19 research outputs found

    Accuracy of measurements performed on digital panoramic radiographs with and without an extra-oral calibration object

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    Aim: To investigate the accuracy of measurements in vertical and horizontal direction using an extra-oral calibration object placed in different positions on the panoramic radiograph in JPEG and DICOM image format. Methods: Digital panoramic radiographs of a purpose made model with 32 removable teeth replaced with metal balls were taken. The measurements of metal balls were performed with and without the calibration object placed in the middle or on the side of the radiograph in JPEG and DICOM image formats. Results: One sample t-test was used for the analyses of accuracy of measurements in vertical and horizontal direction. The most accurate vertical measurements were achieved in canine group in JPEG (6.02±0.04 mm, P=0.144) and DICOM (6.03±0.07 mm, P=0.104) formats using calibration object placed in the middle of the radiograph. The mean values of measurements in horizontal direction differed significantly from the real values (P<0.05) in all teeth groups regardless of the image format. Conclusion: The most accurate measurements in vertical direction were achieved by placing the metal scale ruler extra-orally in the middle of panoramic radiograph independent of the image format. Reliable clinical accuracy for measurements in horizontal direction was achieved only in canine region (G2) in both image formats

    Metode snimanja i konzervacija metalnih arheoloških predmeta

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    Autori u prvom dijelu ovog članka opisuju mogućnosti potpunijih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih analiza metalnih predmeta upotrebljavajući suvremenije metode snimanja pomoću ct-a. U drugom dijelu članka opisana su tri načina konzervacije metalnih predmeta (redukcija, abrazija i elektroliza) izvađenih iz rijeke Cetine kod Trilja


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    Na Odsjeku restauracije i konzervacije Umjetničke akademije u Splitu izveden je konzervatorsko-restauratorski zahvat na dosad nezapaženoj slici ‘Sveta Obitelj sa svetim Ivanom’, iz splitskog samostana sv. Frane. Zahvat i istraživanja koja su ga pratila iznijeli su na vidjelo neobičnu i zanimljivu građu ove slike. Prilikom istraživanja primijenjena je metoda digitalne radiografije, koja u našoj sredini dosad gotovo da nije bila primjenjivana, a koja u svijetu dobiva sve širu primjenu na polju konzervacije. Snimanje je pružilo mogućnost da se usporede rezultati dobiveni ovom metodom s rezultatima koji se dobivaju analognom radiografijom.A conservation–restoration procedure has been carried out on the portrait of Holly Family with St. John, from the Monastery of St. Francis (Sv. Frane) in Split. The procedure was done at the Department of Conservation and Restoration at Split Academy of Arts. This oil portrait on canvas is dated to the 17th century. Prior to the procedure, the portrait was in a very bad shape. That is why it did not attract attention of experts although, even then, its artistic quality was indisputable. Both the research and the procedure revealed an unusual and interesting composition of the painting. One of the methods used in the course of the procedure was digital radiography. So far, this method has not often been used in the research of the composition of easel paintings in this area. The method allowed comparison of the results with the results obtained by analog radiography. The source of radiation, in this case, was a portable RTG device, which is also used in medicine. A cassette containing a phosphoric board was placed underneath the chosen portion of the painting. The portion was then illuminated by the photon-rich low energy x-ray beams. The radiation that penetrated the painting was transformed by the film-converter placed inside the cassette, into a light beam. The light beam projected the latent image on the phosphoric board. Another key device, used in the course of the research, was a frame grabber that transformed the latent image into the visible one. The obtained images were evaluated using a DICOM viewer. The obtained results were compared and substantiated with the results obtained by the analysis of painted layers and preparation

    The Croatian Model of University Education for Health Professionals

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    In all European countries healthcare professions are regulated by law. In Croatia, the legally – regulated professions are: medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, physiotherapy and midwifery, as well as radiographers, occupational therapists and medical laboratory technicians. Current education of health professionals in Croatia is traditional, inadequate and poorly harmonized with current educational trends, as well as with requirements and directives of European Commission. This Croatian model for education of health professionals at university level follows the recommendations specified in Croatian Qualification Framework: (i) learning outcomes are competency-based; (ii) mobility of students and faculty is encouraged; (iii) the means of quality assurance are anticipated. The Croatian model of university education for health professionals will make sure that all procedures, specified in the European and Croatian Qualification Framework addressing recognizability of study programs, mobility, learning outcomes, quality assurance and reliability of requared qualifications are successfully completed

