3 research outputs found

    Effects of Xanthium Leaf Extracts on Lettuce Seed Germination

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    Author Institution: Department of Botany, The Ohio State UniversitySeed germination in lettuce var. Grand Rapids, and floral induction in Xanthium are phytochrome-mediated processes. The pigment conversion which triggers these two rather diverse developmental events appears to be essentially the same. The present work was conducted to test the possibility that secondary metabolic steps following the initial triggering phase might also be shared by these two morphological processes. Aqueous extracts were made from leaves of vegetative Xanthium, plants, as well as from those having received one or five floral inductive photoperiods. These extracts were applied to lettuce seeds to test for their possible promotive or inhibitory effects on germination. No promotive effect on germination could be demonstrated. Extracts from vegetative Xanthium plants had a marked inhibiting effect on germination of lettuce seeds. This inhibitory effect could be substantially reduced if the Xanthium plants were given floralinductive treatments prior to extraction. Thus, as Xanthium leaves progress from noninductive to inductive photoperiods, there appears to be a decrease in content of a gerination- inhibiting substance, which parallels the generally accepted time period of flowering stimulus build-up

    Interactions of Applied Hormones in the Germination of Lepidium Virginicum Seeds

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    Author Institution: Department of Botany, The Ohio State UniversityTests of the germination response of light sensitive Lepidium virginicum seeds to applied gibberellic acid confirmed earlier reports that gibberellic acid can substitute for red light. Further tests indicated that promotion of germination by either red light or gibberellic acid can be nullified by abscisic acid. Dark incubation of the seeds in kinetin alone resulted in only slight promotion of germination. Combinations of suboptimal gibberellic acid plus kinetin did not enhance germination to a level greater than that for kinetin alone. Optimal concentrations of gibberellic acid plus kinetin can reverse inhibition of certain abscisic acid concentrations. A comparison of these responses with those of Grand Rapids variety of lettuce seed was made

    The Anaemia of Lead Poisoning: A Review

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