227 research outputs found

    Formulacija, postupak dobivanja i upotreba marinade od gorke naranče s Lactobacillus plantarum 01 za konzerviranje ribe i plodova mora

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    Izum otkriva formulaciju marinade za konzerviranje ribe i drugih plodova mora koja se temelji na specifičnoj kulturi bakterija mliječne kiseline, soku gorke naranče, salamuri i mješavini začina. Marinada omogućava bolje konzerviranje u odnosu na druge sojeve L. plantarum poznate u stanju tehnike

    Upotreba probiotičke bakteijske kulture Lactobacillus plantarum 1K za proizvodnju funkcionalne hrane

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    Predmetni izum odnosi se na upotrebu specifične probiotičke bakterijske kulture L. plantarum 1K, izolirane iz Slavonskog kulena za proizvodnju funkcionalnih prehrambenih proizvoda, s izuzetkom mesnih proizvoda, te na postupak njihove priprave

    Investigation of the antimicrobial effect of black cumin seed oil using staphylococcus aureus strains

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    As customer awareness grows, there is an increasing consumer demand for minimally processed food products containing reduced amounts of additives. In order to preserve the safety and stability of foodstuffs, the use of preservatives is necessary in most cases, but their amounts can be reduced or they can be replaced by using alternative preservatives. There are numerous research findings in the scientific literature that support the antimicrobial effect, oxidative stability and scavenger abilities of black cumin seed oil. These properties, combined with its beneficial physiological effects, make it particularly suitable for use as a natural preservative. The goal of this work was to investigate the antimicrobial effect of black cumin seed oil in the case of Staphylococcus aureus, a pathogen relevant from a food safety point of view. In order to be able to map the mode of action more accurately, we worked with erythromycin, and to test the suitability of the oil in a combined preservation process, it was combined with organic acids

    Formulacija bakterijske starter kulture za proizvodnju trajnih kobasica i njezina upotreba

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    Izum se odnosi na poboljšanu formulaciju bakterijske starter kulture za proizvodnju fermentiranih mesnih proizvoda. Formulaciju karakterizira sastav probiotičkih bakterija. Formulacija izuma upotrebljava se za proizvodnju kulena, trajnih kobasica ili drugih funkcionalnih mesnih proizvoda

    Formulacija, postupak dobivanja i upotreba marinade od gorke naranče s Lactobacillus plantarum 01 za konzerviranje ribe i plodova mora

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    Izum otkriva formulaciju marinade za konzerviranje ribe i drugih plodova mora koja se temelji na specifičnoj kulturi bakterija mliječne kiseline, soku gorke naranče, salamuri i mješavini začina. Marinada omogućava bolje konzerviranje u odnosu na druge sojeve L. plantarum poznate u stanju tehnike

    Upotreba probiotičke bakteijske kulture Lactobacillus plantarum 1K za proizvodnju funkcionalne hrane

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    Predmetni izum odnosi se na upotrebu specifične probiotičke bakterijske kulture L. plantarum 1K, izolirane iz Slavonskog kulena za proizvodnju funkcionalnih prehrambenih proizvoda, s izuzetkom mesnih proizvoda, te na postupak njihove priprave

    Today's Vision, Tomorrow's Reality: Summary Report of the Reality Check Plus Growth Visioning Exercises

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    "Reality Check Plus” was the name given to a series of growth visioning exercises that were held in four different regions in Maryland in late spring 2006. The events were designed to help elected officials, government leaders, business executives, civic organizations, environmentalists and everyday Marylanders become more aware of the level and pace of growth that is projected to come to Maryland by 2030 – and to ask them think about the potential challenges and consequences Marylanders will face as a result of such dramatic change. It also was designed to encourage citizens and elected officials to think about ways to address growth issues on a regional or even statewide basis

    Citrinin u hrani i hrani za životinje

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    Mikotoksini su česti onečišćivači hrane i hrane za životinje, primarno žitarica i proizvoda na bazi žitarica. Među njima citrinin predstavlja mikotoksin iz skupine poliketida kojeg sintetiziraju plijesni iz roda Penicillium (P. citrinum, P. viridicatum, P. expansum, P. notatum), Aspergillus i Monascus. P. citrinum kao najznačajniji producent citrinina je vrlo raširena i može se izolirati iz velikog broja namirnica i stočne hrane. Toksičnost citrinina nije detaljno proučena te nema dovoljno podataka koji ukazuju na toksične učinke u ljudi. Međutim, u pojedinih životinjskih vrsta dokazana je njegova nefrotoksičnost, embriotoksičnost, teratogenost i genotoksičnost. Zbog nedovoljnog broja dokaza Međunarodna agencija za istraživanje raka (IARC) uvrstila je citrinin u skupinu 3 kao spoj koji se ne može klasificirati kao ljudski karcinogen. S obzirom na nedostatnost podataka, nužna su daljnja istraživanja njegove toksičnosti, prisutnosti u hrani i hrani za životinje te perzistentnosti u tkivima ljudi i životinja kao posljedice izloženosti onečišćenoj hrani ili hrani za životinje. Budući je onečišćenje i ovim mikotoksinom neizbježno, potreban je sustavan nadzor sirovina i finalnih proizvoda namijenjenih ishrani ljudi odnosno hranidbi životinja, kao i definiranje najvećih dopuštenih količina za različite vrste proizvoda putem zakonodavstva.Mycotoxins are common contaminants of food and feed, primarily cereals and cereal-based products. Among them citrinin represents a mycotoxin from the group of polyketides synthesized by moulds of the genus Penicillium (P. citrinum, P. viridicatum, P. expansum, P. notatum), Aspergillus and Monascus. P. citrinum as a mould most characteristic for the production of the citrinin is very widespread and can be isolated from a large number of food and feed products. The toxicity of citrinin was not examined in detail, and there is not enough data to indicate toxic effects in humans. However, some animal species confirmed its nephrotoxicity, embryotoxicity, teratogenicity and genotoxicity. Due to insufficient evidence, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified the citrinin in group 3, as the compound that can not be classified as a human carcinogen. Given the scarcity of data, further research of its toxicity, bioavailability in food and feed, and persistence in the tissues of humans and animals as a result of exposure to contaminated food or feed, are required. Since the contamination also with this toxin is almost inevitable, that requires a systematic monitoring of raw materials and finished products intended for human consumption or animal feed production, as well as defining the maximum levels for different types of products through legislation