    Anthropological individualization of relics from sarcophagus stored in Vodnjan monastery, Vodnjan, Croatia

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    Aim: To develop a methodology for the estimation of the preservation of human skeletal remains – the relics in the Vodnjan assembly; to estimate the minimum number of individuals (MNI), sex, and age; to evaluate the physical state of their remains, and to individualize the remains to verify the list of saints allegedly buried at the monastery. Methods: Standard crime scene investigation and forensic anthropology methods were used, including trace evidence marking, photography, minimum number of individuals (MNI) estimation, sex, age, stature estimation, pathological and traumatic changes examination, individuation, and individualization by the comparison to the biography. Results: The total sample of the bones in the Vodnjan relic collection was very poorly preserved. The MNI in the sarcophagus was twenty-two. Of those, three were female, twelve were male, and seven were subadults. Conclusion: The forensic approach to the documentation and analysis of relics was appropriate for this kind of skeletal material. The final identification was not possible because of the poor preservation of skeletal material and the lack of hagiographical (antemortem) data. However, the forensic anthropology approach enabled us to create osteobiographies, and after the comparison with the existing antemortem data, we could not exclude that the remains belonged to the named saints


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    Važni aspekti forenzične prakse su procjene dobi i razlikovanje pojedinaca nepoznate dobi kao punoljetnike ili maloljetnike. Anteroposteriorna (AP) radiološka snimka zgloba koljena prepoznata je kao anatomsko mjesto za proučavanje dobi u kasnoj adolescenciji. U dvije populacije (Umbrija, Italija i Hercegovina, Bosna i Hercegovina) provedeno je presječno, retrospektivno istraživanje na AP radiološkim snimkama lijevog koljena. Analizirano je ukupno 446 radioloških snimaka ispitanika (234 muškarca i 212 žena) u dobi između 12 i 26 godina iz regije Umbrija i 684 radiološke snimke ispitanika (374 muškarca i 310 žena) u dobi između 10 i 27 godina iz regije Hercegovina. Vidljivi tragovi epifiznog ožiljka uzeti su u obzir u ovom istraživanju, a stadiji spajanja kostiju, koje predlažu Cameriere i sur., promijenjeni su s modificiranom klasifikacijom jer su dosadašnja istraživanja potvrdila postojanost ove pojave, koja se uglavnom vidi na donjim ekstremitetima zbog težinskog i radnog opterećenja cjelokupnog tijela za razliku od ruku. Cohen Kappa koeficijenti unutar istraživačke pouzdanosti su 0,839; 0,894; 0,907, a 0,919; 0,791; 0,907 su koeficijenti pouzdanosti među istraživačima za stadije sazrijevanja epifiza distalnog dijela femura, proksimalnog dijela tibije i proksimalnog dijela fibule. ROC krivulje (engl. Receiver Operator Characteristic) rezultata SKJ (engl. Scoring Knee Joint) pokazuju bolju razlikovnu snagu od rezultata pojedinačnih epifiza zgloba koljena u muškaraca i žena u oba uzorka iz dvije populacije. U uzorku iz regije Umbrija vrijednosti površine ispod krivulje PIK-a (engl. AUC, Area Under Curve) za SKJ su 0,99 za muškarce i 0,97 za žene. Pojedinačne vrijednosti PIK-e za distalni dio femura (DF), proksimalni dio tibije (PT) i proksimalni dio fibule (PF) su 0,94; 0,96; 0,97 za muškarce i 0,89; 0,91; 0,92 za žene. Vrijednosti PIK-e u uzorku iz Hercegovine za SKJ su 0,97 za muškarce i 0,94 za žene. Pojedinačne vrijednosti PIKe za DF, PT i PF su 0,92; 0,93; 0,94 za muškarce i 0,86; 0,88; 0,89 za žene. Kod muškaraca iz regije Umbrija, točno su klasificirani kao odrasla osoba ili maloljetnik za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 4, s točnošću Acc = 0,95 i rasponom pouzdanosti (95 % CI, od 0,91 do 0,97), a rezultati pokazuju da je osjetljivost (o) mjerenja bila 0,94 (95 % CI, od 0,90 do 0,97), specifičnost (s) je 0,96 (95 % CI, od 0,91 do 0,98) dok je kod žena za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 5, točnost je Acc = 0,90 (95 % CI od 0,85 do 0,94), a osjetljivost (o), odnosno udio pojedinaca od 18 godina ili starijih čiji je test bio pozitivan, 0,89 (95 % CI od 0,84 do 0,92) te specifičnost (s), udio pojedinaca mlađih od 18 godina čiji je test bio negativan, iznosio je 0,92 (95 % CI od 0,87 do 0,96). Kod muškaraca iz regija Hercegovina, točno su klasificirani kao odrasla osoba ili maloljetnik za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 