1,565 research outputs found

    A case study of quark-gluon discrimination at NNLL' in comparison to parton showers

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    Predictions for our ability to distinguish quark and gluon jets vary by more than a factor of two between different parton showers. We study this problem using analytic resummed predictions for the thrust event shape up to NNLL' using e+e−→Z→qqˉe^+e^- \to Z \to q \bar q and e+e−→H→gge^+e^- \to H \to gg as proxies for quark and gluon jets. We account for hadronization effects through a nonperturbative shape function, and include an estimate of both perturbative and hadronization uncertainties. In contrast to previous studies, we find reasonable agreement between our results and predictions from both Pythia and Herwig parton showers. We find that this is due to a noticeable improvement in the description of gluon jets in the newest Herwig 7.1 compared to previous versions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Observational Evidence for an Age Dependence of Halo Bias

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    We study the dependence of the cross-correlation between galaxies and galaxy groups on group properties. Confirming previous results, we find that the correlation strength is stronger for more massive groups, in good agreement with the expected mass dependence of halo bias. We also find, however, that for groups of the same mass, the correlation strength depends on the star formation rate (SFR) of the central galaxy: at fixed mass, the bias of galaxy groups decreases as the SFR of the central galaxy increases. We discuss these findings in light of the recent findings by Gao et al (2005) that halo bias depends on halo formation time, in that halos that assemble earlier are more strongly biased. We also discuss the implication for galaxy formation, and address a possible link to galaxy conformity, the observed correlation between the properties of satellite galaxies and those of their central galaxy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. Figures 3 and 4 replaced. The bias dependence on the central galaxy luminosity is omitted due to its sensitivity to the mass mode

    Reconstructing the Initial Density Field of the Local Universe: Method and Test with Mock Catalogs

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    Our research objective in this paper is to reconstruct an initial linear density field, which follows the multivariate Gaussian distribution with variances given by the linear power spectrum of the current CDM model and evolves through gravitational instability to the present-day density field in the local Universe. For this purpose, we develop a Hamiltonian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to obtain the linear density field from a posterior probability function that consists of two components: a prior of a Gaussian density field with a given linear spectrum, and a likelihood term that is given by the current density field. The present-day density field can be reconstructed from galaxy groups using the method developed in Wang et al. (2009a). Using a realistic mock SDSS DR7, obtained by populating dark matter haloes in the Millennium simulation with galaxies, we show that our method can effectively and accurately recover both the amplitudes and phases of the initial, linear density field. To examine the accuracy of our method, we use NN-body simulations to evolve these reconstructed initial conditions to the present day. The resimulated density field thus obtained accurately matches the original density field of the Millennium simulation in the density range 0.3 <= rho/rho_mean <= 20 without any significant bias. Especially, the Fourier phases of the resimulated density fields are tightly correlated with those of the original simulation down to a scale corresponding to a wavenumber of ~ 1 h/Mpc, much smaller than the translinear scale, which corresponds to a wavenumber of ~ 0.15 h\Mpc.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The statistical nature of the brightest group galaxies

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    We examine the statistical properties of the brightest group galaxies (BGGs) using a complete spectroscopic sample of groups/clusters of galaxies selected from the Data Release 7 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We test whether BGGs and other bright members of groups are consistent with an ordered population among the total population of group galaxies. We find that the luminosity distributions of BGGs do not follow the predictions from the order statistics (OS). The average luminosities of BGGs are systematically brighter than OS predictions. On the other hand, by properly taking into account the brightening effect of the BGGs, the luminosity distributions of the second brightest galaxies are in excellent agreement with the expectations of OS. The brightening of BGGs relative to the OS expectation is consistent with a scenario that the BGGs on average have over-grown about 20 percent masses relative to the other member galaxies. The growth (ΔM\Delta M) is not stochastic but correlated with the magnitude gap (G1,2G_{1,2}) between the brightest and the second brightest galaxy. The growth (ΔM\Delta M) is larger for the groups having more prominent BGGs (larger G1,2G_{1,2}) and averagely contributes about 30 percent of the final G1,2G_{1,2} of the groups of galaxies.Comment: ApJ accepted, replaced with the accepted versio

