5 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of flossing loops in the control of the gingival health

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    One of the key factor in the good condition of periodontal tissues is their daily hygiene. Oral hygiene techniques such brushing and a good interdental hygiene by correct flossing are very important. The aim of this study is to compare the use of dental floss in a loop vs traditional floss in the control of Loe-Silness Gingival Index (IG), Turesky´s Plaque Index (IPT), Gingival Bleeding Index (IS) and the values of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and interleukin 8 (IL-8). A comparative study of 40 patients in which each patient was his own control, using during 45 days each one of the devices (new loop floss and conventional floss) of interdental hygiene analysed. Data for Loe-Silness Gingival Index (IG), Turesky´s Plaque Index (IPT), Gingival Bleeding Index (IS) and the values of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and interleukin 8 (IL-8)were collected and measured in every visit for every type of interdental hygiene device. Our data indicates that the rate of Turesky´s Plaque Index presented statistically significant differences between groups (loop: 1.66 ± 0.8; traditional: 1.12 ± 0.8; p<0.0001). The rest of the indices studied showed no statistically significant differences. The creation of new dental floss designs try to make their use easier and more sensitive, and plaque removal more effective. The loop design can facilitate interdental hygiene, reaching similar effectiveness than traditional floss, improving some indicators, such as Turesky´s Plaque Index

    The effects of informed consent format on preoperative anxiety in patients undergoing inferior third molar surgery

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effect of informed consent format on preoperative anxiety of patients. Material and Methods: We performed a prospective study (91 patients) undergoing lower third molar extraction. Patients were distributed into three groups. Informed consent for surgery was obtained through a written docu - ment, an oral interview or a video recording. Afterwards, patients were asked about their anxiety level and the effect the informed consent had had on it. Results: Whereas the information conveyed both in oral and written formats relieved the patient to some extent (in a scale of -3 to +3) 0.97±1.21 and 0.29±0.97, respectively), the video recording increased patient's anxiety in a sta - tistically significant way (in a scale of -3 to +3, -0.57±1.43). The difference obtained between the values obtained in oral and written information was not statistically significant. Discussion: The most adequate format, according to our study, would be the oral format

    Postoperative effects on lower third molars of using mouthwashes with super-oxidized solution versus 0.2% chlorhexidine gel : a randomized double-blind trial

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    The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the effects and possible benefits with regard to the postoperative period of lower third molar extractions, comparing the intraalveolar application of a bioadhesive gel of 0.2% chlorhexidine (CHX) to the use of a mouthwash with a super-oxidized solution, (SOS) Dermacyn® Wound Care (Oculus Innovative Sciences lnc., California, USA). A randomized double-blind study was carried out in 20 patients with a split-mouth design, with a total of 40 extractions of symmetrically impacted bilateral lower third molars. Patients were divided into two groups, a control group (C = 20) and an experimental group (D = 20). Any infectious complications, wound healing, plaque accumulation in the stitches, and presence of trismus and inflammation were evaluated using the distance between different facial points, at three, eight, and fifteen days after extraction. Pain, swelling, and amount of analgesics taken were evaluated using the VAS scale throughout the 15 days following extraction. Tolerance to treatment was evaluated using a verbal scale. Results were statistically compared using the Student?s t- and chi-squared tests. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups with regard to infectious complications, swelling, or wound healing. Use of analgesics and self-reported pain levels were slightly lower in the experimental group than in the control group during days 6 and 7 of the study (p<0.05). The global treatment tolerance was satisfactory and similar in both groups. Both CHX and SOS are effective at improving the postoperative period after extraction of lower third molars

    Influencia de la calidad ósea en la interacción mecánica entre implante y hueso alveolar: análisis de elementos finitos

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    El uso de implantes se ha convertido en una práctica común en odontología. Se han diseñado, probado y comercializado varios tipos de implantes para proporcionar soluciones protésicas, anatómicas, estéticas y funcionales para pacientes parcialmente o totalmente edéntulos. A pesar de la alta tasa de éxito de los implantes dentales, varios factores pueden provocar complicaciones. Los objetivos son evaluar la influencia del tipo de hueso en términos de densidad ósea y grosor del hueso cortical, sobre las tensiones inducidas por dos implantes bajo cargas oblicuas y compresivas. En material y método, se aplicó una técnica de simulación numérica basada en el método de elementos finitos. Se introdujeron dos tipos de implantes (M-12 y Astra Tech) en una matriz modelo cuya geometría se extrajo de una radiografía CBCT real de la región mandibular posterior. Se calcularon el módulo de Young y el coeficiente de Poisson de las calidades óseas descritos por Misch. Se ejercieron cargas con una amplitud de 400 N en dos direcciones: compresiva y oblicua de 15 ° a 5 mm por encima de la parte superior del implante. En resultados, se analizó la variante de von Misses para ambos implantes. Ambos tipos de implantes presentaron mayor tensión en la zona del hueso cortical que en la zona del hueso trabecular bajo carga compresiva. En carga oblicua, las tensiones obtenidas en la zona cortical fueron significativamente mayores que las registradas como consecuencia de las cargas de compresión en ambos tipos de implantes. Como conclusiones, encontramos que, independientemente del tipo de hueso, los implantes M-12 presentaron menores tensiones en la cortical que los implantes Astra. Además, Las tensiones registradas para los tipos de hueso D3 y D4 en la zona trabecular que rodea los implantes M-12 fueron mayores que las registradas para los implantes Astra. Estos resultando y conclusiones tienen su importancia clínica. Por ello, con las limitaciones que estudio presenta, para cargas de compresión como oblicuas, se observaron un buen comportamiento mecánico. La disminución de la calidad ósea determina una peor distribución de las tensiones, produciéndose la sobrecarga de la cortical ósea. Una distribución eficiente de las fuerzas puede aumentar la longevidad de los implantes