5, s točnošću Acc = 0,92 i rasponom pouzdanosti (95 % CI od 0,89 do 0,95). Rezultati pokazuju da je osjetljivost (o) mjerenja za muškarce bila 0,93 (95 % CI od 0,88 do 0,95), a specifičnost (s) je 0,91 (95 % CI od 0,88 do 0,95). Kod žena za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 5, točnost je Acc = 0,89 (95 % CI od 0,86 do 0,90), a osjetljivost (o) 0,98 (95 % CI od 0,95 do 0,98) te specifičnost (s) je 0,83 (95 % CI od 0,80 do 0,84). Ovo je istraživanje procijenilo učinkovitost i valjanost različitih stadija okoštavanja epifiza zgloba koljena i SKJ rezultata u dva uzorka iz dvije različite populacije. SKJ metodu moglo bi se primijeniti i na drugim referentnim uzorcima u različitim populacijama kako bi provjerili njenu korisnost i moguće etničke, rasne i socioekonomske učinke na preporučene i dobivene SKJ granične vrijednosti u određivanju punoljetstva u ovom istraživanju.Important aspects of forensic practice are age estimation and discrimination of individuals of unknown age as adults and minors. The developing knee joint was recognized as a potential site for age examination in late adolescence. In this retrospective study we analyzed anteroposterior x-rays of the left knee joint in two populations (Umbria, Italy and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina). We analyzed a sample of anteroposterior x-rays of the knee joints from 446 living individuals from Umbria, Italy (234 males and 212 females), aged between 12 and 26 years, and 684 living individuals from Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina (374 males and 310 females), aged between 10 and 27 years. We evaluated the ossification of the distal femoral (DF), proximal tibial (PT) and proximal fibular (PF) epiphyses and we took into account possible persistence of the epiphyseal scars in the ossified epiphyses by the adopted stages of those previously introduced by Cameriere et al. We also used measurements from all three epiphyses to calculate the total score of maturation for the knee joint (SKJ). Cohen Kappa coefficients of intra-rater agreement for staging the DF, PT and PF epiphyses were 0.839, 0.894, 0.907, while inter-rater agreement was 0.919, 0.791, 0.907 respectively. The resulting receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of SKJ showed better discriminatory power than those for DF, PT, PF epiphyses in predicting that the participant, either male or female, was an adult or a minor. The areas under the curves (AUC) for SKJ in Umbria were 0.99 and 0.97 while individual AUC for DF, PT and PF were 0.94, 0.96, 0.97 for male participants vs. 0.89, 0.91, 0.92 for females, respectively. The AUC for SKJ in the study population from Herzegovina were 0.97 for male and 0.94 for female, while individual AUC for DF, PT and PF were 0.92, 0.93, 0.94 for male and 0.86, 0.88, 0.89 for female, respectively. The results in the study population from Umbria showed that SKJ score ≥ 4 in males and SKJ score ≥ 5 in females were the most suitable cut-off value in discriminating between adults and minors. The sensitivity test for males was 0.94 (95 % CI 0.90 to 0.98) and specificity was 0.96 (95 % CI 0.91 to 0.98). The proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.95 (95 % CI 0.91 to 0.97). For females, the sensitivity test was 0.89 (95 % CI 0.84 to 0.92) and specificity was 0.92 (95 % CI 0.87 to 0.96), while the proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.90 (95 % CI 0.85 to 0.94). The results in the study population from Herzegovina showed that SKJ score ≥ 5 in males and SKJ score ≥ 5 in females were the most suitable cut-off value in discriminating between adults and minors. The sensitivity test for males was 0.93 (95 % CI 0.88 to 0.95) and specificity was 0.91 (95 % CI 0.88 to 0.95). The proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.95 (95 % CI 0.91 to 0.97). For females, the sensitivity test was 0.98 (95 % CI 0.95 to 0.98) and specificity was 0.92 (95 % CI 0.87 to 0.96), while the proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.83 (95 % CI 0.80 to 0.84). The results of this study evaluated the validity and reliability of the distal femoral, proximal tibial and proximal fibular epiphyses ossification measurements using SKJ method in two different populations. The SKJ method should be evaluated in different populations to verify its usefulness and possible ethnic, racial and socio-economic influence on recommended SKJ cutt-off values in forensic procedures for discriminating individuals of legal adult age of 18 years


