132 research outputs found

    Interrogating Biology with Force: Single Molecule High-Resolution Measurements with Optical Tweezers

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    AbstractSingle molecule force spectroscopy methods, such as optical and magnetic tweezers and atomic force microscopy, have opened up the possibility to study biological processes regulated by force, dynamics of structural conformations of proteins and nucleic acids, and load-dependent kinetics of molecular interactions. Among the various tools available today, optical tweezers have recently seen great progress in terms of spatial resolution, which now allows the measurement of atomic-scale conformational changes, and temporal resolution, which has reached the limit of the microsecond-scale relaxation times of biological molecules bound to a force probe. Here, we review different strategies and experimental configurations recently developed to apply and measure force using optical tweezers. We present the latest progress that has pushed optical tweezers’ spatial and temporal resolution down to today’s values, discussing the experimental variables and constraints that are influencing measurement resolution and how these can be optimized depending on the biological molecule under study

    Lac repressor hinge flexibility and DNA looping: single molecule kinetics by tethered particle motion

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    The tethered particle motion (TPM) allows the direct detection of activity of a variety of biomolecules at the single molecule level. First pioneered for RNA polymerase, it has recently been applied also to other enzymes. In this work we employ TPM for a systematic investigation of the kinetics of DNA looping by wild-type Lac repressor (wt-LacI) and by hinge mutants Q60G and Q60 + 1. We implement a novel method for TPM data analysis to reliably measure the kinetics of loop formation and disruption and to quantify the effects of the protein hinge flexibility and of DNA loop strain on such kinetics. We demonstrate that the flexibility of the protein hinge has a profound effect on the lifetime of the looped state. Our measurements also show that the DNA bending energy plays a minor role on loop disruption kinetics, while a strong effect is seen on the kinetics of loop formation. These observations substantiate the growing number of theoretical studies aimed at characterizing the effects of DNA flexibility, tension and torsion on the kinetics of protein binding and dissociation, strengthening the idea that these mechanical factors in vivo may play an important role in the modulation of gene expression regulation

    Tailored Sample Mounting for Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy of Clarified Specimens by Polydimethylsiloxane Casting

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    The combination of biological tissue clearing methods with light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) allows acquiring images of specific biological structures of interest at whole organ scale and microscopic resolution. Differently to classical epifluorescence techniques, where the sample is cut into slices, LSFM preserves the whole organ architecture, which is of particular relevance for investigations of long-range neuronal circuits. This imaging modality comes with the need of new protocols for sample mounting. Gel matrix, hooks, tips, glues, and quartz cuvettes have been used to keep whole rodent organs in place during image acquisitions. The last one has the advantage of avoiding sample damage and optical aberrations when using a quartz refractive index (RI) matching solution. However, commercially available quartz cuvettes for such large samples are expensive. We propose the use of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) for creating tailor-made cuvettes for sample holding. For validation, we compared PDMS and quartz cuvettes by measuring light transmittance and performing whole mouse-brain imaging with LSFM. Moreover, imaging can be performed using an inexpensive RI matching solution, which further reduces the cost of the imaging process. Worth of note, the RI matching solution used in combination with PDMS leads to a moderate expansion of the sample with respect to its original size, which may represent an advantage when investigating small components, such as neuronal processes. Overall, we found the use of custom-made PDMS cuvettes advantageous in term of cost, image quality, or preservation of sample integrity with respect to other whole-mouse brain mounting strategies adopted for LSFM

    Large-scale automated identification of mouse brain cells in confocal light sheet microscopy images

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    Motivation: Recently, confocal light sheet microscopy has enabled high-throughput acquisition of whole mouse brain 3D images at the micron scale resolution. This poses the unprecedented challenge of creating accurate digital maps of the whole set of cells in a brain. Results: We introduce a fast and scalable algorithm for fully automated cell identification. We obtained the whole digital map of Purkinje cells in mouse cerebellum consisting of a set of 3D cell center coordinates. The method is accurate and we estimated an F(1) measure of 0.96 using 56 representative volumes, totaling 1.09 GVoxel and containing 4138 manually annotated soma centers. Availability and implementation: Source code and its documentation are available at http://bcfind.dinfo.unifi.it/. The whole pipeline of methods is implemented in Python and makes use of Pylearn2 and modified parts of Scikit-learn. Brain images are available on request. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Real-time terahertz digital holography with a quantum cascade laser

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    Coherent imaging in the THz range promises to exploit the peculiar capabilities of these wavelengths to penetrate common materials like plastics, ceramics, paper or clothes with potential breakthroughs in non-destructive inspection and quality control, homeland security and biomedical applications. Up to now, however, THz coherent imaging has been limited by time-consuming raster scanning, point-like detection schemes and by the lack of adequate coherent sources. Here, we demonstrate real-time digital holography (DH) at THz frequencies exploiting the high spectral purity and the mW output power of a quantum cascade laser combined with the high sensitivity and resolution of a microbolometric array. We show that, in a one-shot exposure, phase and amplitude information of whole samples, either in reflection or in transmission, can be recorded. Furthermore, a 200 times reduced sensitivity to mechanical vibrations and a significantly enlarged field of view are observed, as compared to DH in the visible range. These properties of THz DH enable unprecedented holographic recording of real world dynamic scenes
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