18 research outputs found

    Kleinian Schottky groups, Patterson-Sullivan measures and Fourier decay

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    Let Γ\Gamma be a Zariski dense Kleinian Schottky subgroup of PSL2(C). Let Λ(Γ)\Lambda(\Gamma) be its limit set, endowed with a Patterson-Sullivan measure μ\mu supported on Λ(Γ)\Lambda(\Gamma). We show that the Fourier transform μ^(ξ)\widehat{\mu}(\xi) enjoys polynomial decay as ∣ξ∣\vert \xi \vert goes to infinity. This is a PSL2(C) version of the result of Bourgain-Dyatlov [8], and uses the decay of exponential sums based on Bourgain-Gamburd sum-product estimate on C. These bounds on exponential sums require a delicate non-concentration hypothesis which is proved using some representation theory and regularity estimates for stationary measures of certain random walks on linear groups.Comment: 2 figure

    Sharp resonances on hyperbolic manifolds

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    Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: Université d'Avignon (France)Facult