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    Važni aspekti forenzične prakse su procjene dobi i razlikovanje pojedinaca nepoznate dobi kao punoljetnike ili maloljetnike. Anteroposteriorna (AP) radiološka snimka zgloba koljena prepoznata je kao anatomsko mjesto za proučavanje dobi u kasnoj adolescenciji. U dvije populacije (Umbrija, Italija i Hercegovina, Bosna i Hercegovina) provedeno je presječno, retrospektivno istraživanje na AP radiološkim snimkama lijevog koljena. Analizirano je ukupno 446 radioloških snimaka ispitanika (234 muškarca i 212 žena) u dobi između 12 i 26 godina iz regije Umbrija i 684 radiološke snimke ispitanika (374 muškarca i 310 žena) u dobi između 10 i 27 godina iz regije Hercegovina. Vidljivi tragovi epifiznog ožiljka uzeti su u obzir u ovom istraživanju, a stadiji spajanja kostiju, koje predlažu Cameriere i sur., promijenjeni su s modificiranom klasifikacijom jer su dosadašnja istraživanja potvrdila postojanost ove pojave, koja se uglavnom vidi na donjim ekstremitetima zbog težinskog i radnog opterećenja cjelokupnog tijela za razliku od ruku. Cohen Kappa koeficijenti unutar istraživačke pouzdanosti su 0,839; 0,894; 0,907, a 0,919; 0,791; 0,907 su koeficijenti pouzdanosti među istraživačima za stadije sazrijevanja epifiza distalnog dijela femura, proksimalnog dijela tibije i proksimalnog dijela fibule. ROC krivulje (engl. Receiver Operator Characteristic) rezultata SKJ (engl. Scoring Knee Joint) pokazuju bolju razlikovnu snagu od rezultata pojedinačnih epifiza zgloba koljena u muškaraca i žena u oba uzorka iz dvije populacije. U uzorku iz regije Umbrija vrijednosti površine ispod krivulje PIK-a (engl. AUC, Area Under Curve) za SKJ su 0,99 za muškarce i 0,97 za žene. Pojedinačne vrijednosti PIK-e za distalni dio femura (DF), proksimalni dio tibije (PT) i proksimalni dio fibule (PF) su 0,94; 0,96; 0,97 za muškarce i 0,89; 0,91; 0,92 za žene. Vrijednosti PIK-e u uzorku iz Hercegovine za SKJ su 0,97 za muškarce i 0,94 za žene. Pojedinačne vrijednosti PIKe za DF, PT i PF su 0,92; 0,93; 0,94 za muškarce i 0,86; 0,88; 0,89 za žene. Kod muškaraca iz regije Umbrija, točno su klasificirani kao odrasla osoba ili maloljetnik za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 4, s točnošću Acc = 0,95 i rasponom pouzdanosti (95 % CI, od 0,91 do 0,97), a rezultati pokazuju da je osjetljivost (o) mjerenja bila 0,94 (95 % CI, od 0,90 do 0,97), specifičnost (s) je 0,96 (95 % CI, od 0,91 do 0,98) dok je kod žena za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 5, točnost je Acc = 0,90 (95 % CI od 0,85 do 0,94), a osjetljivost (o), odnosno udio pojedinaca od 18 godina ili starijih čiji je test bio pozitivan, 0,89 (95 % CI od 0,84 do 0,92) te specifičnost (s), udio pojedinaca mlađih od 18 godina čiji je test bio negativan, iznosio je 0,92 (95 % CI od 0,87 do 0,96). Kod muškaraca iz regija Hercegovina, točno su klasificirani kao odrasla osoba ili maloljetnik za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 5, s točnošću Acc = 0,92 i rasponom pouzdanosti (95 % CI od 0,89 do 0,95). Rezultati pokazuju da je osjetljivost (o) mjerenja za muškarce bila 0,93 (95 % CI od 0,88 do 0,95), a specifičnost (s) je 0,91 (95 % CI od 0,88 do 0,95). Kod žena za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 5, točnost je Acc = 0,89 (95 % CI od 0,86 do 0,90), a osjetljivost (o) 0,98 (95 % CI od 0,95 do 0,98) te specifičnost (s) je 0,83 (95 % CI od 0,80 do 0,84). Ovo je istraživanje procijenilo učinkovitost i valjanost različitih stadija okoštavanja epifiza zgloba koljena i SKJ rezultata u dva uzorka iz dvije različite populacije. SKJ metodu moglo bi se primijeniti i na drugim referentnim uzorcima u različitim populacijama kako bi provjerili njenu korisnost i moguće etničke, rasne i