1,918 research outputs found
Evidence for Color Fluctuations in Hadrons from Coherent Nuclear Diffraction}
A QCD-based treatment of projectile size fluctuations is used to compute
inelastic diffractive cross sections for coherent
hadron-nuclear processes. We find that fluctuations near the average size give
the major contribution to the cross section with contribution
from small size configurations.
The computed values of are consistent with the limited
available data. The importance of coherent diffraction studies for a wide range
of projectiles for high energy Fermilab fixed target experiments is emphasized.
The implications of these significant color fluctuations for relativistic heavy
ion collisions are discussed.Comment: Report number DOE/ER 40427-13-N93 11 pages, 3 figures available from
author Mille
Selected Topics in High Energy Semi-Exclusive Electro-Nuclear Reactions
We review the present status of the theory of high energy reactions with
semi-exclusive nucleon electro-production from nuclear targets. We demonstrate
how the increase of transferred energies in these reactions opens a complete
new window in studying the microscopic nuclear structure at small distances.
The simplifications in theoretical descriptions associated with the increase of
the energies are discussed. The theoretical framework for calculation of high
energy nuclear reactions based on the effective Feynman diagram rules is
described in details. The result of this approach is the generalized eikonal
approximation (GEA), which is reduced to Glauber approximation when nucleon
recoil is neglected. The method of GEA is demonstrated in the calculation of
high energy electro-disintegration of the deuteron and A=3 targets.
Subsequently we generalize the obtained formulae for A>3 nuclei. The relation
of GEA to the Glauber theory is analyzed. Then based on the GEA framework we
discuss some of the phenomena which can be studied in exclusive reactions,
these are: nuclear transparency and short-range correlations in nuclei. We
illustrate how light-cone dynamics of high-energy scattering emerge naturally
in high energy electro-nuclear reactions.Comment: LaTex file with 51 pages and 23 eps figure
Coulomb induced diffraction of energetic hadrons into jets
The electromagnetic (e.m.) current conservation and renormalizability of QCD
are used to calculate the amplitude of energetic hadron(photon) diffraction
into several jets with large relative transverse momenta off the
nucleon(nucleus) Coulomb field. Numerical estimates of the ratio of e.m. and
strong amplitudes show that within the kinematic range where the leading twist
approximation for the strong amplitude is applicable, the e.m. contribution can
be neglected. In pA scattering at LHC and in the fragmentation of a photon into
two jets in ultraperipheral AA collisions in the black limit (which maybe
realistic at LHC) e.m. contribution may win.Comment: 10 page
Color Screening and the Suppression of the Charmonium State Yield in Nuclear Reactions
We discuss the new data for the production of the meson in pA
collisions at 450 GeV at CERN-SPS (of the NA50-collaboration) [1]. We extract
from the CERN data mb under the assumption that the
is produced as a result of the space-time evolution of a point-like
pair which expands with time to the full size of the charmonium
state. In the analysis we assume the existence of a relationship between the
distribution of color in a hadron and the cross section of its interaction with
a nucleon. However, our result is rather sensitive to the pattern of the
expansion of the wave packet and significantly larger values of are not ruled out by the data. We show that recent CERN data confirm the
suggestion of [2] that color fluctuations of the strengths in
charmonium-nucleon interaction are the major source of suppression of the
yield as observed at CERN in both pA and AA collisions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures (one with color
Color Transparency Effects in Electron Deuteron Interactions at Intermediate Q^2
High momentum transfer electrodisintegration of polarized and unpolarized
deuterium targets, is studied. We show that the importance of final
state interactions-FSI, occuring when a knocked out nucleon interacts with the
other nucleon, depends strongly on the momentum of the spectator nucleon. In
particular, these FSI occur when the essential contributions to the scattering
amplitude arise from internucleon distances . But the absorption
of the high momentum may produce a point like configuration, which
evolves with time. In this case, the final state interactions probe the point
like configuration at the early stage of its evolution. The result is that
significant color transparency effects, which can either enhance or suppress
computed cross sections, are predicted to occur for .Comment: 37 pages LaTex, 12 uuencoded PostScript Figures as separate file, to
be published in Z.Phys.
Architectural Designs
The designs shown in this book have been selected from work designed and planned by H. D. Frankfurt, Architect.
