124 research outputs found
Design of an experiment for the biomechanical and thermal analysis of athletes during prolonged running exercise
Biomechanics and thermoregulation of human running are key aspects playing an important role in the training of professional athletes. In the case of a prolonged exercise, as occurs during the marathon race, the intensity and duration of the exercise (in concert with environmental conditions) can affect the thermoregulatory response and the running mechanics. The aim of this study is the design of a novel experiment able to simultaneously capture information concerning the biomechanics of lower limbs and the surface temperature map of the whole body during a prolonged running exercise on treadmill. Kinematics quantities, such as linear and angular displacement, velocity and acceleration of relevant body markers are recorded by a video system, while surface temperature evolution on time is detected by an infrared thermal camera. A group of five amateur athletes, with long experience in long-distance running competitions, was involved in this study. Results for the sample group, in terms of kinematic (displacements and angles) and thermal (local and total-body skin temperatures) quantities, revealed features related to individual response to the effort. Even though the relatively little number of athletes does not permit to infer general conclusions, the combined mechanical and thermal experiment is deemed to be a useful tool for the investigation of endurance running characteristics
Intravenous cocaine, morphine and amphetamine preferentially increase extracellular dopamine in the 'shell' as compared to the 'core' of the rat nucleus accumbens.
The nucleus accumbens is considered a critical target of the action of drugs of abuse. In this nucleus a "shell" and a "core" have been distinguished on the basis of anatomical and histochemical criteria. The present study investigated the effect in freely moving rats of intravenous cocaine, amphetamine, and morphine on extracellular dopamine concentrations in the nucleus accumbens shell and core by means of microdialysis with vertically implanted concentric probes. Doses selected were in the range of those known to sustain drug self-administration in rats. Morphine, at 0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg, and cocaine, at 0.5 mg/kg, increased extracellular dopamine selectivity in the shell. Higher doses of cocaine (1.0 mg/kg) and the lowest dose of amphetamine tested (0.125 mg/kg) increased extracellular dopamine both in the shell and in the core, but the effect was significantly more pronounced in the shell compared with the core. Only the highest dose of amphetamine (0.250 mg/kg) increased extracellular dopamine in the shell and in the core to a similar extent. The present results provide in vivo neurochemical evidence for a functional compartmentation within the nucleus accumbens and for a preferential effect of psychostimulants and morphine in the shell of the nucleus accumbens at doses known to sustain intravenous drug self-administration
Lung cancer epidemiology in North Sardinia, Italy
The aim of this study was to analyze and describe the epidemiological characteristics and trends of lung cancer in North Sardinia, Italy, in the period 1992–2010.
Data were obtained from the tumor registry of Sassari province which is a part of a wider registry web, coordinated today by the Italian Association for Tumor Registries.
The overall number of lung cancer cases registered was 4,325. The male-to-female ratio was 4.6:1 and the mean age 68.1 years for males and 67 years for females. The standardized incidence rates were 73.1/100,000 and 13.5/100,000 and the standardized mortality rates 55.7/100,000 and 9.9/100,000 for males and females, respectively. An increasing trend in incidence of lung cancer in women was evidenced. Conversely, incidence was found to decrease in males. Relative survival at 5 years from diagnosis was low (8.8% for males and 14.9% for females). Furthermore, an increase in mortality rates was observed in both sexes in the period under investigation.
Our data show an increasing trend of lung cancer incidence in women in North Sardinia in the last decades. Conversely, a reduction of incidence rates was observed in males. Furthermore, a slightly increasing trend in mortality rates was observed in both sexes, suggesting the need to enhance smoking control strategies, consider adoption of effective surveillance policies, and improve diagnosis and treatment methods
Breast cancer incidence and mortality in North Sardinia in the period 1992–2010
The aim of this study was to analyze and describe the epidemiological characteristics and trends of breast cancer in Sassari province (Sardinia, Italy) in the period 1992 2010. Data were obtained from the local tumor registry which makes part of a wider registry web, coordinated today by the Italian Association for Tumor Registries. The overall number of breast cancer cases registered was 5,483 (46 males and 5,437 females). The mean age was 64.8 years for males and 60.4 years for females. The standardized incidence rates were 1/100,000 and 106.2/100,000 and the standardized mortality rates 0.3/100,000 and 23.2/100,000 for males and females respectively. An increasing trend in incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer in Sassari province was evidenced in the years under investigation. Relative survival at 5 years from diagnosis was 78.2% (73.1% for males and 78.3% for females
Origin and distribution of the BRCA2-8765delAG mutation in breast cancer
Background: The BRCA2-8765delAG mutation was firstly described in breast cancer families from
French-Canadian and Jewish-Yemenite populations; it was then reported as a founder mutation in
Sardinian families. We evaluated both the prevalence of the BRCA2-8765delAG variant in Sardinia
and the putative existence of a common ancestral origin through a haplotype analysis of breast
cancer family members carrying such a mutation.
