75 research outputs found

    Sustainability of the Renewable Energy Extraction Close to the Mediterranean Islands

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    The aim of this work is to explore the possibility of transitioning a fuel powered island to a renewable powered one. This transition is analyzed for the real MV/LV distribution system of the island of Pantelleria, in the Mediterranean Sea. Particularly, this work is focused on a renewable source nowadays totally unused: wave energy. Thanks to the innovative generator prototype designed by Department of Energy of University of Palermo (Italy), wave energy is able to represent a primary source for the production of electric energy in the Mediterranean islands. The procedures applied in the present article, as well as the main equations used, are the result of previous applications made in different technical fields that show a good replicability

    A review of the water desalination technologies

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    Desalination is commonly adopted nowadays to overcome the freshwater scarcity in some areas of the world if brackish water or salt water is available. Different kinds of technologies have been proposed in the last century. In this paper, the state of the mainstream solutions is reported, showing the current commercial technologies like reverse osmosis (RO), Multi-Stages Flash desalination (MSF) and Multi-Effect Distillation (MED), and the new frontiers of the research with the aim of exploiting renewable sources such as wind, solar and biomass energy. In these cases, seawater treatment plants are the same as traditional ones, with the only difference being that they use a renewable energy source. Thus, classifications are firstly introduced, considering the working principles, the main energy input required for the treatment, and the potential for coupling with renewable energy sources. Each technology is described in detail, showing how the process works and reporting some data on the state of development. Finally, a statistical analysis is given concerning the spread of the various technologies across the world and which of them are most exploited. In this section, an important energy and exergy analysis is also addressed to quantify energy losses

    Investigation on a bio-composite material as acoustic absorber and thermal insulation

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    In order to limit the anthropic emissions of CO2, research is currently investigating new materials for the building sector. The main purpose is the reduction in the embodied energy consumption, especially in the residential sector, and consequently the limitation of the direct and indirect utilization of fossil fuels, for the indoor heating, cooling, and ventilation services. Indeed, the residential sector is affected by a high energy demand, thus the choice of improved materials is fundamental to improve the sustainability. All phases: construction, building life, and dismantling are impacting in terms of resource and energy consumption, both associated with the emissions of pollutants in the atmosphere. The aim of this experimental research is to study the thermal insulation and the acoustic absorption of a material composed by natural lime, water, and shives from sativa hemp, a variety of hemp usable for industrial applications. In order to assess the main characteristics of this material, some specimens have been made according to required shapes and sizes to test them in specific machines. The results obtained from the tests are compared with the values of similar lime-based materials already available on the market. The comparison shows how, in certain aspects, the lime and hemp shives materials represent a concrete alternative to conventional materials. This completely natural material would like to achieve thermal and acoustic comfort in indoor environments

    Wave Energy Assessment along Sicilian Coastline, Based on DEIM Point Absorber

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    The use of renewable energy sources is one of the most relevant goals to be achieved in order to match the climate protection targets. As a case study, the paper shows the current electrical energy production by sources in the Sicilian context. Among the renewable energy sources, the paper investigates the wave energy potential along the Sicilian coasts, because of the favorable climate around the island. A point absorber is present in order to exploit this source. Two scenarios are presented, with two different levels of energy productio

    Sea wave energy. A review of the current technologies and perspectives

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    The proposal of new technologies capable of producing electrical energy from renewable sources has driven research into seas and oceans. Research finds this field very promising in the future of renewable energies, especially in areas where there are specific climatic and morphological characteristics to exploit large amounts of energy from the sea. In general, this kind of energy is referred to as six energy resources: waves, tidal range, tidal current, ocean current, ocean thermal energy conversion, and saline gradient. This review has the aim to list several wave-energy converter power plants and to analyze their years of operation. In this way, a focus is created to understand how many wave-energy converter plants work on average and whether it is indeed an established technology

    The Jiles Atherton Model for Description Of Hysteresis in Lithium Battery

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    In this paper Jiles Atherton (JA) Model is used to obtain a mathematical model of the hysteresis in lithium battery. JA Model allows to describe both the hysteresis and the dynamical features of charging and discharging cycles in a lithium battery. The identification of the model is obtained by using a neural network technique developed for magnetic systems. The model is validated on some experimental tests on commercial batteries

