4 research outputs found


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    Much of the cassava flour produced in northern Brazil is handmade and contains a small amount of turmeric powder, a natural colorant produced by the family producers, the colorant is added to the flour because local consumers prefer a product of intense yellow color, being therefore of interest to evaluate the effect of adding different concentrations of natural turmeric colorant in centesimal composition of tradition-al cassava flour. The flours were manufactured with different concentrations of saffron powder (without tur-meric; 0.003% turmeric; 0.03% turmeric and 1% turmeric), collected immediately after production in transpar-ent plastic bags, transported by plane and analyzed for moisture, ash, protein, lipids, fiber and total carbohy-drates content, as well as for acidity, pH, water activity and instrumental color. The increase in concentration of turmeric affected the ash content of handmade cassava flour starting from 0.03%, and at the concentration used by producers (0.003%), this level was similar to the flour without turmeric. In addition, concentrations starting from 0.03% caused a significant increase in the intensity of the yellow color


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    The cassava flour is a product known in the Brazil as part of daily meals of the population, mainly in northern and northeastern country. Much of this product is processed by hand, making it difficult to standardize the heterogeneity mainly from the manufacturing processes themselves. In this sense, the physical and chemical attributes of handmade cassava flour sold in Acre, the levels of the Brazilian legislation, were to evaluate. Samples of 20 brands of handmade cassava flour were collected from commercial establishments in Rio Branco, Acre, classified and analyzed for nutrient composition. The results that the flours analyzed, classi- fied as Group Thick and low acidity, are in accordance with the legislation limits for moisture content and starch, but only 10% to be consistent with the actual classification. 25% of the samples were disqualified and 75% were classified as "out of type", which implies that the flour trade of Rio Branco are not in accordance with the standards of the current Brazilian legislation

    Variabilidade físico-química da farinha de mandioca Physicochemical variability of cassava flour

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade físico-química da farinha de mandioca comercializada no município de Cruzeiro do Sul - AC por meio da análise multivariada. Foram analisadas 18 amostras de diferentes farinhas de mandioca, quanto às variáveis: umidade, cinzas, lipídios, proteína bruta, fibra bruta, carboidratos totais, acidez e pH. A aplicação da análise multivariada de agrupamento segundo o método de Tocher permitiu o estabelecimento de cinco grupos de farinhas. Os grupos IV e V foram considerados de alta qualidade, o primeiro por apresentar o menor teor de cinzas e o maior de proteína bruta, e o segundo por apresentar o menor teor de umidade e o maior teor de carboidratos dentre os grupos. As técnicas de análise multivariada foram coerentes para identificar as farinhas mais heterogêneas. A identificação de grupos distintos indica a existência de variabilidade nas farinhas de mandioca comercializadas na região de Cruzeiro do Sul - AC, podendo esta variabilidade estar relacionada, especialmente com o processo de produção.<br>The goal of this work was to evaluate the physicochemical variability of the cassava flour, sold in the city of Cruzeiro do Sul - in the state of AC (Brazil), by multivaried analysis. The following contents of eighteen different cassava flours were analyzed: moisture, ashes, lipids, protein, fiber, carbohydrates, acidity, and pH. Grouping multivaried analysis according to the Tocher method allowed the establishment of five groups of flours. The groups IV and V were considered high quality groups. The first one due to the lower ashes and higher protein contents; and the second due to the lower moisture and higher carbohydrates contents. The multivaried analysis techniques presented good responses to identify most heterogeneous flours. The physicochemical variability seen in the five different groups probably indicates different production processes