31 research outputs found

    Understanding of factors associated with HIV prevalence in South Africa: analysis of the antenatal clinic survey data

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    MSc (Med) Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the WitwatersrandResearch Project Title: HIV Prevalence and Factors Associated with HIV Infection in South Africa: Analysis of the Antenatal Clinic Survey Data. Background: In sub-Saharan Africa, the HIV epidemic is commonly monitored through the sentinel surveillance of pregnant women attending antenatal clinics (ANC), which provides important indications for planning and evaluating public-health interventions. Many of such surveillance systems in South Africa reported limited information on factors associated with HIV infection, even though the survey collected information related to a woman’s participation. This is likely to compromise the development of effective preventive programmes that are more focussed. To address this, the 2005 HIV (ANC) surveillance data was used with the objective of increasing the available information on the HIV epidemic in the country and identifying the socio-demographic factors associated with HIV infection in each province. Methodology: The data from the 2005 ANC survey was analysed in depth. The chi-square test was used to test bivariate associations for categorical associations of HIV infection and other associated factors. In addition a logistic regression model was used to explore the association of sociodemographic and other variables with HIV infection in each province. Results: The HIV prevalence reported in this study was similar to earlier reports released by the Department of Health in 2005. That is the overall HIV prevalence is 30.1% (29.5-30.8%) with KwaZulu Natal having the highest (39.1%, 37.5-40.1%) and Western Cape recorded the lowest HIV prevalence of 15.9% (14.1-17.4%)

    Measuring ionizing radiation in the atmosphere with a new balloon-borne detector

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    Increasing interest in energetic particle effects on weather and climate has motivated development of a miniature scintillator-based detector intended for deployment on meteorological radiosondes or unmanned airborne vehicles. The detector was calibrated with laboratory gamma sources up to 1.3 MeV, and known gamma peaks from natural radioactivity of up to 2.6 MeV. The specifications of our device in combination with the performance of similar devices suggest that it will respond to up to 17 MeV gamma rays. Laboratory tests show the detector can measure muons at the surface, and it is also expected to respond to other ionizing radiation including, for example, protons, electrons (>100 keV) and energetic helium nuclei from cosmic rays or during space weather events. Its estimated counting error is ±10%. Recent tests, when the detector was integrated with a meteorological radiosonde system, and carried on a balloon to ~25 km altitude, identified the transition region between energetic particles near the surface, which are dominated by terrestrial gamma emissions, to higher-energy particles in the free troposphere

    Mekanika teknik 2: statiska dan kegunaanya/ freck

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    xii, 253-522 hal.: ill.; 22 c

    Mekanika teknik 2: statiska dan kegunaanya/ freck

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    xii, 253-522 hal.: ill.; 22 c

    Seni Pengetahuan Lingkungan-Manusia-Bangunan : Atap Bertanaman Ekologis dan Fungsional

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    Lingkungan tidak sehat dapat terjadi karena fenomena pulau pemanasan perkotaan, naiknya suhu udara dan buruknya pencemaran udara (polusi), dan miskinnya penghijauan dan keanekaragaman hayati di perkotaan. Dalam penyusunan buku ini, penggunaan satuan sistem internasional (SI) ditetapkan secara konsekuen. Buku ini berbicara beberapa hal antara lain : iklim kota dan iklim desa, pengaruh vegetasi atas iklim mikro dan lingkungan,atap bertanaman ekstensif dan intensif, hubungan antara gedung dan penghijauan, kontruksi atap bertanaman, serta jenis tanaman dan perencanaan penanaman. Pada bagian akhir juga dilengkapi dengan studi kasus. Buku ini disusun oleh lembaga pendidikan LMB dengan harapan agar dapat menyebarkan informasi dan meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap lingkungan alam, kesehatan manusia, dan ekologi bangunan

    Mekanika teknik 2: statiska dan kegunaanya/ freck

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    xii, 253-522 hal.: ill.; 22 c

    Mekanika teknik 2: statiska dan kegunaanya/ freck

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    xii, 253-522 hal.: ill.; 22 c


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