1,460 research outputs found

    Probing Short Range Nucleon Correlations in High Energy Hard Quasielastic pd Reactions

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    We show that the strong dependence of the amplitude for NNNN hard scattering on the collision energy can be used to magnify the effects of short range nucleon correlations in quasielastic pdpd scattering. Under specific kinematical conditions the effect of initial and final state interactions can be accounted for by rescaling the cross section calculated within the plane wave impulse approximation. The feasibility to investigate the role of relativistic effects in the deuteron wave function is demonstrated by comparing the predictions of different formalisms. Binding effects due to short range correlations in deuteron are discussed as well.Comment: 18 pages (LaTex) + 10 postscript figs (available on request

    Selected Topics in High Energy Semi-Exclusive Electro-Nuclear Reactions

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    We review the present status of the theory of high energy reactions with semi-exclusive nucleon electro-production from nuclear targets. We demonstrate how the increase of transferred energies in these reactions opens a complete new window in studying the microscopic nuclear structure at small distances. The simplifications in theoretical descriptions associated with the increase of the energies are discussed. The theoretical framework for calculation of high energy nuclear reactions based on the effective Feynman diagram rules is described in details. The result of this approach is the generalized eikonal approximation (GEA), which is reduced to Glauber approximation when nucleon recoil is neglected. The method of GEA is demonstrated in the calculation of high energy electro-disintegration of the deuteron and A=3 targets. Subsequently we generalize the obtained formulae for A>3 nuclei. The relation of GEA to the Glauber theory is analyzed. Then based on the GEA framework we discuss some of the phenomena which can be studied in exclusive reactions, these are: nuclear transparency and short-range correlations in nuclei. We illustrate how light-cone dynamics of high-energy scattering emerge naturally in high energy electro-nuclear reactions.Comment: LaTex file with 51 pages and 23 eps figure

    Feynman Graphs and Generalized Eikonal Approach to High Energy Knock-Out Processes

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    The cross section of hard semi-exclusive A(e,e′N)(A−1)A(e,e'N)(A-1) reactions for fixed missing energy and momentum is calculated within the eikonal approximation. Relativistic dynamics and kinematics of high energy processes are unambiguously accounted for by using the analysis of appropriate Feynman diagrams. A significant dependence of the final state interactions on the missing energy is found, which is important for interpretation of forthcoming color transparency experiments. A new, more stringent kinematic restriction on the region where the contribution of short-range nucleon correlations is enhanced in semi-exclusive knock-out processes is derived. It is also demonstrated that the use of light-cone variables leads to a considerable simplification of the description of high-energy knock-out reactions.Comment: 24 pages, LaTex, two Latex and two ps figures, uses FEYNMAN.tex and psfig.sty. Revisied version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Diffraction at HERA, Color Opacity and Nuclear Shadowing

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    The QCD factorization theorem for diffractive processes in DIS is used to derive formulae for the leading twist contribution to the nuclear shadowing of parton distributions in the low thickness limit. Based on the current analyzes of diffraction at HERA we find that the average strength of the interactions which govern diffraction in the gluon sector at x≤10−3,Q0=2GeVx \le 10^{-3}, Q_0=2 GeV is ~50 mb. This is 3 times larger than in the quark sector and suggests that applicability of DGLAP approximation requires significantly larger Q0Q_0 in the gluon sector. We use this information to estimate quark and gluon shadowing for heavy nuclei and to calculate itsQ2Q^2 depen- dence. For A~200 the amount of the gluon shadowing: GA/AGN∼0.25−0.4G_A/AG_N\sim 0.25-0.4 at x<10−3,Q=2GeVx<10^{-3},Q=2GeV is sensitive to the probability of the small size configurations within wave function of the gluon "partonometer" at the Q0Q_0 scale. At this scale for A∼200A\sim 200 the nonperturbative contribution to the gluon density is reduced by a factor of 4-5 at x≤10−3x \le 10^{-3} unmasking PQCD physics in the gluon distribution of heavy nuclei. Such shadowing would strongly modify the first stage of the heavy ion collisions at LHC, and would lead to large color opacity effects in eAeA collisions at x<0.001. The leading twist contribution to the cross section of the coherent J/ψJ/\psi production off A≥12A\ge 12 nuclei at s≥70\sqrt s \ge 70 GeV is strongly reduced as compared to the naive color transparency expectations. The Gribov black body limit for F2A(x,Q2)F_{2A}(x,Q^2) is extended to the case of the gluon distributions in nuclei and shown to be relevant for the HERA kinematics of eAeA collisions. Properties of the final states are also briefly discussed.Comment: 42 pages, 10 figures, final version to appear in Europ. Jour.of Phys., discussion of a number of issues is substantially extended, two figures and several references are adde

    Photoproduction of Quarkonium in Proton-Proton and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

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    We discuss the photoproduction of Υ\Upsilon and J/ψJ/\psi at high energy pˉp\bar{p}p, pppp and heavy ion colliders. We predict large rates in pˉp\bar{p}p interactions at the Fermilab Tevatron %and in heavy-ion interactions at the CERN LHC. These reactions can be and in pppp and heavy-ion interactions at the CERN LHC. The J/ψJ/\psi is also produced copiously at RHIC. These reactions can be used to study the gluon distribution in protons and heavy nuclei. We also show that the different CP symmetries of the initial states lead to large differences in the transverse momentum spectra of mesonsComment: 4 pgs. with 3 figure

    J/\Psi production, χ\chi polarization and Color Fluctuations

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    The hard contributions to the heavy quarkonium-nucleon cross sections are calculated based on the QCD factorization theorem and the nonrelativistic quarkonium model. We evaluate the nonperturbative part of these cross sections which dominates at sNN≈20\sqrt{s_{NN}}\approx 20 GeV at the Cern Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) and becomes a correction at sNN≈6\sqrt{s_{NN}}\approx 6 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). \J production at the CERN SPS is well described by hard QCD, when the larger absorption cross sections of the χ\chi states predicted by QCD are taken into account. We predict an AA-dependent polarization of the χ\chi states. The expansion of small wave packets is discussed.Comment: 13 pages REVTEX, 1 table, 2 PostScript, corrected some typo
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