socioekonomske učinke na preporučene i dobivene SKJ granične vrijednosti u određivanju punoljetstva u ovom istraživanju.Important aspects of forensic practice are age estimation and discrimination of individuals of unknown age as adults and minors. The developing knee joint was recognized as a potential site for age examination in late adolescence. In this retrospective study we analyzed anteroposterior x-rays of the left knee joint in two populations (Umbria, Italy and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina). We analyzed a sample of anteroposterior x-rays of the knee joints from 446 living individuals from Umbria, Italy (234 males and 212 females), aged between 12 and 26 years, and 684 living individuals from Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina (374 males and 310 females), aged between 10 and 27 years. We evaluated the ossification of the distal femoral (DF), proximal tibial (PT) and proximal fibular (PF) epiphyses and we took into account possible persistence of the epiphyseal scars in the ossified epiphyses by the adopted stages of those previously introduced by Cameriere et al. We also used measurements from all three epiphyses to calculate the total score of maturation for the knee joint (SKJ). Cohen Kappa coefficients of intra-rater agreement for staging the DF, PT and PF epiphyses were 0.839, 0.894, 0.907, while inter-rater agreement was 0.919, 0.791, 0.907 respectively. The resulting receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of SKJ showed better discriminatory power than those for DF, PT, PF epiphyses in predicting that the participant, either male or female, was an adult or a minor. The areas under the curves (AUC) for SKJ in Umbria were 0.99 and 0.97 while individual AUC for DF, PT and PF were 0.94, 0.96, 0.97 for male participants vs. 0.89, 0.91, 0.92 for females, respectively. The AUC for SKJ in the study population from Herzegovina were 0.97 for male and 0.94 for female, while individual AUC for DF, PT and PF were 0.92, 0.93, 0.94 for male and 0.86, 0.88, 0.89 for female, respectively. The results in the study population from Umbria showed that SKJ score ≥ 4 in males and SKJ score ≥ 5 in females were the most suitable cut-off value in discriminating between adults and minors. The sensitivity test for males was 0.94 (95 % CI 0.90 to 0.98) and specificity was 0.96 (95 % CI 0.91 to 0.98). The proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.95 (95 % CI 0.91 to 0.97). For females, the sensitivity test was 0.89 (95 % CI 0.84 to 0.92) and specificity was 0.92 (95 % CI 0.87 to 0.96), while the proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.90 (95 % CI 0.85 to 0.94). The results in the study population from Herzegovina showed that SKJ score ≥ 5 in males and SKJ score ≥ 5 in females were the most suitable cut-off value in discriminating between adults and minors. The sensitivity test for males was 0.93 (95 % CI 0.88 to 0.95) and specificity was 0.91 (95 % CI 0.88 to 0.95). The proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.95 (95 % CI 0.91 to 0.97). For females, the sensitivity test was 0.98 (95 % CI 0.95 to 0.98) and specificity was 0.92 (95 % CI 0.87 to 0.96), while the proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.83 (95 % CI 0.80 to 0.84). The results of this study evaluated the validity and reliability of the distal femoral, proximal tibial and proximal fibular epiphyses ossification measurements using SKJ method in two different populations. The SKJ method should be evaluated in different populations to verify its usefulness and possible ethnic, racial and socio-economic influence on recommended SKJ cutt-off values in forensic procedures for discriminating individuals of legal adult age of 18 years


