4 research outputs found

    Improved Speaking Skills In English Language Learning In Elementary Schools

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    English is an important international language used in various areas of life. Therefore, improving the ability to speak English at the elementary school level is a must to face increasingly complex global challenges. Learning English in elementary school is not just about understanding grammatical structures and vocabulary, but also developing effective speaking skills. This study aimed to determine the improvement of speaking skills in English language learning in elementary schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection tools in the form of literature studies. The conclusion is that learners' rejection of the teaching and learning process should be viewed as a "neutral" attitude, which is not related to good and bad values. The positive affective strategy is represented by four behaviors: laughter to show pleasure or satisfaction, smiling to show satisfaction, and showing pleasure because funny things are fun

    Language Variations and Functions of Various Languages In Online Businesses On The Instagram Application: A Sociolinguistic Study

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    the Covid-19 pandemic has caused many online businesses, one of which is the Instagram application. They post their sales on Instagram with various exciting captions. They use a variety of language variations as their promotion strategy and means of publication. This research aims to find variations in language and language functions in the captions of online business account posts on the Instagram application. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with sociolinguistic studies: data collection techniques using listening and note-taking techniques. Language variants and maximizing the function of various languages ​​on the Instagram social media network are very effective and efficient. There are many variants of the function of various languages ​​in Instagram social media networks

    Variations of Language Slang on Instagram Social Media

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    Through the large number of Instagram users in Indonesia, slang can be easily found in photo or video descriptions and comments made by uploading. Instagram is a program for sharing photos and videos that allows users to take photos or videos, implement digital effects for photos or videos, and upload them to other social media services, to Instagram. This study aims to determine the variation of slang on social media Instagram. This research method is included in the category of qualitative descriptive research, which then provides a description or explanation clearly regarding the form, meaning, category and role of slang in social media Instagram. The data sources used in this study are photos or videos uploaded by Instagram social media users to an account. The results showed that in Instagram there are several forms of sland including: 1) abbreviated form, 2) shortened form, 3) funny pronunciation errors, 4) home form, 5) community form. So it can be concluded that the research found 5 forms of slang on Instagram social media

    Competition Analysis of Regional Language and English In The Globalization Era

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    Language is the main communication tool. Apart from being a means of communication, language also has a role as a community wealth that needs to be preserved, this role is the role of regional languages. The role of the English as a foreign language is as tool of communicating between people in the world. This study aims to increase knowledge about the competition of regional languages ​​and English in the era of globalization. Data collection was carried out using a literature review method and a qualitative approach. The results of the analysis show that the use of regional languages ​​has been shifted by English in this globalization era. This happens not only in urban communities but also in rural communities