    Properties of Galaxy Groups in the SDSS: I.-- The Dependence of Colour, Star Formation, and Morphology on Halo Mass

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    Using a large galaxy group catalogue constructed from the SDSS, we investigate the correlation between various galaxy properties and halo mass. We split the population of galaxies in early types, late types, and intermediate types, based on their colour and specific star formation rate. At fixed luminosity, the early type fraction increases with increasing halo mass. Most importantly, this mass dependence is smooth and persists over the entire mass range probed, without any break or feature at any mass scale. We argue that the previous claim of a characteristic feature on galaxy group scales is an artefact of the environment estimators used. At fixed halo mass, the luminosity dependence of the type fractions is surprisingly weak: galaxy type depends more strongly on halo mass than on luminosity. We also find that the early type fraction decreases with increasing halo-centric radius. Contrary to previous studies, we find that this radial dependence is also present in low mass haloes. The properties of satellite galaxies are strongly correlated with those of their central galaxy. In particular, the early type fraction of satellites is significantly higher in a halo with an early type central galaxy than in a halo of the same mass but with a late type central galaxy. This phenomenon, which we call `galactic conformity', is present in haloes of all masses and for satellites of all luminosities. Finally, the fraction of intermediate type galaxies is always ~20 percent, independent of luminosity, independent of halo mass, independent of halo-centric radius, and independent of whether the galaxy is a central galaxy or a satellite galaxy. We discuss the implications of all these findings for galaxy formation and evolution.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures. Submitted for publication in MNRA

    Large-scale automatic species identification

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    The crowd-sourced Naturewatch GBIF dataset is used to obtain a species classification dataset containing approximately 1.2 million photos of nearly 20 thousand different species of biological organisms observed in their natural habitat. We present a general hierarchical species identification system based on deep convolutional neural networks trained on the NatureWatch dataset. The dataset contains images taken under a wide variety of conditions and is heavily imbalanced, with most species associated with only few images. We apply multi-view classification as a way to lend more influence to high frequency details, hierarchical fine-tuning to help with class imbalance and provide regularisation, and automatic specificity control for optimising classification depth. Our system achieves 55.8% accuracy when identifying individual species and around 90% accuracy at an average taxonomy depth of 5.1—equivalent to the taxonomic rank of “family”—when applying automatic specificity control

    The cross-correlation between galaxies of different luminosities and Colors

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    We study the cross-correlation between galaxies of different luminosities and colors, using a sample selected from the SDSS Dr 4. Galaxies are divided into 6 samples according to luminosity, and each of these samples is divided into red and blue subsamples. Projected auto-correlation and cross-correlation is estimated for these subsample. At projected separations r_p > 1\mpch, all correlation functions are roughly parallel, although the correlation amplitude depends systematically on luminosity and color. On r_p < 1\mpch, the auto- and cross-correlation functions of red galaxies are significantly enhanced relative to the corresponding power laws obtained on larger scales. Such enhancement is absent for blue galaxies and in the cross-correlation between red and blue galaxies. We esimate the relative bias factor on scales r > 1\mpch for each subsample using its auto-correlation function and cross-correlation functions. The relative bias factors obtained from different methods are similar. For blue galaxies the luminosity-dependence of the relative bias is strong over the luminosity range probed (-23.0<M_r < -18.0),but for red galaxies the dependence is weaker and becomes insignificant for luminosities below L^*. To examine whether a significant stochastic/nonlinear component exists in the bias relation, we study the ratio R_ij= W_{ii}W_{jj}/W_{ij}^2, where W_{ij} is the projected correlation between subsample i and j. We find that the values of R_ij are all consistent with 1 for all-all, red-red and blue-blue samples, however significantly larger than 1 for red-blue samples. For faint red - faint blue samples the values of R_{ij} are as high as ~ 2 on small scales r_p < 1 \mpch and decrease with increasing r_p.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
