1,273 research outputs found

    Role models for complex networks

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    We present a framework for automatically decomposing ("block-modeling") the functional classes of agents within a complex network. These classes are represented by the nodes of an image graph ("block model") depicting the main patterns of connectivity and thus functional roles in the network. Using a first principles approach, we derive a measure for the fit of a network to any given image graph allowing objective hypothesis testing. From the properties of an optimal fit, we derive how to find the best fitting image graph directly from the network and present a criterion to avoid overfitting. The method can handle both two-mode and one-mode data, directed and undirected as well as weighted networks and allows for different types of links to be dealt with simultaneously. It is non-parametric and computationally efficient. The concepts of structural equivalence and modularity are found as special cases of our approach. We apply our method to the world trade network and analyze the roles individual countries play in the global economy

    Near Infrared Observations of a Redshift 4.92 Galaxy: Evidence for Significant Dust Absorption

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    Near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy have been obtained of the gravitationally lensed galaxy at z=4.92 discovered in HST images by Franx et al. (1997). Images at 1.2, 1.6 and 2.2 microns show the same arc morphology as the HST images. The spectrum with resolution \lambda / \Delta\lambda ~ 70 shows no emission lines with equivalent width stronger than 100 A in the rest frame wavelength range 0.34 to 0.40 microns. In particular, [OII]3727 A and [NeIII]3869 A are not seen. The energy distribution is quite blue, as expected for a young stellar population with the observed Ly alpha flux. The spectral energy distribution can be fit satisfactorily for such a young stellar population when absorption by dust is included. The models imply a reddening 0.1 mag < E(B-V) < 0.4 mag. The stellar mass of the lensed galaxy lies in the range of 2 to 16 x 10^9 Msun. This is significantly higher than estimates based on the HST data alone. Our data imply that absorption by dust is important to redshifts of ~5.Comment: LaTeX with ApJ journal format, 2 postscript figures, ApJL, accepte

    Spitzer IRAC confirmation of z_850-dropout galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: stellar masses and ages at z~7

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    Using Spitzer IRAC mid-infrared imaging from the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey, we study z_850-dropout sources in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. After carefully removing contaminating flux from foreground sources, we clearly detect two z_850-dropouts at 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron, while two others are marginally detected. The mid-infrared fluxes strongly support their interpretation as galaxies at z~7, seen when the Universe was only 750 Myr old. The IRAC observations allow us for the first time to constrain the rest-frame optical colors, stellar masses, and ages of the highest redshift galaxies. Fitting stellar population models to the spectral energy distributions, we find photometric redshifts in the range 6.7-7.4, rest-frame colors U-V=0.2-0.4, V-band luminosities L_V=0.6-3 x 10^10 L_sun, stellar masses 1-10 x 10^9 M_sun, stellar ages 50-200 Myr, star formation rates up to ~25 M_sun/yr, and low reddening A_V<0.4. Overall, the z=7 galaxies appear substantially less massive and evolved than Lyman break galaxies or Distant Red Galaxies at z=2-3, but fairly similar to recently identified systems at z=5-6. The stellar mass density inferred from our z=7 sample is rho* = 1.6^{+1.6}_{-0.8} x 10^6 M_sun Mpc^-3 (to 0.3 L*(z=3)), in apparent agreement with recent cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, but we note that incompleteness and sample variance may introduce larger uncertainties. The ages of the two most massive galaxies suggest they formed at z>8, during the era of cosmic reionization, but the star formation rate density derived from their stellar masses and ages is not nearly sufficient to reionize the universe. The simplest explanation for this deficiency is that lower-mass galaxies beyond our detection limit reionized the universe.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, emulateapj, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Measuring the evolution of the M/L ratio from the fundamental plane in CL 0024+16 at z=0.39

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    The existence of the Fundamental Plane of early-type galaxies implies that the M/L ratios of early-types are well behaved. It provides therefore an important tool to measure the evolution of the M/L ratio with redshift. These measurements, in combination with measurements of the evolution of the luminosity function, can be used to constrain the mass evolution of galaxies. We present the Fundamental Plane relation measured for galaxies in the rich cluster CL 0024+16 at z=0.391. The galaxies satisfy a tight Fundamental Plane, with relatively low scatter (15 %). The M/L is 31 +- 12 % lower than the M/L measured in Coma, which is consistent with simple evolutionary models. Hence, galaxies with very similar dynamical properties existed at a z=0.4. More, and deeper data are needed to measure the evolution of the slope and the scatter of the Fundamental Plane to higher accuracy. Furthermore, data on the richest nearby clusters would be valuable to test the hypothesis that the Fundamental Plane is independent of cluster environment

