1,309 research outputs found

    Presidents’ Declaration on the Civic Responsibility of Higher Education and Campus Assessment of Civic Responsibility

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    The following statement was drafted by Thomas Ehrlich, senior scholar, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and president emeritus, Indiana University, and Elizabeth Hollander, executive director of Campus Compact, with the advice and input of a distinguished Presidents\u27 Leadership Colloquium Committee composed of: Derek Bok, president emeritus of Harvard University; Dolores Cross, president of Morris Brown College; John DiBiaggio, president of Tufts University; Claire Gaudiani, president of Connecticut College; Stanley Ikenberry, president of the American Council on Education; Donald Kennedy, president emeritus of Stanford University; Charles Knapp, recent past president of the Aspen Institute, Edward A. Malloy, president of the University of Notre Dame; Frank Newman, president of the Education Commission of the States; and Eduardo Padron, president of Miami-Dade Community College


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    本研究では,アメリカ連邦政府の一組織である中等後教育改善基金の思想的基盤について,その創設に影響を及ぼしたクラーク・カー,ダニエル・モイニハン,フランク・ニューマンの思想を手がかりとしながら,中等後教育改善基金の思想的基盤を明らかにすることを目的としている。検討の結果,次の4点が明らかとなった。第1に,教育プログラムへの財政援助という考え方は,全米科学財団をモデルとしつつ,クラーク・カーによって先駆的に提唱された。第2に,競争的補助金というFIPSE の法制的特質を明確に打ち出したのはフランク・ニューマンであった。第3に,高等教育機関による教育プログラムの内容策定に際し,連邦政府が限定的裁量性を与えるというFIPSE の法制的特質の萌芽が3人の思想にみられた。第4に,連邦政府と州政府との政府間関係についてはほとんど言及されていなかった。The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the ideological basis of the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) in the United States Federal Government,focusing on the idea of Clark Kerr, Daniel Moynihan, and Frank Newman.Previous studies have examined the formation process of FIPSE. Some of these studies have referred to the idea of the above three people. However, these studies have not considered the ideological basis of FIPSE squarely.In this research, papers written by Clark Kerr, Daniel Moynihan, and Frank Newman were analyzed. The obtained results are as follows:(1) The idea of the financial aid to educational program was proposed by Clark Kerr with a pioneer spirit. The model of this idea was the National Science Foundation; (2) The idea ofthe competitive grant which is one of the legal characteristic of FIPSE was advocated by Frank Newman clearly;(3) The germination of the idea of the restrictive discretion in financial aid to educational program, which is one of the legal characteristics of FIPSE, was similarly seen in the paperof Clark Kerr, Daniel Moynihan, and Frank Newman; and (4) Clark Kerr, Daniel Moynihan,and Frank Newman hardly referred to the intergovernmental relations in providing th e grants to educational program

    Securitization in the 1920's

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    This paper quantifies the scale and scope of the commercial real estate mortgage bond market in the period surrounding the 1920s in an attempt to better understand the role of retail mortgage debt in early urban development. In particular, this paper quantifies the size of the market, identifies risk factors affecting the coupon yield spread over Treasuries and utilizes a unique data set to construct a commercial mortgage price index over the period 1926-1935. A substantial retail appetite for real estate securities during this period may have significantly contributed to a real construction boom, but overly optimistic speculation in these securities may have led to overbuilding. The rapid deterioration of these securities and a near complete drop in issuance show, ex post, that investors were overconfident in building fundamentals during the boom years. The breakdown in the value of real estate securities as collateral assets preceded the crash of 1929 and may have contributed to the fall of asset prices more generally.

    Police Shootings - Administrative Law as a Method of Control over Police: Peterson v. City of Long Beach

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    Professor Kenneth Davis has long advocated that police manuals should be viewed as interpretative administrative rules, which would guide police in their daily activities. He argued that police departments should not fear adopting interpretative rules because such rules would not be binding; therefore, the department would not be subject to tort liability if an officer violated such a rule. In Peterson v. City of Long Beach, a police officer violated the police manual when he shot and killed a non-violent fleeing suspect. The California Supreme Court, in an opinion by Justice Frank Newman, cited Professor Davis and his call for police administrative rulemaking. Justice Newman, however, ignored Davis\u27s view that the manual represented nonbinding interpretative rules. Instead, Newman held that the police manual is a regulation of a public entity and the violation of its rules by a police officer carries a rebuttable presumption of negligence. The result of Peterson is that police departments in California are now subject to tort liability when an officer violates the provisions of the department\u27s own manual. Justice Newman had an opportunity to incorporate Davis\u27s view and introduce California police departments to administrative rulemaking. Instead Newman chose to view police manuals as regulations of a public entity and as an additional source of tort liability for police departments

    Paying for College Success: An Introduction to the Performance-Based Scholarship Demonstration

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    This policy brief describes a demonstration launched by MDRC in four states in 2008 to evaluate whether performance-based scholarships -- paid contingent on attaining academic benchmarks -- are an effective way to improve persistence and academic success among low-income college students. The demonstration builds on positive results from an earlier MDRC study in Louisiana

    Health Benefits for the Uninsured: Design and Early Implementation of the Accelerated Benefits Demonstration

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    Many Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries have serious and immediate health care needs, but, under current law, most are not eligible for Medicare until 24 months after they start receiving cash benefits. This policy brief describes a new project that is testing whether providing earlier access to health benefits, as well as other services, for new SSDI beneficiaries who have no other health insurance improves employment and health outcomes

    Worldwide Workshop on Youth Involvement as a Strategy for Social, Economic and Democratic Development

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    Summarizes January 2000 discussions on building capacity in the field of youth service. Explores connections with social capital, economic productivity, adolescent development, marginalized youth, civic engagement, and policy. Includes country summaries

    Promoting College Match for Low-Income Students: Lessons for Practitioners

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    Most high school reform efforts understandably focus on boosting the success of low-income students who are underachieving academically, but in every school district where students struggle, there are academically capable low-income and minority students who do graduate prepared for college. Yet each year, many of these students choose to attend nonselective four-year colleges where graduation rates are distressingly low. Others enroll at two-year colleges, where degree completion and transfer rates are even lower. Many more do not attend college at all. In 2010, MDRC and its partners pilot-tested an innovative advising program, College Match, in three Chicago public high schools. This practitioner brief presents practical lessons from that program. It offers five strategies that show promise, that could be widely applicable, that counselors and advisers can integrate into their existing college guidance activities, and that can be implemented in college advising settings in and out of schools

    Understanding Reading First: What We Know, What We Don't, and What's Next

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    Studies of Reading First released in 2008 found no overall effect on student reading comprehension, and the program was eliminated in 2009. However, the research findings were more nuanced than was widely reported, and they offer lessons for policymakers making critical choices today about how the federal government can best support the teaching of reading to young children