14 research outputs found

    The Influence of Customer Loyalty on Celebrity Endorser Choice Decision Making: An Exploratory Survey of Customers of Selected Celebrity Endorsed Products in Kenya.

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    Previous scholars have extensively explored customer loyalty as one of the fundamental objectives of marketers. By and large, most of researchers have viewed this mono-directionally in respect to customers vis-à-vis products where customer loyalty has been construed to signify loyalty towards consumer products. However, in the context of celebrity endorsement, the researchers in this paper explore customer loyalty in bi-dimensional perspective, that is, convectional customer loyalty towards a product and customer loyalty toward a celebrity. The configuration of the two dimensions is considered to determine the subsequent effects resulting from the extent of the two aspects.   The researchers introduce a Celebrity-Product Loyalty Congruency (CPLC) model as an instrument to aid in celebrity endorser choice for product advertising. Existing literature on the study area has been reviewed in an effort to identify areas of concurrency/parity and points-of difference serving as research gaps in the reviewed literature. The paper is expected to fill the gaps identified regarding not only the perception of customer loyalty but also to help circumvent the difficulty of celebrity endorser choice. Exploratory research design was used in this study targeting customers of selected celebrity endorsed brands in Kenya. Questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS as the ideal statistical analysis tool. The analyzed data reveal that customers would be more inclined to buy products to which they possess high degree of loyalty than to celebrities in Kenya. Key words: Celebrity Endorsement, Brand Loyalty, Celebrity Attributes

    The Role of Agency Banking in Enhancing Financial Sector Deepening in Emerging Markets: Lessons from the Kenyan Experience

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    Agency banking has increasingly gained importance in developing countries over the last decade. However the extent to which agency banking can be used as a tool to deepen the financial sector remains largely unknown. Also, the true benefits of the agency banking model to customers, the banks and the bank agents also remains largely unstudied. This study sought to analyze these benefits and provide some insights into the actual performance of agency banking with regard to enhancing access to banking services by the unbanked. The study was conducted among 40 registered outlets with a respondent sample of 400 people. Systematic sampling technique was used to pick the respondents who were requested to fill structured questionnaires. The study incorporated descriptive data analysis tools and the likert scale to determine the weight of the factors. The study concluded that agency banking has played a pivotal role in enhancing the penetration of banking services in unbanked markets. Besides, agency banking also enhances the access of the full range of banking products within a less than formal setting. The study concludes that the agency banking model has not only helped to demystify banking among low income populations but it has also placed beneficiaries on sure path towards become financially secure. The study also found that banking agents also double up as the backbone of electronic money banking since they perform transactions over a bank device, to enable clients to convert cash into electronic money and vice versa. This is an important role in enhancing financial sector deepening. Keywords: Agency Banking, Financial sector deepening, Market segmentation

    Factors Influencing Performance of Income Generating Units in Public Universities

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    This paper discusses the performance of income generating units in public universities in Kenya. A broad study was done with regards to the various variables showing how each of them affects performance of income generating units. A descriptive approach in research was sought to explain the relationship between the variables of the study as shown in the conceptual framework. The research discloses that Economic factors such as inflation affect allocation of resources in the units and funds allocated to the various votes do not sufficiently meet the needs of the units. It was further noted that employees’ accountability determines performance of the units and internal controls ensures reliability of financial reporting which are accurate and complete. The study concludes by recommending a cost benefit analysis for any ventures in the future to ensure viability of projects so as to abate costs in setting up projects that have very little returns. Key words: Economic factors, Income generating units, Cost benefit analysis, Inflation

    An Assessment on the Role of Top Management Support Practice on Performance of Steel Manufacturing Companies in Kenya

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    The purpose of this paper was to assess the role of top management support practice in selected steel manufacturing firms in Kenya and its effect on financial performance of the organizations. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design that collected both qualitative and quantitative data through structured questionnaires. The target population was the 46 listed Kenyan Steel Manufacturing Companies. Sample size was determined by the use of Krejcie and Morgan’s Sample Size Table. The sample size of the targeted population was 42. Data was collected from Management Representatives or Quality Assurance Managers or their equivalents and had a response rate of 100%. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data while qualitative data was used to supplement interpretation of quantitative data. Testing of hypotheses was done using Analysis of Variance. Variance Inflation Factor was used to illustrate the significance of the association between financial performance and top management support practice. The study concludes that top management support practice contributes significantly to the performance of Steel Manufacturing companies in Kenya. Using regression analysis, the study revealed that top management support practice statistically significantly predicted the performance of Steel Manufacturing Companies in Kenya, with F statistic of 74.801 with probability value p of 0.000 (p < 0.05). The analysis further revealed that there is a fairly strong correlation between top management support practice and performance of Steel Manufacturing companies in Kenya (R =0.807, R2=0.652). The study recommends that top management should allocate more resources towards quality improvement and they should ensure that they set quality goals and distribute them throughout the organization. Keywords: Quality Management Systems, Organizational Performance, Kenyan Steel Manufacturing Sector, Top Management Support