Methods: Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers (D13S1250, centromeric, to D13S267,
telomeric) spanning the BRCA2 gene locus were used for the haplotype analysis. Screening for the
8765delAG mutation was performed by PCR-based amplification of BRCA2-exon 20, followed by
automated sequencing.
Results: Among families with high recurrence of breast cancer (≥ 3 cases in first-degree relatives),
those from North Sardinia shared the same haplotype whereas the families from French Canadian
and Jewish-Yemenite populations presented distinct genetic assets at the BRCA2 locus. Screening
for the BRCA2-8765delAG variant among unselected and consecutively-collected breast cancer
patients originating from the entire Sardinia revealed that such a mutation is present in the
northern part of the island only [9/648 (1.4%) among cases from North Sardinia versus 0/493
among cases from South Sardinia].
Conclusion: The BRCA2-8765delAG has an independent origin in geographically and ethnically
distinct populations, acting as a founder mutation in North but not in South Sardinia. Since BRCA2-
8765delAG occurs within a triplet repeat sequence of AGAGAG, our study further confirmed the
existence of a mutational hot-spot at this genomic position (additional genetic factors within each
single population might be involved in generating such a mutation)
Detection of <i>Mycobacterium avium</i> subsp. <i>paratuberculosis</i> (MAP) in animals and human tissue
The aim of this work was the detection of MAP in human with CD and in ovine with natural and experimental PTBC,
by in “situ” techniques. ISH showed strong signals in the macrophages infiltrating the mucosal and submucosal layers
in PTBC samples and positive signals in macrophages of CD cases. Furthermore, ISPCR signals were more numerous
than those obtained by ISH. This result indicate that ISPCR is able to detect also less copies of MAP DNA
Role of BRCA2 mutation status on overall survival among breast cancer patients from Sardinia
Background: Germline mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes have been demonstrated to increase
the risk of developing breast cancer. Conversely, the impact of BRCA mutations on prognosis and
survival of breast cancer patients is still debated. In this study, we investigated the role of such
mutations on breast cancer-specific survival among patients from North Sardinia.
Methods: Among incident cases during the period 1997–2002, a total of 512 breast cancer
patients gave their consent to undergo BRCA mutation screening by DHPLC analysis and automated
DNA sequencing. The Hakulinen, Kaplan-Meier, and Cox regression methods were used for both
relative survival assessment and statistical analysis.
Results: In our series, patients carrying a germline mutation in coding regions and splice
boundaries of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes were 48/512 (9%). Effect on overall survival was evaluated
taking into consideration BRCA2 carriers, who represented the vast majority (44/48; 92%) of
mutation-positive patients. A lower breast cancer-specific overall survival rate was observed in
BRCA2 mutation carriers after the first two years from diagnosis. However, survival rates were
similar in both groups after five years from diagnosis. No significant difference was found for age of
onset, disease stage, and primary tumour histopathology between the two subsets.
Conclusion: In Sardinian breast cancer population, BRCA2 was the most affected gene and the
effects of BRCA2 germline mutations on patients' survival were demonstrated to vary within the
first two years from diagnosis. After a longer follow-up observation, breast cancer-specific rates of
death were instead similar for BRCA2 mutation carriers and non-carriers
La Provincia di Sassari: i secoli e la storia
Le vicende che si sono svolte su quello che oggi è il territorio della provincia di Sassari sono antiche, se non addirittura antichissime. Questo volume ne ripercorre la storia a partire dalle prime culture prenuragiche sino al secondo dopoguerra, con elementi di originalità che corrono lungo i secoli, dai primi dolmens alle condizioni della vita economica e sociale di oggi
Epidemiology of thyroid cancer in an area of epidemic thyroid goiter
The aim of this study was to analyze and describe the epidemiological characteristics and trends of thyroid cancer in the province of Sassari (Sardinia, Italy), an area with epidemic thyroid goiter, in the period 1992–2010. Data were obtained from the local tumor registry whichmakes part of a wider registry web, coordinated today by the Italian Association for Tumor Registries. An increasing
trend in the incidence of thyroid cancer in the province of Sassari was evidenced. This trend seems to follow the general worldwide trend and does not seem to be related to the high incidence of thyroid goiter in the area. The frequencies of the different histological subtypes were similar to those reported in numerous national and international reports.Women are affected earlier than men and, therefore, suffer greater professional, economic, and social impacts.Overallmortality is lowand a relative 5-year survival is excellent, especially in comparison to other malignancies
La citta\u300 metropolitana: sfide, rischi e opportunita\u300
Basta interrogare anche per pochi minuti la Rete per rendersi conto dell\u2019insieme di sfide, rischi ed opportunit\ue0 che sono connesse alla realizzazione delle Citt\ue0 metropolitane
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