516 research outputs found

    Sustainable Development Goal on Health (SDG3): The opportunity to make EU health a priority. EPC Discussion Paper, 18 May 2017

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    European health systems face growing, common challenges: the increasing cost of healthcare; an ageing population associated with a rise in chronic diseases and multi-morbidity leading to a growing demand for healthcare; shortages and an uneven distribution of health professionals; and inequalities in access to healthcare. Given the scale of the challenge, improving the performance and sustainability of health systems is crucial. All available tools should be used according to their specific functions, and the Sustainable Development Goal on Health (SDG3) provides an overarching framework to strengthen health for all

    First aid when and where you need it, development of first aid self-care, patient education for web and mobile devices

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    Health care is undergoing a revolution as patients have access to more and more information via Internet by the use of computers and mobile devices. In recognition of the rapidly growing need for patient first aid education, a collection of first aid self-care animations was created to improve treatment decisions and outcome safety. These animations are available for people via VisualDxHealth, a consumer focused website developed by Logical Images, Inc. The objective of the project was to produce simple and easy to understand first aid animations for a specific target audience. The production pipeline started with meeting with the client, drawing storyboards, deciding the art direction, animating, testing and ended with the final output. Working through this pipeline was beneficial to the workflow of the thesis. It allowed to manage my time more effectively to the production of the project and had more successful results. A combination of three-dimensional models and two-dimensional computer graphics were used in creating the animations. The project included an evaluation to determine how well learners accessing this site understood the instructions. The test group included a specific target audience determined by Logical Images, Inc. which was women between the ages of 30-50 years, who have a college degree and may be looking online for health information for themselves or family members. The results were recorded, analyzed and used during the revision stages for the animations. The project concluded with the final production of self-care animations for Blister, Foreign Objects in Eyes, Skin , Mouth and Nose, Wound, Nosebleed, Splinter and Tick Bite

    Tackling Arithmophobia : Teaching How to Read, Understand, and Analyze Financial Statements

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    This discussion presents different ideas on how to teach accounting and practical finance to law students

    How to Train Your Supervisor

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    In an ideal world every meeting between law students and professors, or between beginning lawyers and their supervisors, would leave supervisors impressed by their charges and junior lawyers/students with a clear sense of direction for their work. But we do not live in that ideal world. Instead, supervisors, supervisees, law professors and law students frequently leave such meetings feeling frustrated, disconnected and without a shared understanding of how to improve the experience (and future performance).This Article seeks to improve supervisory meetings, and to do so from the perspective of the ones under supervision. There is a genuine art to getting the best supervision possible, which can be both learned and taught. This Article unpacks some of the disconnects and hidden assumptions that can hinder effective supervisory meetings. We observe that participants in supervisory meetings may have very different expectations about the roles of the participants. We further explore the relational aspects of supervision and note that a shared sense of responsibility for supervision promotes more effective supervisory interactions. The Article then considers what law professors can do to prepare law students for supervision, including teaching students to get the most out of feedback from their supervisors. We conclude that teaching law students how to adjust their attributions toward growth, to set clear and achievable goals, and to be thoughtfully self-reflective, will maximize their learning from any academic and professional supervision

    How to Train Your Supervisor

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    In an ideal world every meeting between law students and professors, or between beginning lawyers and their supervisors, would leave supervisors impressed by their charges and junior lawyers/students with a clear sense of direction for their work. But we do not live in that ideal world. Instead, supervisors, supervisees, law professors and law students frequently leave such meetings feeling frustrated, disconnected and without a shared understanding of how to improve the experience (and future performance).This Article seeks to improve supervisory meetings, and to do so from the perspective of the ones under supervision. There is a genuine art to getting the best supervision possible, which can be both learned and taught. This Article unpacks some of the disconnects and hidden assumptions that can hinder effective supervisory meetings. We observe that participants in supervisory meetings may have very different expectations about the roles of the participants. We further explore the relational aspects of supervision and note that a shared sense of responsibility for supervision promotes more effective supervisory interactions. The Article then considers what law professors can do to prepare law students for supervision, including teaching students to get the most out of feedback from their supervisors. We conclude that teaching law students how to adjust their attributions toward growth, to set clear and achievable goals, and to be thoughtfully self-reflective, will maximize their learning from any academic and professional supervision


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    U procjeni revolucionarnih promjena velik je dio znanstvene rasprave posvećen određivanju uvjeta pod kojima su se te promjene dogodile kao sredstvu objaÅ”njavanja specifičnih revolucionarnih ishoda. Ta rasprava stvorila .je niz analitičkih modela. Od paralela s prirodom i anatomijom do strukturalne teorije teoretičari revolucija pokuÅ”avali su identificirati uvjete koji su postojali u državama i druÅ”tvima i koji su doveli do revolucija. Različiti su teoretičari naglaÅ”avali različite elemente u predrevolucionarnim druÅ”tvima, Å”to je dovelo do multipliciranja pristupa, koji se razlažu u ovom članku.In assessing revolutionary change or change -from one political system to another, much of the academic discussion bas focused on determining the conditions under which revolutionary change occurs as a means of explaining specific revolutionary outcomes. This debate over the origins and implications of revolutions has produced a wide range of analytical models. From the parallels with natural history and anatomy developed by Lyford Edwards and Crane Brinton, to the structural theory of Theda Skocpol theorists of revolution have sought to identify the conditions leading to revolutions that exist in states and societies. Whether revolutions are characterized as pathologies, special forms of political violence, or as structural crises, they are described primarily in terms of the states and societies to which they pose a challenge. Different theorists have chosen to emphasize various elements in pre-revolutionary societies, which haslead in turn to a multiplication of approaches which are discussed in this article

    Differential Access to Online Learning Within and Across Districts

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    Effectiveness of Teacher Preparation for the Online Learning Environment

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