19 research outputs found

    Børn og unge med behov for særlig støtte? Fra 1990-2005

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    Dette arbejdsmateriale er udarbejdet som en del af forskningsprojektet 'Handlekompetencer i pædagogisk arbejde med socialt udsatte børn og unge - indsats og effekt' (HPA-projektet). Materialet er en del af en serie på i alt 14 tekster, der alle stammer fra projektet, som blev søsat i 2006.Projektets sigte er at udvikle metoder, der giver pædagoger mulighed for at udvikle deres pædagogiske handlekompetencer, så de kan fremme udsatte børns handlemuligheder og livschancer

    Forskningens betydning for pædagogers praksis

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    Artiklen ”Forskningens betydning for pædagogers praksis” indgår som en del af afrapporteringen af forskningsprojektet ”Handlekompetencer i pædagogisk arbejde med socialt udsatte børn og unge - indsats og effekt” (HPA-projektet) .Artiklen repræsenterer en afrunding af en delundersøgelse af videns betydning for praksis. Her belyses delelementer som lovgivningen og forskning . Denne artikel går i dybden med, hvordan forskning spredes, og hvorvidt pædagoger bruger forskning i deres arbejde.HPA-projektets sigte er at udvikle metoder, der giver pædagoger mulighed for at udvikle deres pædagogiske handlekompetencer, så de kan fremme udsatte børns handlemuligheder og livschancer

    Børn og unge med særlige behov – i forskning i Danmark

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    Dette arbejdsmateriale er udarbejdet som en del af forskningsprojektet 'Handlekompetencer i pædagogisk arbejde med socialt udsatte børn og unge - indsats og effekt' (HPA-projektet). Materialet er en del af en serie på i alt 14 tekster, der alle stammer fra projektet, som blev søsat i 2006.Projektets sigte er at udvikle metoder, der giver pædagoger mulighed for at udvikle deres pædagogiske handlekompetencer, så de kan fremme udsatte børns handlemuligheder og livschancer

    Betal tilbage - om styring af forskning

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    Udsat til børneforsorg - om etablering af familiepleje, børenanstalter og indsats i hjemmet for udsatte børn i Danmark

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    This dissertation looks into the treatment of exposed children and young people. The background is a puzzlement as to how the discourse on treatment, during the latest twenty years, has concentrated on the same institutions and themes (Ebsen, 2007). The aim of the dissertation is to shed light on how the institutions of child saving, (family care, placement in residential care, intervention in the home) the specific social technologies and the understanding of children and adolescents, within the child saving system, were established. The first step in this research was to look back in time through the legislation and realize that the first stand-alone act on exposed children and adolescents was launched in 1905 (The Act of neglected and Criminal Children and Adolescents). The Act states that the institutions of child saving include family care, small and large institutions, special intervention in the homes of the neglected children, and an agency which was to make decisions on removing a child and, if necessary, on where the child should be placed. It appears as if the institutions had already been established at the time, and were just gathered in one act. The act gathered the many organizations into a public unity of child saving with the crucial point of securing a public financing by the state. There are good reasons for regarding the 1905 Act as a kind of constitution of the Danish child saving (Like e.g. Egelund, 1997; Bryderup, 2008). This led to research into the background of the 1905 Act More specifically, it led to the study of how the various institutions mentioned in the Act had come into being, and it was examined whether there existed some kind of special institutional “lock-up” which meant that one century later the same institutions were still crucial

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    Developing scales for apps together - youth and municipal case worker perspectives

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    This article reports the initial findings of a Danish action research project aiming to develop a digital tool that young persons could use to inform their municipal case workers about their wellbeing. The project vision was an integrated system with a smartphone interface for young persons, and a web interface for case workers, whereby both parties could track how the young persons were doing. Three meetings were held between researchers, software developers, young persons and their case workers. The young persons rejected self-monitoring on a normative scale. They rejected a scale proposed by case workers that encouraged them to focus on a positive future, favoring a scale which enabled them to focus on their wellbeing being low. The young persons and case workers disagreed about how data regarding change should be presented. Case workers preferred a graph that highlighted risk, where young persons favored a graph that emphasized positive change