11 research outputs found

    Chapter Servizi ecosistemici in chiave progettuale e proattiva

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    Having ascertained that the ecosystem service paradigm is a scientific rather than a “natural” one, the text criticizes the purely analytical attitude with which it is usually used; such an attitude, together with the dominance of a purely economic evaluation, is hiding the risk of a real commodification of nature. This highlights the need to progress towards the use of the ecosystem service instrument within a transformative design framework, aiming at social equity, and which adopts an inclusive evaluation system of the local actors


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    The article tells about the CoPED Summer School (Community Planning and Ecological Design) held in Sicily, in the Simeto Valley, in June 2015. The School is one of the steps of the building process of the Simeto River Agreement, which started in 2002 and has been conducted in a community-university partnership framework by Italian action researchers with local representatives. Furthermore, the Simeto Valley has been elected recently as one of the "pilot areas" in the National Strategy for Inner Areas promoted by the De- partment for Economic Development. The main aim of the school has been to determine the projects to be developed in the National Strategy for Inner Areas. The article outlines both the achieved results and the methodological aspects of this experience. It especially highlights the value of service learning as pedagogical method, and the potential of the U. S. engaged university model that could be implemented in the Italian university system. DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.11.0

    From Possibility to Action: An Interdisciplinary Action-Learning School dealing with Waste

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    For more than a decade, researchers and activists have collaborated in the Simeto Valley for the advancement of development inspired by social solidarity and the need of reconnecting people to the local ecosystem. Over time, this experiment has progressively turned into an interdisciplinary action research partnership that involves now mainly planners and anthropologists. One of the activities carried out in the Valley is an action-learning Summer School organized by the University of Memphis in partnership with the University of Massachussets, Boston and the University of Catania. The work of this partnership lies between planning and anthropology and has generated an interdisciplinary space and a shared methodology of action-learning. This methodology is neither exclusively inductive nor used as a basis for deduction, but modified in the course of collective action. This paper describes the theoretical and pedagogical principles underlying CoPED and draws on its 2017 edition, which focused on Zero Waste, to show how it provides a platform for theory-in-action

    Chapter Servizi ecosistemici in chiave progettuale e proattiva

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    Having ascertained that the ecosystem service paradigm is a scientific rather than a “natural” one, the text criticizes the purely analytical attitude with which it is usually used; such an attitude, together with the dominance of a purely economic evaluation, is hiding the risk of a real commodification of nature. This highlights the need to progress towards the use of the ecosystem service instrument within a transformative design framework, aiming at social equity, and which adopts an inclusive evaluation system of the local actors

    Female Architecture: Unbuilt Digital Archive

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    The objective of this study is that one, starting from the initial considerations, to give back to the history of architecture, through drawing as a critical means of inquiry, the thought and work of some womenarchitect who, between 1926 and 1962, have designed and/or built buildings of fine architectural quality. The critical re-drawing, which in this case is mimetic to the construction of the project, wants to make manifest the thought of some figures of the Modern Movement often relegated to an unknown fate; in particular it analyses a part of the activity of Lilly Reich, Helena Niemirowska Syrkus and Charlotte Perriand. The study aims to build a graphic inedited and exhaustive repertory of some unrealized projects, carried out by these women that can be defined “pioneer” of modern architecture, giving back a female thought of the project’s construction. The drawing of architecture, as ambit of critical analysis, in this study assumes a substantial role when it investigates the project which is the central place of its true expression

    Place-Keeping and Ecological Services. Una prospettiva di Studi

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    La diffusione di azioni di appropriazione e gestione condivisa di aree verdi urbane residuali o degradate (place-keeping) rende manifesto un cambio di prospettiva da parte dei cittadini. Esse legano il dibattito sugli urban commons e sulle pratiche di condivisione alla piĂč generale questione ecologica urbana, e inducono a un ripensamento degli standard in senso prestazionale. Il contributo presenta i primi risultati di una ricerca piĂč ampia, tuttora in corso, che indaga i servizi ecosistemici erogati nei casi di place-keeping, evidenziando analogie e differenze rispetto alle aree verdi tradizionalmente pianificate, e analizza il ruolo e la partecipazione dei cittadini nel progetto e nella gestione delle aree stesse. Lo studio si Ăš concentrato sulla V Circoscrizione del comune di Palermo, ritenuta di particolare interesse sia per l'ampia disponibilitĂ  di aree verdi residuali sia per il recente avvio di tre iniziative di placekeeping: il Parco Uditore, il Parco di Villa Turrisi e il Parco Fondo Badia, di cui solo la prima giĂ  pienamente operante dal 2012

    Le comunità temporanee di Montegallo. Proposte di autogoverno contro lo spopolamento delle aree interne durante la ricostruzione del post-sisma

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    From the point of view of post-earthquake territorial government, two sig- nificant instances have recently emerged in Montegallo, a small village nearby Monte Vettore: on one side the attempt to define an alternative to the institu- tional ‘perimetrations’, on the other side the self-built restoration proposal to obtain a common space from an ancient unused stable. The ‘perimetration’ is an instrument adopted by the Order of the Commis- sioner No. 25 of 2017 for delimiting areas with specific characteristics, within which to develop specific Urban Restoration Plans for post-earthquake recon- struction. This instrument has been criticised by residents, who fear the long urban planning timeframe that could lead to the complete abandonment of en- tire villages. Therefore, a group composed of inhabitants and local technicians have proposed a ‘de-perimetration’, substituting it with direct reconstruction plans based on participatory processes. The self-built restoration proposal concerns instead the village of Forca, which is uninhabited during the winter and heavily damaged by the earthquake (70% of the buildings are declared condemned). The comunanza (a kind of agrarian community) with some residents asked Emidio di Treviri research group to support them to start a process of “re-imagination” and self-built res- toration of a small building used as a stable in the past; nowadays the building is completely abandoned but seen by the inhabitants as a great opportunity to create a community space. What is happening in Montegallo highlights some of the local population attempts to reclaim the local territory management. Furthermore, it allows to make remarks on the quality of decision-making process that have been pro- posed by the institutions: these processes are focusing on a specific approach that does not recognise the ‘collective aspects’ but only the ‘individual aspects’ indeed; also, it allows to make considerations about some forms of ‘seasonal dwelling’ to contrast the mountain abandonment

    The SaveMyBike Project: ITS Technologies and Rewarding Policies to Improve Sustainable Mobility in Cities

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    Private car mobility registers a high accident rate and, in addition, in 2014 in the EU-28, around 70% of the overall"br" CO2 emissions from transport were generated by road mode. As a result, a modal shift of at least a part of passenger"br" transport in urban areas, from private car to sustainable transport systems is desirable. Several policies have been"br" adopted in the EU in this direction. The SaveMyBike project regards the development of a rewarding system for"br" sustainable mobility based on an open source platform able to monitor systematically trips in the city, starting to"br" integrate the platform with a service to incentive private bike use by means of UHF-RFID systems, creating secure"br" areas for bike parking and finding stolen bicycles. The real testing application to the Livorno case study from the"br" beginning of 2018. Then, SaveMyBike project introduces four innovations: it’s, for the first time, an open source"br" rewarding platform, called GOOD_GO linked to an anti-theft system for private bikes, it is applied to a whole city"br" and it introduces a ‘financially hot system’ for municipalities able to find financial resource from bike services