    Imunomodulacijski učinak Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG iz svježeg posnog sira "BioAktiv LGG"

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    Various immune responses have been influenced by probiotics and these immunomodulatory effects have been proposed for several potential applications such as the prevention of infectious diarrhoea, alleviation of hypersensitivity reactions and tumour suppression. The new probiotic product from LURA d. d., low fat fresh cheese "BioAktiv LGG", contains well-known probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG). The viable count of L. rhamnosus GG remained stable and has been 1.3x108 CFU/g of low fat fresh cheese "BioAktiv LGG" during storage of 16 days at 4 0C. The effect of L. rhamnosus GG from this product on the immune response, as an important point in relation to immunomodulation, and its survival/residence time in the gastrointestinal tract in Swiss albino mice was also studied. During the feeding of mice with L. rhamnosus GG, with a daily dose of 2.2x1010 cells, the number of lactobacilli in faeces was increased and reduction of enterobacteria and sulphite-reducing clostridia was observed. The similar results were obtained in homogenates of large intestine of mice in the 1st and in the 14th day after feeding with L. rhamnosus GG, which pointed out the adherence ability of examined strain. Furthermore, the oral immunization of Swiss albino mice was performed with a dose of 2.2x1010 L. rhamnosus GG cells per day, for eight consecutive days. The blood samples were collected on the 4th, 8th, 10th, 14th and 21st day after the 1st immunization. The sera of mice were tested for total and specific anti-lactobacilli IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies by ELISA assay. L. rhamnosus GG slightly stimulated the total humoral immune response but didn\u27t evoke reaction against itself, which confirms its probiotic properties and make new probiotic product, low fat fresh cheese "BioAktiv LGG", as good carrier for this probiotic strain.Poticanje imunološkog odgovora probiotičkim mikroorganizmima i njihov imunomodulacijski učinak mogu se primijeniti u prevenciji infektivne dijareje, sprječavanju hipersenzitivnih reakcija i suzbijanju tumora. Novi probiotički proizvod tvrtke LURA d.d., svježi posni sir "BioAktiv LGG", sadrži probiotički soj Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG), koji ima najviše znanstvenih dokaza o korisnim učincima na ljudsko zdravlje. Broj živih stanica L. rhamnosus GG u svježem posnom siru "BioAktiv LGG" iznosio je 1,3 x 108 CFU/g, i ostao je stabilan tijekom 16 dana skladištenja na 4 oC. U ovom radu istražen je utjecaj L. rhamnosus GG, izoliranog iz svježeg posnog sira "BioAktiv LGG", na imuno odgovor, te njegovo preživljavanje/zadržavanje u probavnom sustavu Swiss albino miševa, kao važan preduvjet za imunomodulacijsko djelovanje. Tijekom hranjenja miševa s 2,2 x 1010 stanica L. rhamnosus GG dnevno, povećao se ukupan broj laktobacila, a smanjio broj enterobakterija i sulfitoreducirajućih klostridija u fecesima miševa. Sličan rezultat dobiven je određivanjem sastava crijevne mikroflore u homogenatima tankog i debelog crijeva miševa, prvi i četrnaesti dan nakon prestanka hranjenja miševa s L. rhamnosus GG, što ukazuje na adhezijska svojstva ispitivanog probiotičkog soja. Također je provedena i oralna imunizacija Swiss albino miševa, s dnevnom dozom od 2,2 x 1010 stanica L. rhamnosus GG kroz period od 8 dana. Uzorci krvi Swiss albino miševa sakupljani su 4., 8., 10., 14., 17. i 21. dana nakon prve imunizacije. U priređenim serumima određivana su ukupna i specifična anti-laktobacili IgA, IgG i IgM antitijela, ELISA metodom. L. rhamnosus GG stimulirao je ukupni humoralni imuno odgovor, a nije izazvao specifični imuno odgovor, što potvrđuje njegov imunomodulacijski učinak, i čini novi probiotički proizvod, svježi posni sir "BioAktiv LGG", dobrim matriksom za ispitivani probiotički soj