    Legal and Regulatory Framework as a Determinant of Effectiveness of Corporate Governance in State Corporations in Kenya

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    This study sought to establish the determinants of effectiveness of Corporate Governance at state corporations in Kenya. Based on the literature, research hypotheses were formulated to investigate the relationships between legal & regulatory framework and the dependent variable. This study was based on The Agency and Stewardship theories. The research methodology selected was a descriptive survey design. The design ensures ease in understanding the insight and ideas about the problem.  The target population of the study was the managers in all the 151 state-owned corporations in Kenya. The sampled companies for the study were 46 representing 30% which were identified through systematic random sampling technique. Five managers from each of the 46 sampled companies were identified through systematic random sampling by purposeful sampling technique giving a total sample size of 230 managers. The key research instrument used was a 5-point-likert scale questionnaire ranging from 1-strongly disagrees to 5-strongly agree. Primary data was collected by use of   questionnaires which were administered through drop and pick method. Reliability and convergent validity of the questionnaire was tested using the Cronbach’s alpha and principal component analysis respectively. .Descriptive statistics of means and standard deviation of Likert scores were calculated. Correlation analysis technique was undertaken to determine whether there was a significant relationship between study variables. However regression analysis was performed so as to test the hypothesis and subsequently model the relationship between the variables. The study found out that Legal and Regulatory Framework was positively correlated with corporate governance in State Corporations in Kenya. The regression analysis led the study to conclude that legal & Regulatory Framework was critical in determining effectiveness of Corporate Governance in State Corporations in Kenya. Consequently the study recommended that stakeholders of State Corporations should enhance, Legal & regulatory framework to sustain effective Corporate Governance in these institutions. Finally further research was recommended to include other corporation’s not only state corporations. Keywords:  Legal and Regulatory Framework, Corporate Governance, State Corporation

    Influence of Organizational Resources on Strategy Execution in Shipping Companies in Kenya

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    Current research shows that more attention is given to strategy development but less to strategy execution. This study therefore sought to bridge this pertinent gap in literature by establishing the influence of organization resources on strategy execution in shipping companies in Kenya. The study reviewed relevant literature and theoretical underpinnings to identify the determinants of strategy execution. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design. The population of the research consisted of the 38 shipping companies in Kenya as at 2015. The unit of analysis were the employees in charge of strategic management matters in the shipping companies in Kenya. The study adopted purposive sampling and used primary data which was gathered using structured questionnaires which were pre-tested before being administered. The respondents comprised of the chief executive officer, chief operations officer, chief finance officer, chief information officer and the business development officer who were purposely selected due to their level involvement in strategy execution matters. Therefore the target population was 190 officers from the shipping companies in Kenya. Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used in data analysis where both descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. Regression results indicated that organization resources and organization culture was statistically significant in explaining strategy execution in shipping companies in Kenya. From the study, it is possible to conclude that the shipping companies in Kenya are not fully putting into maximum use the resources available in order to execute their strategies. The study recommends that the shipping companies should support all relevant strategy execution initiatives in their companies and the managers should efficiently use any combination of the available resources in order to execute strategy. Keywords:  Organization Resources, Shipping, Strategy Execution Practices, Strategy

    Determinants of Risk in Solid Waste Management Projects, in Kenya (A Case of Solid Waste Management Projects in Mombasa County)

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    Wastes are as natural as human beings. Man, since history has stayed and lived with wastes, regardless of risks associated with them. The purpose of this research project study was, therefore, to study the determinants of risk in solid wastes projects, in Kenya, where Mombasa County solid wastes projects were taken as a case study. The study, thus covered, solid wastes projects backgrounds, in relation to methods employed, to run and manage them all along history. Further, it also covered their evolution in developed nations and Africa. The research project, was therefore, carried with a general objective of studying the determinants of risk in solid waste projects, in many parts of the world and then related it, with the Kenyan case specifically in Mombasa. Based on this, the research project objectives and questions were therefore framed, specifically in line with, the role of legal framework, technology, personnel skills and policy, as the main study variables as they were assumed to be th