    Assessment of the usability and accuracy of two-diode models for photovoltaic modules

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    Many diode-based equivalent circuits for simulating the electrical behaviour of photovoltaic (PV) cells and panels are reported in the scientific literature. Two-diode equivalent circuits, which require more complex procedures to calculate the seven model parameters, are less numerous. The model parameters are generally calculated using the data extracted from the datasheets issued by the PV panel manufactures and adopting simplifying hypotheses and numerical solving techniques. A criterion for rating both the usability and accuracy of two-diode models is proposed in this paper with the aim of supporting researchers and designers, working in the area of PV systems, to select and use a model that may be fit for purpose. The criterion adopts a three-level rating scale that considers the ease of finding the data used by the analytical procedure, the simplicity of the mathematical tools needed to perform calculations and the accuracy achieved in calculating the current and power. The analytical procedures, the simplifying hypotheses and the operative steps to calculate the parameters of the most famous two-diode equivalent circuits are exhaustively described in this paper. The accuracy of the models is tested by comparing the characteristics issued by the PV panel manufacturers with the current-voltage (I-V) curves, at constant solar irradiance and/or cell temperature, calculated with the analysed models with. The results of the study show that the two-diode models recently proposed reach accuracies that are comparable with the values derived from the one-diode models

    Improving energy efficiency of commercial buildings by Combined Heat Cooling and Power plants

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    Commercial buildings play a key-role in the energy consumption of the building sectors. Recent statistics have shown that as the number of commercial buildings is continuously increasing, their effects on energy consumption are expected to grow. These buildings are characterized by high energy demand mainly due to lighting and HVAC requirements. Rooms of energy saving exist by considering that: (i) electricity demands and HVAC requirements occur simultaneously during the day and (ii) both demands are currently satisfied by using separate energy systems. It is apparent that the adoption of polygeneration systems could represent a valid solution to achieve energy savings. To this aim, the paper investigated the profitability of a trigeneration system for commercial buildings, considering a big Do It Yourself shop located in the northern part of Italy, as case study. The analysis was based on (i) energy consumption data collected by energy-audits and (ii) a profit-oriented management strategy for the trigeneration systems proposed in literature. Results showed that trigeneration represents a profitable energy conversion system thanks to revenues achieved by selling surplus electricity and the support of financial mechanism for “High-Efficient” eligibility. In comparison with the currently adopted energy conversion systems, important reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions are observed

    FEM Analysis: A Review of the Most Common Thermal Bridges and Their Mitigation

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    The necessity to improve the energy saving potential of buildings is now a duty. European and national policies are being implemented to address the important decisions being made on this subject. For these reasons, several studies focus on this relevant topic. This paper review not only focusses on it but studies it in-depth. A commercial 3D simulation software was used to design a building sited in Palermo estimating the thermal losses before and after external envelope insulation. In particular, all the thermal bridges (TBs) were analysed with the finite element method (FEM) and mitigated with rock wool insulation. The paper shows the linear thermal transmittance difference and heat flux loss before and after TB mitigation. The results confirm the importance of installing an external insulation layer in the old building envelope. The linear thermal transmittance of TBs and the associated heat flux loss often decrease by more than 50%

    Nexus Water & Energy: A Case Study of Wave Energy Converters (WECs) to Desalination Applications in Sicily

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    The recent studies about interactions among energy and water are considered as a new field of research. As almost all energy generation processes require significant amounts of water, and water requires energy for treatment and transport, so these two resources are inextricably linked. The main aim of this work is a presentation of the use of renewable energy for desalination plants in Sicily: in particular exploitation of wave energy into electrical energy necessary for water treatment. Desalination is the most energy intensive water treatment technology but it could be solution for many problems in water supply for areas with chronic debt of water. In this study we find three section: in the Section I we propose the state of art of renewable energy system for water desalination applications, in Section II we present an experimental evaluation of wave energy power in Mediterranean and the description of WEC prototype realized by Department of Energy of University of Palermo. In the final Section III we describe a case study of sustainable integrated system WEC and desalination plant