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    Svijetlo je u fizičkom redu stvari najveličanstvenija manifestacija. Božje stvaralačke moći. Osjetna, a opet možemo reći tako suptilna svemirska pojava i stvarnost


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    Svijetlo je u fizičkom redu stvari najveličanstvenija manifestacija. Božje stvaralačke moći. Osjetna, a opet možemo reći tako suptilna svemirska pojava i stvarnost


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    Važni aspekti forenzične prakse su procjene dobi i razlikovanje pojedinaca nepoznate dobi kao punoljetnike ili maloljetnike. Anteroposteriorna (AP) radiološka snimka zgloba koljena prepoznata je kao anatomsko mjesto za proučavanje dobi u kasnoj adolescenciji. U dvije populacije (Umbrija, Italija i Hercegovina, Bosna i Hercegovina) provedeno je presječno, retrospektivno istraživanje na AP radiološkim snimkama lijevog koljena. Analizirano je ukupno 446 radioloških snimaka ispitanika (234 muškarca i 212 žena) u dobi između 12 i 26 godina iz regije Umbrija i 684 radiološke snimke ispitanika (374 muškarca i 310 žena) u dobi između 10 i 27 godina iz regije Hercegovina. Vidljivi tragovi epifiznog ožiljka uzeti su u obzir u ovom istraživanju, a stadiji spajanja kostiju, koje predlažu Cameriere i sur., promijenjeni su s modificiranom klasifikacijom jer su dosadašnja istraživanja potvrdila postojanost ove pojave, koja se uglavnom vidi na donjim ekstremitetima zbog težinskog i radnog opterećenja cjelokupnog tijela za razliku od ruku. Cohen Kappa koeficijenti unutar istraživačke pouzdanosti su 0,839; 0,894; 0,907, a 0,919; 0,791; 0,907 su koeficijenti pouzdanosti među istraživačima za stadije sazrijevanja epifiza distalnog dijela femura, proksimalnog dijela tibije i proksimalnog dijela fibule. ROC krivulje (engl. Receiver Operator Characteristic) rezultata SKJ (engl. Scoring Knee Joint) pokazuju bolju razlikovnu snagu od rezultata pojedinačnih epifiza zgloba koljena u muškaraca i žena u oba uzorka iz dvije populacije. U uzorku iz regije Umbrija vrijednosti površine ispod krivulje PIK-a (engl. AUC, Area Under Curve) za SKJ su 0,99 za muškarce i 0,97 za žene. Pojedinačne vrijednosti PIK-e za distalni dio femura (DF), proksimalni dio tibije (PT) i proksimalni dio fibule (PF) su 0,94; 0,96; 0,97 za muškarce i 0,89; 0,91; 0,92 za žene. Vrijednosti PIK-e u uzorku iz Hercegovine za SKJ su 0,97 za muškarce i 0,94 za žene. Pojedinačne vrijednosti PIKe za DF, PT i PF su 0,92; 0,93; 0,94 za muškarce i 0,86; 0,88; 0,89 za žene. Kod muškaraca iz regije Umbrija, točno su klasificirani kao odrasla osoba ili maloljetnik za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 4, s točnošću Acc = 0,95 i rasponom pouzdanosti (95 % CI, od 0,91 do 0,97), a rezultati pokazuju da je osjetljivost (o) mjerenja bila 0,94 (95 % CI, od 0,90 do 0,97), specifičnost (s) je 0,96 (95 % CI, od 0,91 do 0,98) dok je kod žena za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 5, točnost je Acc = 0,90 (95 % CI od 0,85 do 0,94), a osjetljivost (o), odnosno udio pojedinaca od 18 godina ili starijih čiji je test bio pozitivan, 0,89 (95 % CI od 0,84 do 0,92) te specifičnost (s), udio pojedinaca mlađih od 18 godina čiji je test bio negativan, iznosio je 0,92 (95 % CI od 0,87 do 0,96). Kod muškaraca iz regija Hercegovina, točno su klasificirani kao odrasla osoba ili maloljetnik za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 5, s točnošću Acc = 0,92 i rasponom pouzdanosti (95 % CI od 0,89 do 0,95). Rezultati pokazuju da je osjetljivost (o) mjerenja za muškarce bila 0,93 (95 % CI od 0,88 do 0,95), a specifičnost (s) je 0,91 (95 % CI od 0,88 do 0,95). Kod žena za bodovni rezultat SKJ ≥ 5, točnost je Acc = 0,89 (95 % CI od 0,86 do 0,90), a osjetljivost (o) 0,98 (95 % CI od 0,95 do 0,98) te specifičnost (s) je 0,83 (95 % CI od 0,80 do 0,84). Ovo je istraživanje procijenilo učinkovitost i valjanost različitih stadija okoštavanja epifiza zgloba koljena i