3,009 research outputs found

    UV physics and the speed of sound during inflation

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    We consider inflation as an effective field theory and study the effects of the addition to the Lagrangian of irrelevant operators with higher powers of first derivatives on its dynamics and observables. We find that significant deviations from the two-derivative dynamics are possible within the regime of validity of the effective field theory. Focusing on monomial potentials we show that the main effect of the terms under consideration is to reduce the speed of sound thereby reducing the tensor fraction, while having little impact on the scalar tilt. Crucially, these effects can arise even when the UV cut-off is well above the inflationary Hubble parameter

    Inflation with a graceful exit in a random landscape

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    We develop a stochastic description of small-field inflationary histories with a graceful exit in a random potential whose Hessian is a Gaussian random matrix as a model of the unstructured part of the string landscape. The dynamical evolution in such a random potential from a small-field inflation region towards a viable late-time de Sitter (dS) minimum maps to the dynamics of Dyson Brownian motion describing the relaxation of non-equilibrium eigenvalue spectra in random matrix theory. We analytically compute the relaxation probability in a saddle point approximation of the partition function of the eigenvalue distribution of the Wigner ensemble describing the mass matrices of the critical points. When applied to small-field inflation in the landscape, this leads to an exponentially strong bias against small-field ranges and an upper bound N≪10N\ll 10 on the number of light fields NN participating during inflation from the non-observation of negative spatial curvature.Comment: Published versio

    Towards Natural Inflation in String Theory

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    We provide type IIB string embeddings of two axion variants of natural inflation. We use a combination of RR 2 form axions as the inflaton field and have its potential generated by non perturbative effects in the superpotential. Besides giving rise to inflation, the models developed take into account the stabilization of the compact space, both in the KKLT and large volume scenario regimes, an essential condition for any semi-realistic model of string inflation.Comment: LaTeX, 1+26 pages, 2 figures; v2: added refs; v3: corrected a LaTeX problem, where v2 refs were compiled with v1 tex fil

    A geometrical instability for ultra-light fields during inflation?

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    Westudythebehaviourofisocurvatureperturbationsinnon-linearsigmamodels which naturally emerge in supergravity and string inflationary scenarios. We focus on the case of negatively curved field manifolds which can potentially lead to a geometrical destabilisation of isocurvature modes. We find however that heavy fields are stable when their effective mass is computed on the attractor background solution. On the other hand, we show that ultra-light fields can potentially suffer from a geometrical instability when the background trajectory is a geodesic in field space. In this case a full understanding of the system is likely to require the use of non-perturbative methods.Comment: Matches published version, 5 pages, 2 figure

    Starobinsky-Type Inflation from α′\alpha'-Corrections

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    Working in the Large Volume Scenario (LVS) of IIB Calabi-Yau flux compactifications, we construct inflationary models from recently computed higher derivative (α′)3(\alpha')^3-corrections. Inflation is driven by a Kaehler modulus whose potential arises from the aforementioned corrections, while we use the inclusion of string loop effects just to ensure the existence of a graceful exit when necessary. The effective inflaton potential takes a Starobinsky-type form V=V0(1−e−νϕ)2V=V_0(1-e^{-\nu\phi})^2, where we obtain one set-up with ν=−1/3\nu=-1/\sqrt{3} and one with ν=2/3\nu=2/\sqrt{3} corresponding to inflation occurring for increasing or decreasing ϕ\phi respectively. The inflationary observables are thus in perfect agreement with PLANCK, while the two scenarios remain observationally distinguishable via slightly varying predictions for the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr. Both set-ups yield r≃(2…7) ×10−3r\simeq (2\ldots 7)\,\times 10^{-3}. They hence realise inflation with moderately large fields (Δϕ∼6 MPl)\left(\Delta\phi\sim 6\thinspace M_{Pl}\right) without saturating the Lyth bound. Control over higher corrections relies in part on tuning underlying microscopic parameters, and in part on intrinsic suppressions. The intrinsic part of control arises as a leftover from an approximate effective shift symmetry at parametrically large volume.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures; v2: clarifications and refs adde

    Just enough inflation: power spectrum modifications at large scales

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    We show that models of `just enough' inflation, where the slow-roll evolution lasted only 50−6050-60 e-foldings, feature modifications of the CMB power spectrum at large angular scales. We perform a systematic and model-independent analysis of any possible non-slow-roll background evolution prior to the final stage of slow-roll inflation. We find a high degree of universality since most common backgrounds like fast-roll evolution, matter or radiation-dominance give rise to a power loss at large angular scales and a peak together with an oscillatory behaviour at scales around the value of the Hubble parameter at the beginning of slow-roll inflation. Depending on the value of the equation of state parameter, different pre-inflationary epochs lead instead to an enhancement of power at low-ℓ\ell, and so seem disfavoured by recent observational hints for a lack of CMB power at ℓ≲40\ell\lesssim 40. We also comment on the importance of initial conditions and the possibility to have multiple pre-inflationary stages.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figure
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