2 research outputs found

    Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi Ditinjau dari Fiscal Knowledge, Locus Of Control, dan Interaksi antara Fiscal Knowledge dengan Locus Of Control

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    Indonesia adopts a self assessment that requires an awareness and volunteerism taxpayer in carrying out tax obligations. To support the success f this system, taxpayer compliance is absolutely necessary. These various factors shown to affect the level of tax compliance, such as age, gender, level of education, the income, or employment status, the influence of friends or other taxpayer, ethics, taxation sanctions, complexity, relationship with the lax authorities, income sources, an understanding of the quality taxation system, the possibility of tax audit and tax rates, knowledge/understanding of tax. This research reinforces previous research conducted by Groenland and Veldhoven (1983) to determine differences in individual taxpayer compliance in Surabaya in terms of fiscal knowledge, locus of control, and the interaction of both. Anticipated differences in fiscal knowledge, locus of control orientation, and interaction both able to explain the differences compliance WPOP in Surabaya and surrounding areas. One hundred and fifty questionnaires were distributed to a number of WPOP in Surabaya and surrounding areas. Of the 150 questionnaires were only 82 questionnaires that can be processed further. By using statistical analysis tools Kruskal Wallis non-parametric, this study .failed to reject the null hypothesis for all of the proposed hypothesis, which means there is no difference in the level of compliance WPOP Surabaya based fiscal knowledge, locus of control, and the interaction of both. The difference results of this study with previous studies because the majority of the answers WOP were obedient and almost all respondents have an internal locus of control. Keywords: Tm Compliance, Locus Of Control, Fiscal Knowledge

    Pengaruh Tipe Industri, Ukuran Perusahaan, dan Kepemilikan Manajerial terhadap Tingkat Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial

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    Since 2007, Iimited companies in Indonesia have responsibility to implement corporate social responsibility as stipulated in the law No. 40/ 2007 regarding the limited companies. Social responsibility which has been implemented will be disclosed o ne way of disclosure is through sustainability report. This study was conducted to examine the influence of type of industry, firm size and managerial ownership on the level of corporate social responsibility disclosure, Samples of this research consist of 18 companies which joined Indonesia Sustainability Reporting Awards in 2008-2010a and published sustainability reports. The results of this study indicate that individually, type of industry variable and company size variable are not significantly influence on the level of social responsibility disclosure. Individually, managerial ownership variable is negatively influence on the level of social responsibility disclosure