SKJ rezultata u dva uzorka iz dvije različite populacije. SKJ metodu moglo bi se primijeniti i na drugim referentnim uzorcima u različitim populacijama kako bi provjerili njenu korisnost i moguće etničke, rasne i socioekonomske učinke na preporučene i dobivene SKJ granične vrijednosti u određivanju punoljetstva u ovom istraživanju.Important aspects of forensic practice are age estimation and discrimination of individuals of unknown age as adults and minors. The developing knee joint was recognized as a potential site for age examination in late adolescence. In this retrospective study we analyzed anteroposterior x-rays of the left knee joint in two populations (Umbria, Italy and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina). We analyzed a sample of anteroposterior x-rays of the knee joints from 446 living individuals from Umbria, Italy (234 males and 212 females), aged between 12 and 26 years, and 684 living individuals from Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina (374 males and 310 females), aged between 10 and 27 years. We evaluated the ossification of the distal femoral (DF), proximal tibial (PT) and proximal fibular (PF) epiphyses and we took into account possible persistence of the epiphyseal scars in the ossified epiphyses by the adopted stages of those previously introduced by Cameriere et al. We also used measurements from all three epiphyses to calculate the total score of maturation for the knee joint (SKJ). Cohen Kappa coefficients of intra-rater agreement for staging the DF, PT and PF epiphyses were 0.839, 0.894, 0.907, while inter-rater agreement was 0.919, 0.791, 0.907 respectively. The resulting receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of SKJ showed better discriminatory power than those for DF, PT, PF epiphyses in predicting that the participant, either male or female, was an adult or a minor. The areas under the curves (AUC) for SKJ in Umbria were 0.99 and 0.97 while individual AUC for DF, PT and PF were 0.94, 0.96, 0.97 for male participants vs. 0.89, 0.91, 0.92 for females, respectively. The AUC for SKJ in the study population from Herzegovina were 0.97 for male and 0.94 for female, while individual AUC for DF, PT and PF were 0.92, 0.93, 0.94 for male and 0.86, 0.88, 0.89 for female, respectively. The results in the study population from Umbria showed that SKJ score ≥ 4 in males and SKJ score ≥ 5 in females were the most suitable cut-off value in discriminating between adults and minors. The sensitivity test for males was 0.94 (95 % CI 0.90 to 0.98) and specificity was 0.96 (95 % CI 0.91 to 0.98). The proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.95 (95 % CI 0.91 to 0.97). For females, the sensitivity test was 0.89 (95 % CI 0.84 to 0.92) and specificity was 0.92 (95 % CI 0.87 to 0.96), while the proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.90 (95 % CI 0.85 to 0.94). The results in the study population from Herzegovina showed that SKJ score ≥ 5 in males and SKJ score ≥ 5 in females were the most suitable cut-off value in discriminating between adults and minors. The sensitivity test for males was 0.93 (95 % CI 0.88 to 0.95) and specificity was 0.91 (95 % CI 0.88 to 0.95). The proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.95 (95 % CI 0.91 to 0.97). For females, the sensitivity test was 0.98 (95 % CI 0.95 to 0.98) and specificity was 0.92 (95 % CI 0.87 to 0.96), while the proportion of correctly classified individuals was 0.83 (95 % CI 0.80 to 0.84). The results of this study evaluated the validity and reliability of the distal femoral, proximal tibial and proximal fibular epiphyses ossification measurements using SKJ method in two different populations. The SKJ method should be evaluated in different populations to verify its usefulness and possible ethnic, racial and socio-economic influence on recommended SKJ cutt-off values in forensic procedures for discriminating individuals of legal adult age of 18 years