    Influence of Strategic Leadership and Organization Culture on Strategy Execution in Shipping Companies in Kenya

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    A review of literature reveals that strategy execution is an important component of the strategic management process. However, it has been noted that there is a high failure rate in the execution of strategy as a result of the existence of many potential barriers to the effective execution of strategy. For successful strategy execution, an organization's various resources, systems, culture, structures and other variables must be expended. This paper evaluated how strategic leadership and organization culture influence strategy execution in shipping companies in Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design. The population of the research consisted of the 38 shipping companies in Kenya as at 2015. The unit of analysis were the employees in charge of strategic management matters in the shipping companies in Kenya. The study adopted purposive sampling and used primary data which was gathered using structured questionnaires which were pre-tested before being administered. The respondents comprised of the chief executive officer, chief operations officer, chief finance officer, chief information officer and the business development officer who were purposely selected due to their level involvement in strategy execution matters. Therefore the target population was 190 officers from the shipping companies in Kenya. Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used in data analysis where both descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. Regression results indicated that organization resources and organization culture was statistically significant in explaining strategy execution in shipping companies in Kenya. From the study, it is possible to conclude that the shipping companies have sound leadership practices that influence strategy execution. Further organizational culture contributes more to strategy execution than strategy leadership. The study findings led to the conclusion that the managers of these companies are committed to ensuring that strategy execution succeeds.  In any business company a willing and committed leader greatly influences the results of the business processes. It was also concluded that the shipping companies under study had sound company culture practices as this was evidenced on how culture influenced strategy execution results in the study findings. The shipping companies had sound cultural practices of rewarding best performance, embracement of sound business practices and behaviour towards business operations Keywords:  shipping, strategy execution practices, strategy, strategic leadership, culture

    Effects of Pharmaceutical Procurement Processes on Performance of Public Health Facilities in Mombasa County, Kenya

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    Performance in the Public Health facilities worldwide involves several key indicators in public procurement processes. Literature review suggests that, procurement efficiency and procurement effectiveness contribute to increased performance of Public Health facilities since drugs and commodities are always readily available for utilization and consumption. In most African countries, public procurement for pharmaceuticals is handled by personnel with limited knowledge and experience in designing optimal procurement systems to fit the ever changing demands in health facilities. The objective of this research project is therefore, to evaluate and establish how tendering procedures, skills and training, embracing technology and funding for pharmaceutical procurement processes affect performance of Public Health facilities in Mombasa County, Kenya. Several studies carried out on efficiency in procurement performance in health systems do not identify the quantitative and qualitative relationships between skills, tendering processes, technology and funding for pharmaceutical procurement processes in correlation to performance of Public Health facilities in Mombasa County. The study was conducted through a descriptive research design on Public Health facilities located within the Mombasa County. The target population constituted 217 Public Health facilities and a simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 67 which was 30% of the total population. Interviewer administered questionnaire was used to collect primary data while secondary data gathered through reviews of both theoretical and empirical literatures. Pilot testing was conducted to obtain some assessment of the question


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    ABSTRACT Maritime freight volumes fluctuate with changes in consumer demand and global economies. In response to increasing container volumes, congestion and capacity constraints; ports have embarked on implementation of inland container depots (ICDs) as capacity enhancement strategy. Determination of optimal pricing strategies and demand intensification has become the biggest challenges for privately owned Container Freight Stations. This paper analyzes the greater influences of consumer demand in this industry marred by intense competition and increased regulation from industry stakeholders. The research evaluates factors which determine competitiveness of each CFs with a view to understanding the drivers to consumer choice. It also reviews the nature, characteristics and operational modalities for driving consumer demand and highlight strategies that will help improve operational efficiency, drive demand and increase company profit margins. The study aims at establishing the relationship between choice of a particular CFS to its physical location, the effects of marketing strategies used by various firms, the regulatory framework affecting the operations of CFSs and the products characteristics. A descriptive research design approach was used to describe phenomena under study. Data analysis was done through S.P.S.S program through approaches such as means, modes and correlation techniques to show how each independent variable affect the dependent variable. The findings are presented through percentages, pie charts, tables and graphs