9 research outputs found

    Candian Social Trends 3

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    Masculinity Meets Postmodernism: Theorizing the 'Man-Made’ Man

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    Contemporary postmodern philosophers are upsetting the knowledge applecart by challenging the underpinnings of modem thought on a variety of fronts. Aerial views, those grand narratives (Lyotard, 1984) based on foundational ‘truths’ that do not exist in quite the way in which we have often assumed, provide for the consumption of a world located within and based upon notions of epistemological essentialism. Dichotomous underpinnings of individualism and structuralism continue to permeate and saturate representations of men’s lives, attempting to collapse and control the messiness as binary, while, at the same time, masking recycled theories of biological and social determinism. In the absence of “situated knowledge” (Haraway, 1988) arising within local narratives, we have received a “man-made” theory-world of men that offers up a fixity; linear, bounded, dichotomized and disconnected. This paper grapples with some of Frank’s ideas about the relationship between the investigation of men’s lives and the resulting created knowledge which has helped shape our understandings of ourselves as men, our relation to others and the environment we inhabit daily.Les philosophes postmodemes contemporains brouillent les cartes en remettant en cause les fondements de la pensĂ©e moderne sur plusieurs plans. Les vues aĂ©riennes, ces grands rĂ©cits (Lyotard 1984) s’appuyant sur des « vĂ©ritĂ©s » fondamentales qui n’existent pas exactement de la façon dont on l’a souvent supposĂ©, subviennent aux besoins de consommation d’un monde situĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de notions en essentialisme Ă©pistĂ©mologique et basĂ© sur elles. Les fondements dichotomiques de l’individualisme et du structuralisme continuent Ă  imprĂ©gner et Ă  saturer les reprĂ©sentations de la vie des hommes, dans une tentative de les tirer de la confusion et de les organiser en donnĂ©es binaires, tout en camouflant des thĂ©ories recyclĂ©es de dĂ©terminisme biologique et social. En l’absence de « connaissances localisĂ©es » (Haraway 1988) surgissant dans les rĂ©cits locaux, nous avons hĂ©ritĂ© de construits thĂ©oriques sur l’homme, faits par l’homme, qui prĂ©sentent une fixité : linĂ©aires, figĂ©s, dichotomisĂ©s et dĂ©connectĂ©s. Cet article prĂ©sente quelques-unes des idĂ©es de l’auteur sur les rapports entre la recherche sur la vie des hommes et les connaissances qui en rĂ©sultent et qui ont contribuĂ© Ă  amĂ©liorer la comprĂ©hension de l’ĂȘtre en tant qu’homme, Ă  forger les relations sociales et Ă  permettre une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’environnement dans lequel nous Ă©voluons quotidiennement

    Searching for Support and Community: Experiences in a Gay Men's Psyhcoeducational Group

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    Support groups are a powerful tool that can assist gay men in dealing with isolation from other gay men, a lack of information about themselves and others as gay men, and the fear either of being identified or of self-identifying as gay. In this article, ten gay men speak about their experiences in a support/psychoeducational group.Les groupes de soutien constituent un outil puissant qui peut aider les gais Ă  remĂ©dier Ă  leur isolement vis-Ă -vis des autres hommes homosexuels d'une part et au manque de renseignements portant sur les hommes homosexuels et pouvant les intĂ©resser d'autre part. Ces groupes de soutien peuvent les aider Ă©galement Ă  faire face Ă  leur peur d'ĂȘtre identifiĂ©s ou de s'identifier comme gai. Dans cet article, dix hommes parlent de leur expĂ©rience dans un groupe de soutien psychopĂ©dagogique

    Sexualities, genders, bodies and sport: Changing practices of inequity

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    Contradictions and tensions in the practice of masculinities in school: Interrogating embodiment and 'Good Buddy Talk'

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    Masculinity, and gender more broadly, has been theorised as a series of performative and discursive acts (Butler, 1990) which are constituted contextually and culturally. Not only are masculinities enacted differently across cultures, they are also performed differently within groups of the same culture, and by individuals