5 research outputs found

    Additional file 4: Fig. S1. of Assessing runs of Homozygosity: a comparison of SNP Array and whole genome sequence low coverage data

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    Pearson correlations (with p-values) and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon non- parametrical test p vales between array data with 1 heterozygous SNP per ROH and WGS with 1 to 5 heterozygous SNPs per ROH. (JPEG 1011 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Assessing runs of Homozygosity: a comparison of SNP Array and whole genome sequence low coverage data

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    Mean number of SNP (in homozygous state) per ROH in array data with 1 heterozygous SNP per ROH and WGS data with 1 to 5 heterozygous SNPs per ROH. ep(P,h) values for different populations P and allowed heterozygous SNP. (DOCX 22 kb

    Descriptive statistics and tests for the reference genes regarding effects of hypertension and medication.

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    1<p>A<sub>i</sub> is the random effect of hypertension on the expression of the reference genes.</p>2<p>B<sub>ij</sub> indicates the random effect of ACE inhibitors/AT1 receptor blockers (j) within hypertension (i).</p