36 research outputs found

    Applicazione della meccanica della frattura viscoelastica alla previsione della vita di tubi in polibutene

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    Il Polibutene-1 isotattico (i-PB1) è un materiale polimerico usato per la produzione di tubi per il trasporto di fluidi in pressione. In questo lavoro si sono studiati due tipi di i-PB1 prodotti da Basellche differiscono per grado di isotatticità.Si sono condotte prove di frattura a diverse temperature e velocità di spostamento imposte. Si è utilizzata una configurazione di flessione su provini con singolo intaglio (SENB) unitamente a quella di doppia trave a sbalzo (DCB), quest’ultima limitatamente allo studio della fase di propagazione. Al fine di individuare con precisione l’innesco della frattura e la velocità di propagazione della stessa si è fatto ricorso a metodi ottici. Dal punto di vista fenomenologico durante la propagazione si assiste alla formazione di zone in cui il materiale risulta fortemente stirato. La frattura in esse avanza con una lacerazione continua che si alterna a salti repentini in occasione del brusco cedimento di queste zone, associato a conseguenti cadute del carico. Questaparziale instabilità è stata osservata sui due materiali per entrambe le configurazioni di prova.I risultati ottenuti sono stati interpretati seguendo l’approccio della meccanica della frattura e applicando uno schema di riduzione di tipo tempo-temperatura che ha permesso di descrivere il comportamento viscoelastico del materiale su un intervallo temporale di diverse decadi.I risultati hanno permesso di applicare un modello analitico per la previsione della vita utile di tubi in pressione.Il modello si è mostrato in buon accordo con i dati sperimentali disponibili da prove condotte su tubi dello stesso materiale

    Applicazione della meccanica della frattura viscoelastica alla previsione della vita di tubi in polibutene

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    Isotactic polybutene-1 (i-PB1) is a polymer used for the manufacturing of pressurized pipes. In this work two grades of i-PB1 with a different degree of isotacticity have been investigated; they have been supplied by Basell Polyolefins. Fracture tests have been performed at various temperatures and testing speeds. Two configurations have been used, single edge notch bending (SENB) and double cantilever beam (DCB), the latter only to study crack propagation. Optical methods have been used to detect crack initiation and measure propagation speed. From the phenomenological point of view, the formation of highly stretched material regions has been observed during crack propagation. A continuous tearing of these regions as the crack advances has often been interrupted by their sudden rupture, with the load decreasing accordingly. This partial instability has been observed on both material grades, with both testing configurations. Results of the tests have been interpreted using the fracture mechanics framework; a time-temperature superposition scheme has been adopted to represent viscoelastic behavior over several decades. An analytical model has been applied to predict the lifetime of pressurized pipes. A good agreement has been reported between model predictions and experimental data obtained from tests on polybutene pipes

    applicazione della meccanica della frattura viscoelastica alla previsione della vita di tubi in polibutene

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    Il Polibutene-1 isotattico (i-PB1) è un materiale polimerico usato per la produzione di tubi per il trasporto di fluidi in pressione. In questo lavoro si sono studiati due tipi di i-PB1 prodotti da Basellche differiscono per grado di isotatticità.Si sono condotte prove di frattura a diverse temperature e velocità di spostamento imposte. Si è utilizzata una configurazione di flessione su provini con singolo intaglio (SENB) unitamente a quella di doppia trave a sbalzo (DCB), quest'ultima limitatamente allo studio della fase di propagazione. Al fine di individuare con precisione l'innesco della frattura e la velocità di propagazione della stessa si è fatto ricorso a metodi ottici. Dal punto di vista fenomenologico durante la propagazione si assiste alla formazione di zone in cui il materiale risulta fortemente stirato. La frattura in esse avanza con una lacerazione continua che si alterna a salti repentini in occasione del brusco cedimento di queste zone, associato a conseguenti cadute del carico. Questaparziale instabilità è stata osservata sui due materiali per entrambe le configurazioni di prova.I risultati ottenuti sono stati interpretati seguendo l'approccio della meccanica della frattura e applicando uno schema di riduzione di tipo tempo-temperatura che ha permesso di descrivere il comportamento viscoelastico del materiale su un intervallo temporale di diverse decadi.I risultati hanno permesso di applicare un modello analitico per la previsione della vita utile di tubi in pressione.Il modello si è mostrato in buon accordo con i dati sperimentali disponibili da prove condotte su tubi dello stesso materiale

