2,714,269 research outputs found

    Biomass estimates of Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, in California from the 1987-88 spawning-ground surveys

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    The 1987-88 spawning biomass estimate of Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, in San Francisco Bay is nearly 69,000 tons. This is the fourth consecutive year that the San Francisco Bay population has increased, after reaching a low point of 40,000 tons in 1984. In Tomales Bay the 1987-88 herring spawning biomass was estimated at 2,061 tons. During the past five seasons, the Tomales Bay spawning biomass has been low in even years and high in odd years, indicating that spawning herring are not returning to Tomales Bay consistently. In San Francisco Bay, over 42,000 tons of herring spawned in January. Similarly, 90% of Tomales Bay herring spawned in January. No spawns were found during March in either bay. For the first time, in San Francisco Bay, no herring spawned in the Belvedere, Tiburon, or Angel Island areas. In addition, herring spawning was found in the Oakland-Alameda area for the first time and over 95% of all spawning occurred in the southern part of San Francisco Bay. During the past six seasons in San Francisco Bay, over 70% of all spawning escapement has been in the southern part of the bay. For the nine seasons prior to that, 94% of all spawning escapement was in the northern part of the bay. (31pp.

    Biological characteristics of the catch from the 1986-87 Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, roe fishery in California

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    In Tomales Bay, 4-, 5-, and 6-yr-old herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, composed 85% by number of the 1986-87 season's catch. In San Francisco Bay, 2-, 3-, and 4-yr-old herring composed 88% of the roundhaul catch, and 4-, 5-, and 6-yr-old herring composed 86% by number of the gill net catch. The age composition of both the Tomales Bay and San Francisco Bay gill net catch has shifted to primarily 4-, 5-, and 6-yr-old herring. Recruitment of 2-yr-old herring into the San Francisco Bay roundhaul fishery was good, with the 1985 yr class composing 37% of the catch. The mean length of herring in the San Francisco Bay roundhaul catch decreased to 174 mm BL, and the mean length of the gill net catch decreased to 194 mm BL. The mean length of the Tomales Bay catch also decreased to 197 mm BL. Average weight at age of Tomales Bay herring is below average for the fourth consecutive year. In San Francisco Bay the average weight at age is above average, even though length at age declined slightly. (20pp.

    Changing the Beat: A Study of the Worklife of Jazz Musicians, Volume II: American Federation of Musicians Survey Results

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    Examines the worklife of jazz musicians in New York, Detroit, San Francisco and New Orleans. Prepared by the Research Center for Arts and Culture, under a cooperative agreement with the NEA and the San Francisco Study Center

    Biological characteristics of the catch from 1984-85 Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, roe fishery in California

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    In Tomales Bay, 5-, 6-, and 7-yr-old herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, composed 75% by number of the 1984-85 season's catch. In San Francisco Bay, 2-, 3-, and 4-yr-old herring composed 82% by number of the roundhaul catch, and 5-, 6-, and 7-yr-old herring composed 68% by number of the gill net catch. The percent of 4-yr-old herring increased to a record high level in the San Francisco Bay gill net catch. Recruitment of 2-yr-old herring into the San Francisco Bay roundhaul fishery was excellent, with 2-yr-old herring composing 41% of the catch. The growth rate of herring improved in both Tomales and San Francisco Bays, after the period of poor growth during the recent El Nino, when the weight of herring averaged 20% below normal. (23pp.

    Examining Racial Disparities in Criminal Case Outcomes among Indigent Defendants in San Francisco

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    We reviewed 10,753 complete case records, consisting of cases between 2011 and 2014, from the San Francisco Public Defender's Office. These data were stored in the Public Defender's GIDEON case management system, which draws from data maintained by the San Francisco County Superior Court's larger case management system database. Unlike previous studies that rely solely on arrest and conviction data, these records cover the entire pretrial process, providing a richer portrait of the experiences of defendants in the criminal justice system. These data can help policymakers and stakeholders understand whether racial disparities exist in the outcomes of San Francisco criminal cases, including cases resolved by plea bargains , and how bargaining affects disparities in other areas of the criminal justice system, such as corrections. Where disparities were seen, we sought to understand them and to evaluate what changes could be made to ensure that similarly situate d individuals receive equal and race - neutral treatment in the criminal justice system. Such information could assist the Public Defender, the San Francisco District Attorney, the San Francisco Police Department, and other criminal justice stakeholders to ensure equitable treatment of all San Franciscans

    Local payroll taxes and local employment

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    San Francisco (Calif.) ; Payroll tax ; Employment - San Francisco (Calif.)

    San Francisco Issue ...

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    Biomass estimates of Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, in California from the 1981-82 spawning ground surveys

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    The spawning biomass of Pacific herring in San Francisco Bay and Tomales Bay was estimated to be 99,495 tons and 7,149 tons, respectively during the 1981-82 season. This is the highest estimate to date for San Francisco Bay and continues a rising trend in abundance. The Tomales Bay population increased to the highest level in 4 years. (22pp.

    Biological characteristics of the catch from the 1985-86 Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, roe fishery in California

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    In Tomales Bay, 4-, 5-, and 6-yr-old herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, composed 70% by number of the 1985-86 season's catch. In San Francisco Bay, 2-, 3-, and 4-yr-old herring composed 78% by number of the roundhaul catch, and 4- and 5-yr-old herring composed 64% by number of the gill net catch. The percent of 4-yr-old herring in both the Tomales Bay catch (25% and San Francisco Bay gill net catch (39%) is at a high level for the second year in a row. Recruitment of 2-yr-old herring into the San Francisco Bay roundhaul fishery was about average, with 2-yr-old herring composing 33% of the catch. The mean length of herring in the San Francisco Bay roundhaul catch increased to 178 mm BL, while the mean length of the gill net catch remained 196 mm BL. The mean length of the Tomales Bay catch decreased to 198 mm BL due to the increased number of 3- and 4-yr-old herring in the catch. (18pp.
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