It was the publisher\u27s aim to place before the public a high class book, showing modern and artistic buildings of various classes, which show the different styles of architecture, treated in different ways, and to suit various circumstances, as each individual location has its peculiarities and necessitates an entirely different class and design of building.
With the sixteen years of practical experience and technical training Mr. Frankfurt has had, the Architectural Department of Hastings & Heyden hope to give its clients the very best possible service that can be obtained, and this Department is open at all times to give information or make sketches for our prospective clients, and give estimates on cost of buildings. Investment possibilities, rental value, etc., will also be cheerfully given without charge. We will be glad· to submit floor plans for any design shown in this book. We also have over two hundred stock plans of various designs of houses and buildings on file in our office, which you can select from, and if no changes are made can be sec~red for a very small amount.https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/ascdigitizedbooks/1002/thumbnail.jp
When is an alternative possibility robust?
According to some, free will requires alternative possibilities. But not any old alternative possibility will do. Sometimes, being able to bring about an alternative does not bestow any control on an agent. In order to bestow control, and so be directly relevant qua alternative to grounding the agent's moral responsibility, alternatives need to be robust. Here, I investigate the nature of robust alternatives. I argue that Derk Pereboom's latest robustness criterion is too strong, and I suggest a different criterion based on the idea that what agents need to be able to do is keep open the possibility of securing their blamelessness, rather than needing to directly ensure their own blamelessness at the time of decision
Coherent QCD phenomena in the Coherent Pion-Nucleon and Pion-Nucleus Production of Two Jets at High Relative Momenta
We use QCD to compute the cross section for coherent production of a di-jet
(treated as a moving at high relative transverse momentum,). In the target rest frame,the space-time evolution of this reaction is
dominated by the process in which the high component of
the pion wave function is formed before reaching the target. It then interacts
through two gluon exchange. In the approximation of keeping the leading order
in powers of and all orders in
the amplitudes for other processes are
shown to be smaller at least by a power of . The resulting dominant
amplitude is proportional to ( is the fraction
light-cone(+)momentum carried by the quark in the final state) times the skewed
gluon distribution of the target. For the pion scattering by a nuclear target,
this means that at fixed (but ) the nuclear process in which there is only a single interaction is the
most important one to contribute to the reaction. Thus in this limit color
transparency phenomena should occur.These findings are in accord with E971
experiment at FNAL. We also re-examine a potentially important nuclear multiple
scattering correction which is positive and . The
meaning of the signal obtained from the experimental measurement of pion
diffraction into two jets is also critically examined and significant
corrections are identified.We show also that for values of achieved
at fixed target energies, di-jet production by the e.m. field of the nucleus
leads to an insignificant correction which gets more important as
increases.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure
J/\Psi production, polarization and Color Fluctuations
The hard contributions to the heavy quarkonium-nucleon cross sections are
calculated based on the QCD factorization theorem and the nonrelativistic
quarkonium model. We evaluate the nonperturbative part of these cross sections
which dominates at GeV at the Cern Super Proton
Synchrotron (SPS) and becomes a correction at TeV at
the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). \J production at the CERN SPS is well
described by hard QCD, when the larger absorption cross sections of the
states predicted by QCD are taken into account. We predict an -dependent
polarization of the states. The expansion of small wave packets is
discussed.Comment: 13 pages REVTEX, 1 table, 2 PostScript, corrected some typo
Feynman Graphs and Generalized Eikonal Approach to High Energy Knock-Out Processes
The cross section of hard semi-exclusive reactions for fixed
missing energy and momentum is calculated within the eikonal approximation.
Relativistic dynamics and kinematics of high energy processes are unambiguously
accounted for by using the analysis of appropriate Feynman diagrams. A
significant dependence of the final state interactions on the missing energy is
found, which is important for interpretation of forthcoming color transparency
experiments. A new, more stringent kinematic restriction on the region where
the contribution of short-range nucleon correlations is enhanced in
semi-exclusive knock-out processes is derived. It is also demonstrated that the
use of light-cone variables leads to a considerable simplification of the
description of high-energy knock-out reactions.Comment: 24 pages, LaTex, two Latex and two ps figures, uses FEYNMAN.tex and
psfig.sty. Revisied version to appear in Phys. Rev.
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