    Optical Properties and Ultrafast Near‐Infrared Localized Surface Plasmon Dynamics in Naturally p‐Type Digenite Films

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    Copper chalcogenides are materials characterized by intrinsic doping properties, allowing them to display high carrier concentrations due to their defect-heavy structures, independent of the preparation method. Such high doping enables these materials to display plasmonic resonances, tunable by varying their stoichiometry, as shown previously for Cu2-xS, Cu2-xSe, and Cu2-xTe, with 0 1 ns) signal associated with phonon-phonon scattering relaxation. These results confirm the possibility of fabricating Cu9S5 films retaining the plasmonic properties of individual NCs, anticipating integrating these films into heterojunctions with suitable hole acceptor materials to build hot-hole-transfer-based optoelectronic devices

    The Application of Double Torsion Testing to Unidirectionally Reinforced Composite Materials

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    To characterize the intralaminar fracture behavior of a unidirectional carbon fiber/epoxy resin composite material, two distinct sets of experiments were performed. First, the tensile mechanical properties of the lamina were determined by testing specimens with different fiber orientation at varying rates of deformation. Then, the Double Torsion technique was applied to characterize the fracture resistance of the material. The strain energy release rate vs. crack speed curve so derived is in agreement with measurements conducted by using the Double Cantilever Beam and Compact Tension techniques. The results of the research indicate that Double Torsion is an attractive technique for studying the time-dependent fracture of composite materials

    Viscoelastic Effects on Interlaminar Fracture Behaviour of Thermoplastic Matrix Composites. I) Rate and Temperature Dependence in Unidirectional PEI/Carbon Fibre Laminates

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    The influence of the dependence of matrix toughness on deformation rate and temperature on the interlaminar fracture of polyetherimide (PEI)/carbon-fibre unidirectional laminates has been investigated. Fracture toughness versus crack speed data for the matrix and the composite, respectively, were determined by using the double torsion and the double cantilever beam tests. Tensile tests were also performed on the unreinforced resin. Displacement rates varying between 0.1 and 100 mm min were applied, and testing temperatures were varied between 23 and 170 °C. Fracture data reduction was achieved by means of time-temperature superposition, the shift factors being obtained from tensile tests. The toughness of PEI, by contrast with that of other thermoplastic polymers commonly used as matrices for composite materials (e.g. PEEK), showed a non-monotonic, but still moderate, sensitivity to the test conditions explored here. Interlaminar toughness of the corresponding composite increased steadily with crack speed and was always lower than that of the plain resin. This result indicates that the interlaminar structure of the composite material is not optimised as regards this particular property

    A new jig for mode II interlaminar fracture testing of composite materials under quasi-static and moderately high rates of loading

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    While it is still debated whether a pure mode II interlaminar fracture can physically exist in composites, several test methods have been proposed for its characterization. Lack of agreement between the results obtained with different test configurations has been attributed to the use of inconsistent data reduction schemes or inadequate correction factors used to correct for, e.g. the large deformations occurring with some tough modern materials. Aim of this work was to design a new jig that could provide an as pure as possible mode II crack initiation in unidirectional composites materials, that would allow a direct determination of fracture toughness, i.e. requiring almost no assumption for data reduction nor side effects correction and could be amenable to being used under impact as well as quasi-static loading conditions. The geometry of the system was designed in order to obtain great compactness, i.e. reduced masses and contained volume, making it usable with drop-weight testing machines, but at the same time enough stiffness to prevent flexural moments from closing or opening the crack faces, so granting the purity of the wanted mode, mode II, of loading. The compactness of the jig plus specimen system and the rigid confinement to which the composite specimen is subjected also grant that quite small displacements and overall deformations are reached at fracture. A static finite element analysis was conducted to optimize the jig geometry and is discussed here. Preliminary numerical and experimental results obtained with moderately high rate tests are also presented. The method employed for data reduction is based on the experimental calibration of the compliance and it is quite straightforward