17 research outputs found

    Standard postural parameters in EO and EC.

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    <p>R  =  Runners; C  =  Control Group;</p><p>*p<0.05 compared with PRE;</p><p>p<0.05 compared with MID;</p><p><sup>#</sup> p<0.05,</p><p><sup>##</sup> p<0.01, compared with RUNNERS.</p

    Main characteristics of the different groups.

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    <p>Data are mean ± SD. Training volume was considered for the past trail running season. Mid-: during the run at Donnas, km 148.7. Post-: about 30 minutes after the race, at Courmayeur. Sleep represents the sleeping time accumulated at Mid- and Post-. #: P<0.001 for differences between control and other groups.</p