8 research outputs found

    [World Health Organization document "water safety in buildings": Italian translation]

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    A working group of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI) has translated into Italian the World Health Organization (WHO) guidance document "Water safety in buildings" published in 2011. The document is intended to provide guidance on implementing the WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality. In the present article, the authors describe the framework of the WHO document and summarize the main points discussed

    [World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for coastal and fresh waters: Italian translation by the Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI) Working Group "Movement Sciences for Health"]

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    The Working Group "Movement Sciences for Health" of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health has promoted the Italian translation of the WHO Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments, relating to coastal and freshwater environments. In this article the authors briefly summarize the main areas covered in the guidelines, namely drowning and injury, exposure to cold, heat and sunlight, water quality, contamination of beach sand, exposure to algae and their products, aesthetic issues, exposure to chemical and physical agents, dangerous aquatic organisms, monitoring and assessment hazards and risks

    Adapted Physical Activity for the Promotion of Health and the Prevention of Multifactorial Chronic Diseases: the Erice Charter

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    The Erice Charter was unanimously approved at the conclusion of the 47th Residential Course "Adapted Physical Activity in Sport, Wellness and Fitness: New Challenges for Prevention and Health Promotion", held on 20-24 April 2015 in Erice, Italy, at the "Ettore Majorana" Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, and promoted by the International School of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine "G. D'Alessandro" and the Study Group on Movement Sciences for Health of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health. After an intense discussion the participants identified the main points associated with the relevance of physical activity for Public Health, claiming the pivotal role of the Department of Prevention in coordinating and managing preventive actions. The participants underlined the importance of the physicians specialized in Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health. The contribution of other operators such as physicians specialized in Sport Medicine was stressed. Further, the holders of the new degree in Human Movement and Sport Sciences were considered fundamental contributors for the performance of physical activity and their presence was seen as a promising opportunity for the Departments of Prevention. Primary prevention based on recreational physical activities should become easily accessible for the population, avoiding obstacles such as certification steps or complex bureaucracy. The Sport Doctor is recognized as the principal referent for preliminary physical evaluation and clinical monitoring in secondary and tertiary prevention actions based on adapted physical activities. Developing research in the field is essential as well as implementing higher education on physical activity management in Schools of Public Health

    Acceso, democracia y comunidades virtuales : apropiaciĂłn de tecnologĂ­as digitales desde el Cono Sur

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    Es tiempo de empezar a desarrollar tecnologías alternativas que se basen en otros modelos de negocios, en la resolución de otras necesidades, que se configuren con otros procesos, como la construcción colectiva de algoritmos, que sean procesos transparentes y abiertos, que tengan principios comunitarios de manejo de datos. Una tecnología construida por las comunidades y poblaciones que hasta ahora han sido etiquetadas como las grandes consumidoras y que nuestro grupo propone que tengan el derecho de diseñar, definir y proponer la tecnología que requieren y que quieren. Especialmente nos referimos a las mujeres, las poblaciones indígenas, las poblaciones migrantes, fronterizas, costeras, rurales, entre otros. Partimos del principio de que en estos momentos históricos en que vivimos en una sociedad digital, es un derecho humano fundamental que todo grupo social diseñe y construya la tecnología que necesita. Además, estamos convencidos y convencidas de que pueden/podemos hacerlo. Del Pronunciamiento conjunto del Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Apropiación de Tecnologías Digitales e interseccionalidades y RIAT

    Allergic risk in sport: public health issues

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