    Distant red galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    We take advantage of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF) data to study the restframe optical and ultra violet (UV) morphologies of the novel population of Distant Red Galaxies (DRGs). Six galaxies with J-Ks > 2.3 are found to Ks=21.5, five of which have photometric redshifts z_phot > 2, corresponding to a surface density of 0.9/arcmin^2. The surface brightness distributions of the z_phot > 2 galaxies are better represented by exponential disks than R^{1/4}-laws. Two of the z_phot > 2 galaxies are extended, while three have compact morphologies. The restframe optical morphology of the z_phot > 2 galaxies is quite different from the restframe UV morphology: all the galaxies have red central components which dominate in the NICMOS H_{160}-band images, and distinct off-center blue features which show up in (and often dominate) the ACS images. The mean measured effective radius of the z_phot > 2 galaxies is =1.9+/-1.4 kpc, similar (within the errors) to the mean size of LBGs at similar redshifts. All the DRGs are resolved in the ACS images, while four are resolved in the NICMOS images. Two of the z_phot > 2 galaxies are bright X-ray sources and hence host AGN. The diverse restframe optical and UV morphological properties of DRGs derived here suggest that they have complex stellar populations, consisting of both evolved populations that dominate the mass and the restframe optical light, and younger populations, which show up as patches of star formation in the restframe UV light; in many ways resembling the properties of normal local galaxies. This interpretation is supported by fits to the broadband SEDs, which for all five z_phot > 2 are best represented by models with extended star formation histories and substantial amounts of dust.Comment: Accepted for publication in APJ

    The size-star formation relation of massive galaxies at 1.5<z<2.5

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    We study the relation between size and star formation activity in a complete sample of 225 massive (M > 5 x 10^10 Msun) galaxies at 1.5<z<2.5, selected from the FIREWORKS UV-IR catalog of the CDFS. Based on stellar population synthesis model fits to the observed restframe UV-NIR SEDs, and independent MIPS 24 micron observations, 65% of galaxies are actively forming stars, while 35% are quiescent. Using sizes derived from 2D surface brightness profile fits to high resolution (FWHM_{PSF}~0.45 arcsec) groundbased ISAAC data, we confirm and improve the significance of the relation between star formation activity and compactness found in previous studies, using a large, complete mass-limited sample. At z~2, massive quiescent galaxies are significantly smaller than massive star forming galaxies, and a median factor of 0.34+/-0.02 smaller than galaxies of similar mass in the local universe. 13% of the quiescent galaxies are unresolved in the ISAAC data, corresponding to sizes <1 kpc, more than 5 times smaller than galaxies of similar mass locally. The quiescent galaxies span a Kormendy relation which, compared to the relation for local early types, is shifted to smaller sizes and brighter surface brightnesses and is incompatible with passive evolution. The progenitors of the quiescent galaxies, were likely dominated by highly concentrated, intense nuclear star bursts at z~3-4, in contrast to star forming galaxies at z~2 which are extended and dominated by distributed star formation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Constraints on z~10 Galaxies from the Deepest HST NICMOS Fields

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    We use all available fields with deep NICMOS imaging to search for J dropouts (H<28) at z~10. Our primary data set for this search were the two J+H NICMOS parallel fields taken with the ACS HUDF. The 5 sigma limiting mags were 28.6 in J and 28.5 in H. Several shallower fields were also used: J+H NICMOS frames available over the HDF North, the HDF South NICMOS parallel, and the ACS HUDF. The primary selection criterion was (J-H)>1.8. 11 such sources were found in all search fields using this criterion. 8 of these were clearly ruled out as credible z~10 sources, either as a result of detections (>2 sigma) blueward of J or their colors redward of the break (H-K~1.5). The nature of the 3 remaining sources could not be determined from the data. The number appears consistent with the expected contamination from low-z interlopers. Analysis of the stacked images for the 3 candidates also suggests contamination. Regardless of their true redshifts, the actual number of z~10 sources must be <=3. To assess the significance of these results, two lower redshift samples (a z~3.8 B-dropout and z~6 i-dropout sample) were projected to z~8-12 using a (1+z)^{-1} size scaling. They were added to the image frames, and the selection repeated, giving 15.6 and 4.8 J-dropouts, respectively. This suggests that to the limit of this probe (0.3 L*) there has been evolution from z~3.8 and possibly from z~6. This is consistent with the strong evolution already noted at z~6 and z~7.5 relative to z~3-4. Even assuming that 3 sources from this probe are at z~10, the rest-frame continuum UV (~1500 A) luminosity density at z~10 (integrated down to 0.3 L*) is just 0.19_{-0.09}^{+0.13}x that at z~3.8 (or 0.19_{-0.10}^{+0.15}x including cosmic variance). However, if none of our sources is at z~10, this ratio has a 1 sigma upper limit of 0.07. (abridged)Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter
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