocampus segmentations in coronal view.

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    <p>Left: manual segmentation. Middle: FSL-FIRST segmentation. Right: FreeSurfer segmentation.</p

    Regional hippocampus Jaccard indices for all methods and left and right hippocampi.

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    <p>We combined both time-points, i.e. BL-A–BL-B and M12-A– M12-B, because both time-points by themself gave similar results.</p

    Whole hippocampus Jaccard indices for all methods, both time-points and left and right hippocampi to show segmentation reproducibility between BTB scans.

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    <p>Whole hippocampus Jaccard indices for all methods, both time-points and left and right hippocampi to show segmentation reproducibility between BTB scans.</p

    Quality control for MRI scan registration.

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    <p>Results obtained from the residual matrix after the full circle approach. Jaccard error computed for circles defined by <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0166785#pone.0166785.e010" target="_blank">Eq 7</a>.</p
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