17 research outputs found

    The do's, don't and don't knows of supporting transition to more independent practice

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    Introduction: Transitions are traditionally viewed as challenging for clinicians. Throughout medical career pathways, clinicians need to successfully navigate successive transitions as they become progressively more independent practitioners. In these guidelines, we aim to synthesize the evidence from the literature to provide guidance for supporting clinicians in their development of independence, and highlight areas for further research. Methods: Drawing upon D3 method guidance, four key themes universal to medical career transitions and progressive independence were identified by all authors through discussion and consensus from our own experience and expertise: workplace learning, independence and responsibility, mentoring and coaching, and patient perspectives. A scoping review of the literature was conducted using Medline database searches in addition to the authors’ personal archives and reference snowballing searches. Results: 387 articles were identified and screened. 210 were excluded as not relevant to medical transitions (50 at title screen; 160 at abstract screen). 177 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility; a further 107 were rejected (97 did not include career transitions in their study design; 10 were review articles; the primary references of these were screened for inclusion). 70 articles were included of which 60 provided extractable data for the final qualitative synthesis. Across the four key themes, seven do’s, two don’ts and seven don’t knows were identified, and the strength of evidence was graded for each of these recommendations. Conclusion: The two strongest messages arising from current literature are first, transitions should not be viewed as one moment in time: career trajectories are a continuum with valuable opportunities for personal and professional development throughout. Second, learning needs to be embedded in practice and learners provided with authentic and meaningful learning opportunities. In this paper, we propose evidence-based guidelines aimed at facilitating such transitions through the fostering of progressive independence

    Water at Biological and Inorganic Interfaces

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    Fatal toxic epidermal necrolysis in autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type I

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    Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome Type I (APS I) is a disorder defined by the presence of at least two of the following diseases: Addison's disease, hypoparathyroidism, and chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. We present the case of a 45-yr-old woman, affected by APS I, in chronic treatment with betamethasone. She was referred to a Division of General Medicine for jaundice, ascites and peripheral edema attributed to worsening of pre-existing autoimmune chronic hepatitis. During hospitalization, the following drugs were given: Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid and Levofloxacin for bronchopneumonia, Furosemide and Canreonate for renal impairment, Pantoprazole for gastric protection, and Itraconazole for oral candidiasis. After about a month, she developed widespread, sheet-like, epidermal detachment, with painful lesions of the conjunctiva, lips and mouth. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) was diagnosed, and the patient was transferred to a Burn Center, where she died 10 days after the first onset of cutaneous rash. Autoptic and histopathological findings (epidermal necrosis and detachment, lymphomonocytic infiltration of the dermis) confirmed the clinical diagnosis. TEN is a usually drug-induced cutaneous inflammatory disorder characterized by extensive epidermal detachment and frequent mucosal involvement. It has also been associated with immuno-mediated disorders (HIV infection, graft-vs-host disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, mixed essential cryoglobulinemia), in keeping with immuno-mediated pathogenesis. We present, to our knowledge, the first report of TEN in a patient with APS I, and suggest that some pathogenetic mechanisms of APS I are shared with TEN. We stress how such a disease can occur in an autoimmune syndrome, even during corticosteroid treatment

    Glass transition and dynamics in lysozyme-water mixtures over wide ranges of composition

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    [EN] Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and two dielectric techniques, broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy and thermally stimulated depolarization currents (TSDC), were employed to study glass transition and water and protein dynamics in mixtures of water and a globular protein, lysozyme, in wide ranges of water content, both solutions, and hydrated solid samples. In addition, water equilibrium sorption isotherms (ESI) measurements were performed at room temperature. The main objective was to correlate results by different techniques to each other and to determine critical water contents for various processes. From ESI measurements the content of water directly bound to primary hydration sites was determined to 0.088 (grams of water per grams of dry protein), corresponding to 71 water molecules per protein molecule, and that where clustering becomes significant to about 0.25. Crystallization and melting events of water were first observed at water contents 0.270 and 0.218, respectively, and the amount of uncrystallized water was found to increase with increasing water content. Two populations of ice crystals were observed by DSC, primary and bulk ice crystals, which give rise to two separate relaxations in dielectric measurements. In addition, the relaxation of uncrystallized water was observed, superimposed on a local relaxation of polar groups on the protein surface. The glass transition temperature, determined by DSC and TSDC in rather good agreement to each other, was found to decrease significantly with increasing water content and to stabilize at about −90 °C for water contents higher than about 0.25. This is a novel result of this study with potential impact on cryoprotection and pharmaceutics.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme, Grant Agreement No PIRSES-GA2008-230790.Panagopoulou, A.; Kyritsis, A.; Aravantinou, A.; Nanopoulos, D.; Sabater I Serra, R.; Gómez Ribelles, JL.; Shinyashiki, N.... (2011). Glass transition and dynamics in lysozyme-water mixtures over wide ranges of composition. Food Biophysics. 6(2):199-209. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11483-010-9201-0S19920962I.D. Kuntz, W. Kauzman, Advances in Protein Chemistry 28, 239 (1974)E.H. Grant, R.J. Sheppard, G.P. South, Dielectric behavior of biological molecules in solution (Clarendon, Oxford, 1978)J.A. Rupley, G. Careri, Advances in Protein Chemistry 41, 37 (1991)R.B. Gregory, Protein-solvent interactions (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995)D. Ringe, G.A. 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